Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 302

"Mortal, mortal, you completely annoyed me!!!"

When the wailing of the wounded dragon head resounded across the sky, the other dragon head roared in anger, and the fangs and claws of the magic dragon grabbed sincerely, but sincerely and dexterously avoided it. At the same time, the knights risked their lives assault, broke through a line of defense again, attacked the siege tower, and began to place explosives——

"Our mission is complete!" The knights shouted sincerely to the battlefield: "Sir Baldwin, for the sake of the emperor, save yourself!!"

"It doesn't matter, my friends!"

Sincerely responded loudly: "This dragon that believes in chaos is not my opponent!"

While he was speaking, the claws of the magic dragon grabbed him at an unimaginable speed. The sincere magic wing shook, and it retreated half a meter like a teleportation, avoiding the opponent’s claws, and growing The sword thrust forward, piercing the claws of the dragon.

"Damn it, damn mortal!" The dragon continued to roar, and the two mouths spouted out the dragon's breath - but it was still useless.

Compared to the size of the magic dragon, the original battlefield was too small and too flexible, so that its fangs and claws, magic and dragon's breath could not be effective. In contrast, the original sincere attacks on the battlefield have repeatedly worked-

"My strength has indeed increased a lot." Recalling the embarrassment in the last world when he faced the poisonous dragon Kelki, Battlefield couldn't help but feel so sincere.

At the same time, the badly wounded dragons sprout and retreat-completely different from the ordinary, proud dragons, the chaotic-polluted dragons are cunning and selfish, and will never easily fight with others.

"Well, wait until next time..." It muttered like this, then spread its wings and flew into the air again—

Battlefield Yuanzheng subconsciously chased up——However—the next second, the magic dragon writhed in the mid air, completing the turn and biting into the battlefield Yuanzheng——

"Damn it, cunning!" The sincere eyes shrank and the pupils stomped on the dragon's lower jaw, his hands propped up the upper jaw of the dragon, and opened the dragon's mouth with his own strength——

With bursts of sour "crunches", the dragon's mouth was stretched more and more, and gradually, there was even a danger of being sincerely dislocated.

"Is this really just a mortal?! His power is greater than a giant!"

The heart of the dragon beating fiercely--but in the next second, a cunning light flashed in its eyes--

Unlike ordinary real dragons, the Chaos Dragon has two heads! While sincerity was supporting one of its heads, the other head was poked blindly with both eyes, and it bite towards sincerity.

"This time you are dead!"


The next moment, the dragon bite--and then let out a more miserable cry. Instead of Zhanchangyuan's sincerely holding his mouth, it was the crimson piercing death spear. As he bite, the spear head penetrated its mouth along the skull of its upper jaw! However, the original sincerity of the battlefield turned around a long time ago and left, and then drew the sword from his waist again, following the same method, blinding the two eyes of the other head of the magic dragon!

The dragon was completely blind, and under the severe pain, the dragon was also completely mad.

"I curse you, mortal! I curse you forever! Curse you and everything you care about, your heirs and descendants! I curse you!!!"

Hearing the words of the magic dragon, a strong murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Battlefield Yuanzheng.

"Then go to death, monster!" Sincerely use one hand to grasp the spear of death fixed on the dragon's skull to ensure that he will not be thrown by the crazy dragon. With the other hand, he vigorously wielded the Kodachi that is convenient for slashing, slashing and thrusting like crazy on the face of the devil dragon.

Flesh and flesh fly-followed by Bai Sensen's bone stubble-the dragon roared in agony, shaking his head desperately, ignoring his allies, rolling on the ground and crushing them all. Want to throw away the original sincerity of the battlefield.

Sincerely, I feel like I'm doing a roller coaster without a safety lock, and I'm driving a sampan to the center of the tsunami. The huge wind pressure and violent shaking, as well as the smelly dragon blood made it nauseous. But he still firmly grasped the gun of death, and continued to chop down, chop down-until the "click", the Kodachi was folded into two pieces. Sincerely, the next time the slash touched, it was not hard. Skull, but a soft and smelly brain!

