Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 303

She was excited, excited, and at the same time with the girl's unique shyness, just like a girl who has finally reunited with her sweetheart after many hardships and many hardships.

Take a deep breath and be intoxicated in happiness. If it wasn't for the ears of the Chaos Lords and the Chosen Champion, they should be able to hear. What she said was:

"Ah...Finally, I finally found you. My love, my Wright Baldwin..."

The battlefield turned back sincerely.

As he entered the city of Bichafen, he suddenly looked back-an unprecedented weird feeling made him unable to help but look back. Look at the center of the chaos camp.

Look across the endless chaos army, believers and various monsters.

Finally, he found her among the group of people with the most gorgeous armor, the most brutal appearance, and the strongest scent of evil exuding—

No, it shouldn't be said to be looking for, but it should be said that among so many people, Zhan Tian Yuan found her existence at a glance.


! !

! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! "

If someone stands in front of sincerity at this moment, he will find the human hero who has just defeated the Chaos Dragon, showing an expression that is completely inconsistent with his identity, status and merits——

Surprised, angry, desperate, unbelievable.

Zhanchang Yuancheng opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, as if he would call out that name in the next second. He resisted, but still couldn't help it, and stretched out his hand to her, as if holding her in this way.


The voice melted into the cheers of the crowd, and her figure was blocked by the slowly closing city gate, and then disappeared.

Battlefield Yuanzheng only felt dizzy, as if he was about to fall down in the next second. Only then did the people around him notice the strangeness.

"what happened?"

"Does the body matter?"

"Get out, get out of the way, our hero is already very tired, let him prepare hot water and a place to rest!"

"And the wine, and the best food-of course there are women, hurry up!"

People "take it for granted" that the battlefield was sincere, and then they made their own claims to serve him as quickly as possible-he is the hero of this city, even if he says now that he wants a symbol of imperial power, the warhammer skullcrusher has fun. , Others will find a way for him.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty? What are you thinking, Your Majesty?"

At the same time, looking at the girl in the wrong condition, the Lord of Chaos and the champions of God's Choice finally couldn't help it, and began to ask her.

"No, it's nothing."

After a while, the girl withdrew her smile and recovered her calm. She looked at the group of people next to her, and then couldn't help but laugh again: "I think my goal has been half achieved. It's really a thing to celebrate, hehehehe..."

Then came a series of laughter like silver bells. The girl left without hesitation, leaving a sentence: "Don't bother me." Then she went back to her camp, leaving only these Chaos Lords and champions looking at each other, wondering what their boss was going crazy.

"Hehehehe, Wright Baldwin, right. That's it, that's how it is." At the same time, the head who had been locked in the birdcage suddenly smiled triumphantly: "It's a funny thing, really. It's totally true. ..."

"Alexandre, what did you think of?" the champion of the choice beside him yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Nothing, nothing... It's just that this must be the will of Santochi—no, it should be said that everything is in Santochi's plan! It's wonderful, it's wonderful. What I designed There are two thousand two hundred and sixty-nine tricks, none of them can be compared with them. They are simply...hahahahahahaha..."

At the end, the Chaos Warlock with only one head left and laughed like crazy. No matter how other lords and champions questioned, they refused to speak.


After that, the battlefield was sincere and muddled like a puppet, at the mercy of others.

Enjoyed a hot bath in the mayor’s mansion, and then enjoyed the most sumptuous dinner in the restaurant. During this period, almost all the big figures in the city put aside their tricks, clustered around sincere, and greeted him.

However, except for the worried question of the old general Elius, he sincerely smiled and shook his head, and responded that he was okay, he didn't care about everyone else's concern.

After a while, sincere was sent to a room. Then the door was closed.

Then, he subconsciously walked to the side of the bed and saw a cute girl in sexy dress lying on the bed, looking at him rather shyly, looking like Renjun collected——

At this time, the original sincerity of the battlefield recovered.

"Why, what's the matter Sir, I, are we..."

Looking at the shyly inviting pretty girl, Zhanchangyuan took a deep and sincere breath, and then shouted at her at the loudest volume: "Get out!!!"

When the other party was stunned and at a loss, he sincerely drew his sword out of its sheath without hesitation, and told her that if he didn't do what he said, sincere would definitely cut her without hesitation.


The door was opened immediately, and the beautiful girl in cool clothes covered her face and ran out crying. Sincerely, this was slowly and slowly sitting on the bed, looking at the battlefield in front of him.

"Let's talk about it," he calmly said to his "system wizard", "what the hell is going on. Why does she appear here, and what exactly is she... who is... or what... thing."

Facing the sincere questioning, ZhenZhan Zhenzi lowered his head, fiddling with her skirt without saying a word, like a little girl who had done something wrong.

"——I ask you something! Answer me!!!"

The battlefield snarled at her sincerely.

"Do you really want to know this, Ernie Chan?" After that, ZhenZhen Zhenzi looked at him calmly, and then asked back.

Author's message:

Update la la la, thanks to admin, text knife, book guest 3637048749, Jie Shang Yi, Yao Yao Ling, is this a pervert, a big fantasist, it’s time to take medicine, Taoist Wen Song, Zuo Tian Lansi, ancestral grave destruction, honest People’s rewards; thanks to licty, Wang Ruixing, Jie Shangyi, Jingting Xiaoxuan, the original pollution energy, lollipops for you, the water does not quench your thirst, jmxyx, the moon of phantom King of Forces, Lone Wolf-Crazy Night, Frost Maple Leaf Dance, Booker 505329366, Duang, Chen Yi voted monthly pass

Chapter 25 Time, Space, World View

"This matter, to be honest, has violated the rules." Zhan Zhenzi looked at sincerely, and then said: "As your contract partner, I shouldn't tell you these things."


"To be honest, even if O'Neill knows this, there is nothing he can do about it."


"Moreover, even if you leave this alone, nothing will happen—things are not as bad as you think, I can assure you."

Although it says "will not say anything to sincerity", this sentence is equivalent to a guarantee of sincerity——

But sincerely still didn't give up: "Please."

"That's why I've said it all, O'Neill, please be considerate of others..."

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