Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1380

Usually with this lineup, it is enough to deal with an infantry battalion in the Tran Empire. I can't think of the possibility of failing--


The thing is.

He miscalculated again.

Facing the rushing dark templars, the sister ghost carried the sniper rifle on his back, and then drew out the cylinder on the belt. In the next second, a strong nether energy light blade protruded from the cylinder. The ghost of the sister wielding a phantom lightsaber charged towards the dark templar--

"This is impossible!"

Countless exclamations sounded in the Kara-Nether Energy Light Blade-how is it possible? ! How did these humans do it? ! How could they have such a strong phantom energy? !

——But right away, some Protoss thought of the previous Nether Energy Shield. If you look at the two things together, perhaps you can prove more things.

The development and utilization of phantom energy by humans seems to have reached a new height. And these enemies are concrete proof.

Especially in the next battle. The martial arts displayed by sister ghosts, their level of cooperation, experience, and skills are comparable to those of the Dark Templar Warriors! To make matters worse, the number of ghosts of these sisters is at least twice as high as that of the dark templars, so that in the hand-to-hand combat, the dark templars, who were few to many, fell into a disadvantage for a while!

"This is impossible!!!"

More exclamations sounded-in this universe, there are warriors of races, with experience and skills comparable to the Dark Templar? !

"We must keep going!"

After a brief surprise, the Protoss Archon immediately made a judgment-after a large number of human soldiers, including armored units equipped with Goliath mechas and special Reaper chariots, arrived one after another, it had realized that the loss of the battleship was only time. Problem.

However, in this case, he still has things to do. That is to inform your compatriots of everything that happened here, and ask them to be careful and vigilant. The power possessed by the Turan Empire is increasing, and this power is extremely powerful, enough to pose a major threat to Protos!

"When will the escape pod be ready?! Anyway, we must wait until the escape pod is ready-all, I am allowed to demolish the internal structure of the warship, set up roadblocks and build new photon turrets and defense facilities! We are all going to be here! Tell our fellow citizens what happened!"

"it's a pity."

The next second, a feeling of cold sweat appeared and the Protoss Archon turned around and saw a human in military uniform appear there.

Even if the two races are different, the aesthetics are slightly different. But the Protoss Archon was still in an instant, impressed by his looks and temperament.

Of course, only for a moment.

Then there was no questioning, no doubts, the habit of long-term warfare allowed the consul's body to surpass his brain to move.

Chapter Thirteen Trophy

With a thought in his heart, the Protoss Archon's wrist blade appeared, and immediately stab at the opponent. Movement, strength, speed and technique are approaching perfection. At the same time as the Physics Department attacked, a phantom energy storm was quickly brewing, and the target was also this extremely terrifying enemy that could sneak in quietly.

——But in the next second, it felt that its body could no longer move.

The terrifying, huge, and incredibly powerful phantom energy bound his body, turning the most powerful warrior in the universe into a waste to be slaughtered.

"It's an honor to meet you."

While the Protoss Archon desperately struggled and shouted desperately in Kara: "Leave me alone, run!" At the same time, even more surprising things happened.

Kara has invaded a huge to terrifying existence. The power of this phantom energy reminds the archon of a lot of terrible things that only exist in myths and legends. Fear spread quickly.

"Your strength is very good, Protoss. Your command ability and judgment ability are the same. Except for choosing the wrong opponent, you did nothing wrong in this battle.

Of course I also know that choosing the wrong opponent is not your fault. No one can think of it, right? Protoss and humans will lose in a one-on-one single match, hell hell hell..."

Wright Baldwin didn’t mean to show off. He was just explaining the facts: "So now, I will give you, or, give you a chance to hand over the items you looted from the Imperial Colony Star, and then behave. surrender."

"What a joke, you monster."

Of course, after Wright Baldwin released such a message in Kara, a lot of "absurd", "impossible" and "unbelievable" emotions poured out. The Protoss only felt that either this human being was crazy, or that they were crazy.

"But why not? Or do you have to be arrogant, more important than valuing your lives?" General Baldwin was a little surprised: "It was you who joined the rebels and attacked our colonial star and killed our soldiers. It was you who provoked This conflict. Do you really think that what you did is just?"

"——This relic has great power, and we are—"

"——You did not discuss with us in advance. What is the reason? Unwilling, or disdain? You think human beings are fragile and incompetent. It is just a waste of time to discuss the ownership of this so-called Sarnagar artifact with humans? , Even after ten million years, Protoss is still the most arrogant and smug guy in the universe.

So, all these disasters are your own cause. "

In the next second, a strong psychic storm rose, and the archon and the elite templars around him fell to the ground screaming. At the same time, the sister team that broke through the blockade reached the Protoss main ship bridge.

"Pack these guys away." General Baldwin ordered calmly: "The same goes for this Protoss battleship."

"Yes, sir." The sister ghost answered calmly. Then they began to sort out the stunned Protoss Templar. And a large number of engineers gradually entered - because the time was too short, the Protoss failed to complete whether it was to drop the escape capsule or self-destruct. Everything became the spoils of Omega Squadron.

The technology of the Protoss, the Protoss battleship and all the weapons and equipment of the Protoss all have certain scientific research value. Although in a short period of time, the empire may not be able to fully resolve all this. But a Protoss battleship that remained basically intact was still a heart-pounding trophy.

It's just that General Wright Baldwin didn't want this.

Or it's not just this.

After the fall of Al, the protoss' actions became "more regular."

The so-called "we are the guardians of hundreds of races" or something, currently seems to only exist in the background. And although the golden fleet that was blown to the sky by some people has gathered, they are still waiting for the opportunity.

Wright Baldwin felt they were scared, scared of something. Even with such a huge force and fleet, he still dare not act.

They didn't attack Char Xing and completely wiped out the scourge of Queen Blade. The second did not attack Al and regained the home star.

In this case, the Protoss with the army is like a fool, and the cat does nothing in Shakura. A small number of celestial spirits ran around aimlessly, and even the chickens everywhere, doing scientific research, seemed to want to learn from Song Gaozong. This makes Wright Baldwin doubtful about the command level of the new Protoss Archbishop Atanis.

(From the plot point of view, the Protoss didn’t make any big moves in Wings of Freedom and Heart of the Swarm. After the Queen of Blade's Edge Waaagh went to the imperial capital of Koha, waaagh went to El. It’s just a comparison. So. To guerrilla but not attack Atanis, the main anti-insect force is Mengsk.)

But even so, the technology of the Protoss is still very good. Especially their plasma shield miniaturization level, their Tadalin crystal energy. Wright Baldwin was very coveted--

But this time is different.

This time Wright Baldwin was curiously another matter.

There are a lot of Protoss dangling around. But not many drove the capital ship around.

What did they find on this barren planet?

General Baldwin was curious about this.

After searching for a while, General Baldwin felt something was wrong. A little bit curious—because within the Protoss battleship, there are almost ubiquitous phantom energy. This feeling is very obvious to the psionic users.

However, in one place, General Baldwin felt that there was no phantom energy there, it was like a vacuum.

Is it a defensive facility?

"Is it here?"

Although the protoss made a code lock that can only be opened by entering a special phantom energy. But this doesn't bother him at all, brute-force cracking is always very easy.

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