Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1381

In the following, things are very simple. General Baldwin obtained a fragment exuding strange phantom energy--

"this thing……"

In just an instant, General Baldwin felt the tremendous power contained in this fragment. And could not help but have this thought:

"If you find the other parts of this fragment, analyze, and swallow this power..."

At this time, as if feeling that his own arrangement was broken, the crippled body of the Protoss Archon actually moved again: "You can't do this! Sarnagar's artifact has extremely strong power, and it is definitely not a human being. It can be mastered! For the sake of this universe, and for yourself, think about—ooh—"

The next second, its head hit a butt.

Chapter Fourteen Border Number Four

Brigadier General Baldwin completely ignored the Protoss Archon's warning. He has always had no liking for these nagging guys.

Whatever they think. A guy who always looks at people with a high gaze does not make people happy anyway.

In this way, this battle is completely over. Whether land or air combat, Wright Baldwin won the victory. The seized Protoss battleship and what the opponent called Sarnagar's artifact are big gains.

So after thinking about it, Brigadier General Baldwin set aside some of his cronies and prepared to take over this battleship. If you don’t understand the working principle of the other party, or if the damaged area cannot be repaired within a certain period of time, you can simply install a curvature engine on it temporarily, then drive it to the Border 4 Star, and then take it apart happily. the study.

As for these Protoss captives, the brigadier general hasn't figured out what to do with them.

Or can you talk about business with Atanis and let it give yourself some benefits?

Or simply sell it to the scientific research institution of the Mobis Foundation to earn him a comparison?

Those Foundation guys are all scientific research lunatics, and there is nothing in this world that they dare not study. Brigadier General Baldwin even felt that if they thought Emperor Mengsk had research value, they would not hesitate to find a way to study him.

So as long as you have good products, you don't have to worry about not making money. But at the same time, be careful when dealing with them—because, even though they didn't say it directly, Brigadier General Baldwin could still feel it.

They are also full of interest in "studying Wright Baldwin".

But in any case, that's afterwards. Brigadier General Wright Baldwin has other things to do. Planet Frontier 4 is still waiting for him.

If you really let the Yumojie people or the mining guild take the lead, then things would be a bit big.

Although after gaining power, Mengsk was somewhat inflated. In particular, the recent increase in the empire's military and technological capabilities has given him more confidence. But at the same time fighting the Swarm, the internal rebellion, Yumojie and Moria, plus the Protoss border conflict, is beyond his thinking ability.

When the time comes to give up Brigadier General Baldwin for the sake of peace, Brigadier General will have to be a space pirate.


The brigadier general's loyalty to the emperor was limited. After all, he is not a pretty queen, but an ambitious middle-aged man in his forties. But at least for now, the brigadier general has no intention of betraying the emperor.

Therefore, when communicating with him, the brigadier general was still very respectful towards the emperor, at least pretending to be very respectful. Even if the emperor's attitude is not very good.

"You let him run away."

Just like General Wright Baldwin thought. After reporting the combat mission to the great Emperor Mengsk, the emperor did not care about the imperial army easily crushing the rebels, beating the terrorist Renault's rangers and making them fled in embarrassment. He also didn't care about the recovery of Leicester VI. From beginning to end, he only cared about Jim Reynold's life.

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty." General Wright Baldwin lowered his head and said in a low voice. It was as if he was really sorry about it.


The emperor took a deep look at him, as if to see through his heart. But it's like I said before. General Wright Baldwin has a deep mind, and even the best ghost agents in the empire don't want to pry into his heart.

"Keep working hard, General." He said calmly. It's just that the disappointment cannot be concealed in the words: "Go to the border planet No. 4. You must precede the mining guild and other autonomous planets, and mark this planet as owned by the empire.

The empire needs the high-energy crystal mine there! "

"Yes, Your Majesty. But..."

"but what?"

"Because this mission was delayed for some time, if something unplanned occurs, do I have the right to fire on Autonomous Star or the Mining Association?"

"Of course, General. The dignity of the Empire cannot be violated."

After uttering a set of words without hesitation, His Majesty the Emperor was silent for a while, and then added: "Of course, considering the current situation of the empire, I hope you can consider it. After all, the number of enemies in the empire is enough."

"I understand what you mean, Your Majesty."

So this time the conversation was declared over. Wright Baldwin returned to the seat of the exclusive captain easily. Knocking on the alloy handrails, quietly waiting for the next journey.

"He looks disappointed. Or is he already suspicious of you?"

"Perhaps, but I don't care." Wright Baldwin answered the adjutant's question in a relaxed tone: "I have my own plan... The connection with the Mobis Foundation is still open, right?"

"Yes, General."

"We have, um..."

"A total of five hundred living protoss. In addition, there are thousands of corpses of protoss, as well as some incomplete corpses." Adjutant Yu Chuan reminded.

"Hmm... Dispose of the corpse of the Star Spirit in your hand first. As for the living body, please close it first."

"Yes, sir."

"We may need some monetization channels. Of course the most important thing is the crystal mine... prepare a plan, lieutenant. I need to establish the largest mining base on the Border 4 Star as quickly as possible."

"Yes, sir."

"In addition, we also need to build weapons factories, equipment training and R&D bases, scientific research laboratories, and of course the most important thing is'that thing'."

Although it was a way of dialogue with mind-links, the general still didn't name ‘that thing’. Perhaps it is a psychological problem, or some other reason. In short, both people are tacitly aware of this.


The Durham kept moving forward. After several leaps, he gradually approached Border 4, a desolate planet slightly far away from the capital of the Telan Empire, Keha.

After exploration, this planet contains a lot of precious crystals and high-energy crystals. Its value is even higher than any mining planet ever held by the Mining Federation.

In the war years, this kind of hard currency is also precious construction, weapons building materials, and the almost universal special crystals are naturally very, very popular.

When human beings were surprised to find that there is such a convenient thing in this world, which contains a lot of precious metals, and can be easily refined and easily made extra-heavy alloys, a large number of guys studying materials can't help but shout out. "WTF?!"

For this reason, the crystal ore has become the most important resource in the Kepulu star area, not one of them.

Chapter 15 The Kepru Empire Fantasy

Of course, after discovering such excellent and convenient minerals, human beings colonized the Kepulus area, and the core elements of exploration and development have changed from "comfort" to a crystalline mine.

Excellent crystal ore, and high-energy crystal ore that is more valuable and more versatile than excellent large amounts of crystal ore. These resources, like the other, together with an organic gas mixture called "high-energy gas", constitute the two most important energy elements for humans in the Kepulu region, for daily and military use.

The other thing that was taken for granted was that the first war that humans broke out in the Kepulu sector was also about crystal ore.

In the era of the Great Human Expedition, a total of four colonial ships came to the Kepulus area far beyond the expected distance due to an accident. And thrive in this area far away from the earth——

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