After an extremely miserable roar, the devil dragon flew into the sky fiercely, and went straight up at the fastest, fastest, fastest speed, and at the same time its damaged head, together with its neck, hung weakly.

Sincerely left the Kodachi with only the hilt left, and pulled out the Death Spear, and then crawled down the dragon’s neck little by little. He only felt that the temperature around him was getting colder and colder. , I don’t know how high the dragon flew, so much so that he felt that he was numb from freezing--

His goal this time is the heart of the dragon.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter Twenty-Four

The fierce battle between the original sincerity of the battlefield and the chaotic dragon made both the enemy and us stunned, almost forgetting that he was still on the battlefield.

When the magic dragon disappeared into the sky with sincerity, everyone looked up, staring at the place where they disappeared, waiting for the result of the battle——

After a few minutes, when some people couldn't help but want to give up, the soldier with the best eyesight suddenly shouted: "There is something there!"

Everyone turned their attention, and saw a dark shadow getting bigger and bigger—soon, people knew what it was—

That was the corpse of a Chaos Demon Dragon, one of the most terrifying monsters affected by the Chaos Evil God!

The dragon crashed to the ground, and its body like the strongest star iron was also shattered because of its huge inertia! Immediately afterwards, the bloody battlefield Yuanzheng stood up from the corpse of the broken dragon. Raise the long sword in his hand--

At this moment, even the person who disliked the original sincerity on the battlefield the most could not help cheering for him-the whole Bichafen was almost shattered by the cheers. Soldiers, officers, generals, officials and civilians all screamed like crazy! This shout quickly became consistent under the adjustment of the caring person.

"Wright Baldwin! Wright Baldwin! Wright Baldwin!"

Everyone is cheering the sincere name of Battlefield Yuan. And when he looked around, the imperial soldiers swept by him flushed with excitement, and the chaos side, even the bravest champion of God, did not dare to look at him.

"Open the door, open the gate! Welcome our hero back!"

With the shouts of the generals, the soldiers could not wait to open the door of Bichafen. No one raised objections, claiming that it was dangerous and would give the enemy an opportunity-in fact, even the stupidest and most pessimistic guys could hardly imagine that they would attack themselves at this moment.

The battlefield was sincere, and he walked towards the city of Bichafen step by step and was treated like a hero.

A warrior, singled out a huge Chaos Dragon, and won the victory-this is enough to make any unknown guy, in an instant, become the hottest hero of the order camp.

And now, this hero is the original sincere battlefield!

Along with the cheers that greeted him, the battlefield entered the city of Bichafen sincerely——————————

"Unexpectedly, I lost."

On the chaos side, surrounded by the Supreme Lord, the chaos lords and champions chosen by the gods of the eternal world, the warlocks were stunned. Until they walked into the city sincerely, no one whispered a sound like a dream in an incredible tone-and then this guy just Everyone glared at him.

Such words should not be said!

In addition, there are people who can't help thinking: "Can we really win this war?!"

Even the craziest chaos believer could not help but have such thoughts at this moment.

Thinking about this, they subconsciously looked at their leader, the pale girl in black armor--

At this moment, the chaos army was frustrated, and it was when she needed to stand up and do something-or say something, or make a new plan. Of course, there is also a way, that is, the supreme lord directly stands up to challenge the human hero. Kill him in one-on-one singles, and then take out his heart or something.

This is the simplest, effective, and most direct way to boost morale.

However, everyone who looked at her was surprised to find that the girl did not respond at all—or her response was different.

It was as if he didn't care at all, one of his most powerful allies lost his life. Not only did she have no worries, anger or dissatisfaction, but on the contrary, she was like...

Same, smiled—

The reason is...

It's because all the chaos believers don't understand, don't believe that they don't understand that they have never had this kind of emotion, and they can't believe that this kind of emotion and this kind of expression will appear on their Supreme Lord——

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