Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 304

"So please."

Zhanchangyuan was sincere as if only saying this sentence, repeating it constantly. At the same time, he looked at the battlefield Zhenzhen Zi with serious eyes.

The gothic system wizard sighed helplessly.

"In other words, Ernie Chan, you want me to violate the rules of the great game for a trivial matter? You are too capricious, Ernie Chan."

"I know too, but..."

"Okay, okay, okay, I get it." ZhenZhuZhanZhan's tone is complicated: "Then just tell Ernie Chan--that person, nothing."

"..." The battlefield was sincere and very quiet. There was no such thing as Zhen Zi imagined. After hearing these words, he suddenly violent and then shouted something.

He still quietly waited for Zhen Zi to explain further.

"In other words, Altria Pendragon, Mordred, Joan of Arc and Scarha, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus S-she is no one."

"Yes, but..." Sincere nodded hesitantly: "But—"

"—There is no ‘but’, O'Neill." She interrupted her sincere words again, and continued:

"Euny Chan felt very familiar when he saw her, didn't he? But even if the familiarity became unforgettable, Eunice Chan couldn't tell who she was. Isn't this strange?

So, the real explanation is-she is no one. Although very similar, she is not at all-she is very much like Altria, very much like Mordred, very much like real, very much like Skaha and very like Nero, but she is no one--

To be precise, she is the negative of these five girls. A monster condensed by their negative emotions.

After the sword orchid battle, the monsters condensed because of their anger, sadness, and strong miss for Wright Baldwin. After being attracted by the rules of the great game, he plunged into this world. Be polluted by the chaotic evil god of this world again.

This is the reason why sincerely Ernie Chan thinks she is very familiar, but can't identify who she is.

She has the characteristics of the above five girls. She is a negative part of them, and she is no one.

Her memory is chaotic. To be more precise, she has no memory at all. Because the negative memories of the five girls are twisted together, her own thinking is completely confused.

In this case, the only things that drove this monster forward were the negative feelings brought about by the negative emotions of the girls, and finally... the strong feelings for Ernie Chan.

Even I don’t know how this relationship is. Maybe "she" really likes you. But it is also possible that the moment you meet, she will cut you into pieces and eat them raw.

This is Ounichan, the true face of the "person" you saw during the day. I say that, can you understand? "

"Yes, but—"

"--but what?"

"..." The battlefield, who has always been eloquent, was sincere, and was speechless for a while.

"...Forget it, in order to prevent O'Neill from seeing that guy without using any strength and being unsuspectingly killed, I will reveal more information to you." Zhan Zhen Zi said helplessly. :

"This guy is not Altria, Mordred, Skahane, and Joan of Arc. If you still don’t know, I can say it again. This monster has nothing to do with you—you can simply She looks like a stranger who looks like the girl you like.

In addition, even if O'Neill kills that guy sincerely, it won't have any effect on the five girls—no, it will actually benefit them. Because toxins in the body are eliminated, they will become healthier and more lovely.

Let me say that, will O'Neill sauce be better? "

"...Well, much better." Sincerely relieved greatly: "But..."


"But, if I can, I still don't want to play against her-our goal is to stay in this world and live for three months, right? Then live according to this minimum goal and live for three months. "

"Oni sauce...Forget it, this is no way, but..."

In the next second, a new "task" was created from the sincere soul of the battlefield-this is the first time a great game has proactively released a task to him after coming to this world.

"World Mission: Kill the Supreme Lord of the Chaos Legion, the mission difficulty is S+, the mission world will be closed after the mission ends."


"Don't look at me like that, O'Neill." When she looked at Zhen Zi with a sincere astonishment or even betrayal, Zhen Zi calmly explained: "This is the release of the great game itself. It has nothing to do with me-at the same time, all contractors belonging to the order camp must have received this task.

So now, O'Neill, what do you want to do? "

"..." Sincerely was silent for a while, and then asked: "Is she really just a condensed from the negative emotions of those girls, monster?"


"Even if you die, even if you disappear, will it affect anyone?"


Zhanchangyuan stared at Zhenzi sincerely, and the latter looked at him without fear. After a while, he nodded sincerely, and then responded: "Then there is no problem."

"So, O'Neill?"

"Just as you said, treat her as an ordinary boss, defeat her, and get the clearance reward... Although it is a bit awkward to do this. However, I think I should be fine." Sincerely replied.

"Yeah, that's right. This is the sincerity of the battlefield I know." Zhen Zi smiled and nodded: "Behave well, O'Neill, I am optimistic about you."

Chapter 26—The Last Battle of the Century


The world mission became the catalyst for this war.

Just like Zhen Zi said, all the contractors in the order camp received this task at the first time-maybe the task rewards, the rewards are slightly different, but there is no doubt that the rewards will be rich enough for anyone The degree of red eye.

S+ level tasks, think about it, Battlefield Yuanzheng is also the first encounter. Even if you don’t follow the principle of doubling the boss, and don’t follow the principle of doubling the completion reward, you can complete it normally and sincerely, it is possible to receive an S-level voucher.

This is also the first time Zhanyuanyuan has encountered an S-level exchange voucher after joining a great game sincerely.

The entire contractor camp went crazy.

On that night, more than fifty contractors quietly left the city and launched a surprise attack on the chaos camp through the night.

Their plan is bold and thorough, and the purpose is the suddenness of action and the powerful single combat power possessed by the contractor——

Yes, if they were to fight against the chaotic armies, then they would probably not be opponents-but if the target was only the Supreme Lord, then... it was another matter.

All the contractors involved in the action are quite confident——

Because they gathered the strongest, best and most experienced contractors in their industry——

The best warrior meat shield, the best long-range firepower, the mages and archers, the output professional assassins and berserkers, and of course the milk-rich priests and healing professions.

Well equipped and well trained. Although the degree of tacit understanding is slightly worse, as contractors, these guys have had a lot of temporary cooperation and experience in forming a wild team, so it should be no problem...

They left confidently like this.

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