Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 301

Smash, explode, burn, puncture, bombard.

The slaves who rushed to the forefront suddenly wailed and howled, and large tracts fell.

"Forward, forward! Don't stop!" beside them, the overseer yelled desperately, and then pressed the switch without hesitation-the guys with the self-explosive collar around their necks instantly "boomed" and exploded. The whole head.

Under the threat of death, the slaves continued to advance, using the sandbags they brought and their bodies to fill the moat outside the city of Bichafen. Fill in these trenches a little bit-

The huge siege tower ran over a corpse in this way... and the guy who was not dead but could not move, leaving a blood stain on the ground, and proceeded towards the city of Bichafen.

"Concentrate the firepower and bombard those towers! Don't let them come near!"

Amid the shouts of generals and officers, artillery, ballistas, trebuchets, and magicians changed their targets. A large number of attacks blasted to the hideous siege towers-and then they were offset by the protection magic blessed by the Chaos Warlocks.

"Go on, go on, don't stop!" The officers sweated profusely—

"Separate part of the long-range firepower." At this moment, he said sincerely and calmly: "Aim at those fat ogres pushing the siege tower."

"This, but—" The officer in command of the long-range force hesitated: "This way—"

"——This can slow down the progress of the siege tower." Sincerely interrupting him, he said: "Give us more time to destroy them."

"They have enough manpower, it's no use killing them—" the officer argued.

"—Useful!" Sincerely interrupted him: "Their siege towers are very strong and heavy. The average soldier can't push them at all. Giants are too clumsy, and trolls are too stupid. Only ogres have the Chaos Cube. This ability! My plan is foolproof. If you understand it, act quickly!"

Facing the fierce battlefield, the imperial officer was immediately short. He swallowed his saliva, and then immediately distributed the long-range firepower according to what he said sincerely.

"Archers, crossbowmen and musketeers, aim at the ogres and fire!"

In the intensive shooting of bows and arrows, crossbow arrows and muskets, the chaos ogres who worked hard were covered with arrows, or blood holes all over their bodies...looks like a mixture of hedgehog and honeycomb.

Even ogres are monsters known for their tenacious vitality. Faced with an attack of this level, he cannot survive. Without enough ogre slaves, the hideous towering siege towers stopped immediately. No matter how hard people push, it is difficult to move.

Author's message:

Update la la la la; thanks to the harmless house, Ye Shen Huiyue, the second master, the urn is just right, ooh, thank you for driving into Berlin, face rolling keyboard hdt, Ye Shen Huiyue, actually my name is Monthly pass for Jin Shining, Southern, Panzer Grenadier, Jie Shangyi, and Shuyuze

Chapter 23 Tragedy

"Successful, successful!" the Imperial officer shouted excitedly.

"Not enough!" When the other party yelled excitedly, he sincerely poured cold water on him: "They may send more ogres over at any time. Our long-range firepower is difficult to completely eliminate them, so we must do it now. What is to open the secret door and send knights to completely destroy the siege towers! Don't give the enemy any chance!"

"This, this, but..."

Hearing this sincerely speaking, the imperial officer was shocked, but did not agree.

"This job is not difficult, the opponent's main force is not many, only a group of slaves. They collapsed in one charge!"

When he was sincerely persuading him, his eyes wandered and seemed to hesitate, but he couldn't help but glanced behind Sincerity—that was the sincere death camp soldier on the battlefield.

"Impossible, leave all the work to us?" He held the hilt with a sincere hand.

"I didn't mean that, I just said, that..."

"...Huh." The battlefield moved forward, pushing him aside and walking to the top of the city: "I need assistance... By the way, there is also a call for volunteers."


"Use mercenaries! If you want me to teach you this kind of thing, you can go to waste!"

A sincere and merciless rant. Then, under the persuasion of a few soldiers: "General!" he stretched out his hand and broke free, turned his head, and shouted at the city: "Now Sir Wright Baldwin is going to set out to burn the chaotic siege towers!" Then he helped the castellation. Take a leap--

"...What a lunatic." The imperial officer murmured in anger without speaking, and then vented his anger on his subordinates: "Didn't you hear it? Go to the mercenaries to recruit volunteers!"

At the same time, a team of knights walked quickly to the gate of the city, talking quickly as they walked: "This has nothing to do with us, we have other combat missions, what we have to do now is--"

"——I don’t care about that, I only know that a brave knight is going to risk his life to do a great thing! I’m going to help him!"

After pushing his colleagues like this, a small group of knights opened the secret door of the castle, and then whizzed out——

Kill, kill, kill--

At the moment after Battlefield Yuancheng went out of the city, almost all the chaos believers focused on him, and almost all the chaos believers had this idea-

"Kill him, kill him, you can greatly please the Chaos Gods!"

Under the stimulation and effect of such thoughts, the believers roared in excitement, and pounced sincerely towards the battlefield——

"Long-range firepower support! Give him enough long-range firepower support!"

At the same time, the old general Elius who was still upstairs yelled at the imperial general.

"But our—"

"——I ask you to give them enough long-range firepower support!"

The next moment, General Elius took out his revolver and gun, and leaned it on the forehead of the imperial officer.

"--Understood! Long-range firepower support! Please calm down, General Elius!" The imperial officer immediately shouted--

At the same time, Yuancheng had left a corpse around the battlefield. The Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights wearing shining, gorgeous armor were crushed in front of him-with enough long-range firepower support, his assault speed became faster.

At the same time, behind him, the group of core knights of the Empire also caught up: "Sir Wright! We are here! We are here to help you!!!"

The leader of the knight captain shouted like this, and launched a charge on the sincere flank, smashing the array of Chaos Warriors--

"Long live humanity!" Brandishing his own sword and knife, the battlefield screamed loudly and sincerely-the distance to those siege towers was closer-however-

In the next second, a stern dragon roar came from the sky—the sound of the dragon flying through the air at high speed almost pierced the eardrums of people—

"There is nothing wrong with this coercion, it is—"

"It's the Chaos Dragon!"

At the head of the city, countless imperial soldiers screamed in shock—the crazy monster with two twisted dragon heads fell from the sky, opened its huge mouth, and sprayed a fiery purple flame on the ground—the dragon's breath has no point Foe and foe, wherever you go, the vegetation is reduced to ashes!

The four dragon pupils stared at Yuanzheng on the battlefield, and the jokes and desires in their eyes went straight to the sky——

"Sir Baldwin!"

"Don't worry about me, just leave this dragon to my opponent—you take the opportunity to attack the siege tower—"


"No need! Do as I say!!!"

In the next second, sincerity jumped up, the magic wings suddenly opened and escaped the second breath of the magic dragon, and then quickly summoned three magic shields to protect in front of him-the first two shields and the magic dragon The magic missiles summoned suddenly shattered, and the third magic shield was overwhelmed and split into two halves.

But before the magic shield was completely shattered, sincere had already flown in front of the Chaos Devil Dragon, kicking it straight on the bridge of the Devil's nose. While the devil dragon wailed and roared, Kodachi and Kanichi sword inserted left and right into the devil's eyes!

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