Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1301

That's it.

"——Ah, Miss Allen." Zhanchangyuan turned around sincerely, smiling at the blonde sister. The eldest sister seemed to be too irritated, so that she was in a trance. Only when the battlefield yelled for the second time did he come to his senses, and then looked at the battlefield with a very complicated look, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Let's go back, the typhoon has passed, I believe it will be sunny in the future."

"Is that so? Not necessarily."

Yu Chuan was the one who complained at this time. Witnessing how happy the battlefield was originally, she, who played with a few girls in applause, is now in a more complicated mood than Big Sister Allen.

Ah, ah. What a scumbag. Although I knew it before, the original sincerity of the battlefield was a real scum. But after seeing this situation again, Yu Chuan couldn't help feeling that way. Really, such a guy turned out to be his boyfriend, and he still loved him so much that he loved him to death. This is simply...

Well, it's actually normal.

"Forget it." So Yu Chuan decided not to think about these messy things, and continued to think hard, and contributed to the sincere and happy Raiders girl on the battlefield.

That being said, there is always the illusion of being an ntr fan.

"Ah, ah. What a bastard." Yu Chuan's heart was still tangled. Other than that.

"Ahhhh, sincerely, who are the two of them?!" On the battlefield, Yuanzheng had his left hand and the right hand, and happily brought back the two Bawu sisters. The girl who is the loyal dog of Battlefield Hara, that is, Toka discovered this as quickly as possible, and then leaned forward as quickly as possible, looking like she wanted to blame the bearer.

But soon, the battlefield was sincere and happily displayed a penetrating play. Shixiang smiled happily just like a pet dog petted by the owner. After that, there was no sign of unhappiness.

"These two children are actually classmates who have just transferred to another school recently." At this time, Miss Lingyin's weak-sounding voice came, and the battlefield was sincerely relieved:

"This is Bawu Ye Juya, and this is Bawu Xixian. Both are the preparation harems of sincere classmates-Oh, I mean your future classmates."

By the way, just now, did this big sister accidentally say something? Isn't it?

Of course this is not the point. Even Miss Allen, who was watching all this with resentment and thinking about whether she wanted to do something, was not the point at all. The focus is still on the next strategy process.


"Yes, two."

"It's a little difficult to handle this way."

"But it's okay, does Miss Lingyin have anything to explain?"

Battlefield Yuanzheng and Murayu Lingyin spoke this way through a spiritual link.

"Because their request is to choose one of the two, and sincere students want both, right. So I think it is more important to solve their conflicts than to attack them." So Miss Lingyin said this Yes, it sounds very, very reasonable.

"As expected, Miss Lingyin, the point came up all at once." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and happily: "Yes, it is true. There seems to be a big contradiction between the two children. But after all, they are twins. Sister, the head of the bed and the end of the bed are popping, so as long as it can create some opportunities, it should be easy to win."

"It seems that this is indeed the case..."

So the next thing is that Miss Lingyin happily do some things to cooperate with assists-first of all, during the bath.

Because there is only one boy in the battlefield, so it is a little lonely. Of course, the battlefield is not saying that he wants other men to wash with him, but that he hopes that the girl will be with him. Speaking of before the battlefield, I often took a bath with a mandarin duck, and then played in the water like this.

Ah, ah. It’s just a pity that it’s a little bit inconvenient now that it’s outside.

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhanchang Yuanzheng sighed a little: "After you go back, take a bath with your sisters."

Then, Miss Lingyin's pleasant assist arrived.

"Xixian still has Ye Juya?"

"Well, because I've inquired about it, only sincere classmates are doing the washing here alone, so there is no problem at all!"

"Yes, I don't want people other than sincere classmates to see our body."

Saying this, the two girls naked all over came close, and then leaned to the right side of the battlefield.

"Sincere and sincere, how about it~ It must be very comfortable, right~"

"No, it's because my chest is bigger, so it's more comfortable."

"It's just useless fat! Huh, now let's watch this lady use her invincible charm to make the sincere guy slap Ah Heiyan in the shortest time."

"Ye Juya, who is like a child, doesn't have this ability at all. Relatively, it should be the even better and bigger-chested Yuxian to snap a sincere classmate to A Heiyan."

"Do you think I would be scared if you say that?"

"No, but you can't win anyway!"

"Uh, how do you say it." Zhanchang Yuanzheng, at this time, got three options.

Option A choose Xi Xian, because the breasts are bigger

Option B, Yakushi, tits are just useless fat

Option C, let's have sex together, let's have sex together, and see who can sex someone out of A Heiyan.

"In this case, choosing A will become the sad existence of big breast control. Choosing B would be against your intentions, so there can be no other options besides C."

Battlefield Yuan sincerely thought in his heart: "This time, it's not that I have sex, but that I can't do anything, so I will have sex."


After that, Zhanchangyuan sincerely discovered some interesting things.

That is, these two children just said very powerfully, as if each of them was a succubus with countless juicers, shaking their waists can make people go to heaven.

But when it comes to actual operation, the two children become very humble.

"If I do, this guy will be squeezed dry in an instant, so even if you win, you won't be able to win, so you should come first, Xixian."

"Puff puff puff, laugh, puff puff puff. I think this is the result of Ya Juya you don't know how to make puff puffs at all."

"——What?! Do you know Xixian?!"

"Of course, it is much stronger than the child's body."

"I am not a child figure!"

"Then prove it to me!"

"Uh, uh... it is..."

So Ye Juya, who had his hair curled up, had a small chest, and a relatively second-rate personality, made a nondescript action, as if he wanted to show that he was very sexy.


For people like Zhanchang Yuanzheng who have just watched a certain crazy dance of the Heavenly Devil Dance, this is really... subtle.

"Ha ha……"

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