Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1300



Teleportation, then teleportation. Behind the two instant moves are two chest rubbing movements. For the first time I met, the girl who hadn't even said anything suddenly struck her breasts, and there was nothing else that could explain it except the perverted ghost, beast and idiot.

This is the original sincerity of the battlefield. This is what Zhanchang Yuanzheng just did to the two elves twins.

"You, who are you, why are you interfering with the sacred battle between us?!" The Elf Gemini looked at the battlefield Yuanzheng vigilantly, and the one with the smaller chest asked loudly.

"Agree, this kind of perverted behavior of ghosts and beasts is forbidden!" Although the voice of the child with a larger chest is relatively flat as always, the original sincerity of the battlefield can still hear the unhappiness in the tone.

"Yeah, how do you put it." Zhanchangyuan's sincere mouth turned upside-down, and said happily: "Just now, I have heard the two of you arguing. So, do you want to listen to me as a neutral person? "

"Recommendation?" ×2

The Gemini Elf looked at Zhanchangyuan strangely, and then asked.

"Hmm, yes yes yes, suggestion, suggestion." Zhanchangyuan smiled and said: "You two sisters, you probably have fought many times. In this case, there is still no difference between the victory and the defeat, then continue. It doesn’t make any sense to fight. Suspending the hurricane in this way will cause trouble. So I suggest you choose a way of competition outside of combat. How about?"

"It sounds reasonable, but..."

"Doubt, I have used many ways to compete with Ye Juya, and I can't think of a new way in a short time."

"In this case, it's a little bit difficult..." Zhanchangyuan looked very distressed: "Then you guys talk a little bit, what have you played before?"

As a result, the two girls said a lot in one breath, very violent and peaceful, various competitions and competition methods...

"Oh, oh, it sounds like that, it really doesn't have much. In this way, you two will probably spend it in eternal tie." Battlefield said sincerely, pretending to be very distressed.

"Damn it, you have to talk about it! The haughty hurricane son will never accept this ending!"

"Agree, I will never accept it either."

"In this case, I have a small suggestion. Of course it's just a suggestion~" Therefore, the corners of Zhanchang Yuancheng's mouth turned up, revealing a happy smile.

"Recommendation?" ×2.

"Since you have already despised both sides...maybe you can try something related to other people again, such as...hmm...what embodies the charm of women?" Zhanchangyuan sincerely can't think of what to say The same, the tone seemed very calm. But at this time, both linguistic and spiritual cues are in place. So the Gemini elves quickly came up with this game method consciously.

They looked at each other as if they had the same mind, and then nodded: "I thought of it, then the next one will be the female charm of the game!"

"Hmm! What is your name, boy?"

"Zhanchangyuan, Zhanchangyuan is sincere." After Zhanchangyuan sincerely reported his home, the Gemini elves frowned, feeling as if he had heard the name somewhere.

"Are you famous?"

"Ashamed to say, there are some reputations in Xia Xia--that is, Xia Xia is the chairman of the Urban Discipline Committee of the Academy."

"Oh oh oh, so you are a big man?"

"Well, yes, it's a big shot."

"Interesting, in other words, your conditions are very good, and there are so many cute girls around you?"

"What should I say about this? In a sense, right?"

"——You can tell which woman is attractive?"

"Well, yes, I can say this without blushing."

"—Then the decision is yours!"

The two girls happily said: "The next round of competition is this boy! Who can make the boy's heart beat first, and whoever thinks is cuter, then whoever wins!"

"Agree, anyway, Ye Juya with such a small chest is defeated."

"What are you talking about, Xi Xian?! What good is that kind of useless fat?! I'm obviously more lively and cheerful, I'm more cute!"

"If secondary disease and cuteness are equated, Ye Juya can indeed be regarded as the cutest girl in the world, but unfortunately not."

"It's not the second disease! This is the aura of the noble Eight Dance Wizard!"


The two girls had their chests facing their chests, and their eyes seemed to sparkle. After facing off like this for a while, the two girls turned around again and looked at Zhanchangyuan sincerely: "So, who do you think is cuter?!" ×2.

"Eh eh eh eh?!" On the ground, Miss Allen suddenly felt all sorts of strangeness: "In theory, shouldn't the protagonist be me? Why did I become those two girls?!"

Author's message:

Update la la la, if the picture this time says it is prohibited, I have nothing to say, but this is the original setting.

Chapter 52—Pleasant Battle

That's about it. Zhanchangyuan sincerely made a very embarrassed expression: "What should I say... In my opinion, both Yakushi and Yuxian are very, very attractive girls. If I choose for a while, who is more attractive, I won’t be able to choose for a while."

"...I am obviously more attractive, right?!"

"No, Xixian is obviously more attractive!"

Hearing Zhanchangyuan sincerely said such words, the two girls were very upset, looking at each other, as if they were about to rush together and beat each other in the next second.

Of course, this is not actually done.

Maybe they want to continue fighting. But soon, the two children made the "right" choice.

"Huh, then during this time, let you see my charm happily!"

"Negatively, with such a small chest, Jeju has no charm at all as a woman should be. Since there is no charm at all, it is naturally impossible to show anything~"

"...Damn it! Xixian, must you do it with me, right?!"

"No, I'm just stating the facts."

"—Okay, okay." The battlefield saw the two children quarreling again, and quickly stopped them.

——Although this is the case, it is also very interesting to watch cute girls arguing for themselves, and say a few happily: "Ah, you guys, don’t quarrel for me~" to act like a heroine in a Greek drama The behavior seems to be a very interesting imitation show. But if you think about it, let's forget it. You can't be too shameless to be a man. The same is true of being a god.

"Do you still want to compete?" Zhanchangyuan asked with a smile.

"Better! Of course!" So the two girls, like the one that Zhanchangyuan had encountered many times, many times, took his arms one by one, and then pressed on tightly. By the way, in this case, Xixian with a bigger breast is more comfortable.

But it doesn't matter, although Xixian always complains: "The tits are not big enough, the tits are not big enough." What kind of stuff. But according to normal standards, Yajuya's tits are actually well developed. It is a bit higher than normal.

In addition, the two people are sisters, so the battlefield felt that Yakiya had a promising future. Then, as long as you knead and knead it yourself, it would be better to knead the pair of meat balls bigger and bigger. It seems to be balanced. Uhhhhh.


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