Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 306

He didn't say the second half of the sentence after all--that is--

And that's what the enemy wants to see most.

——In other words, it is what "she" wants to see most.

Author's message:

I have to catch the train at night, so I sent it out in advance

Chapter 27 Roaring Charge

The recruitment of volunteers did not go well.

The twelve days of the most intense war caused heavy casualties among the knights in Bichafen, and several knight groups were almost wiped out. The remnants and defeated generals must be guarded at key positions and cannot be transferred.

As for those contractors, after hearing about this task, they were even more afraid to avoid it.

Game points and redemption coupons are important, but they have only one life. Now these contractors are one or two, and regret as much as they want. The last regret is to appear on this battlefield.

This kind of war completely surpassed their imagination and surpassed their capacity. For these one or two people who treat the mission world as a gang fight, a battle of tens of thousands of people-and many of the two sides in the fight are ghost warriors-when single-handedly challenged by them, who and everyone will Feel scared, feel scared.

Just like the original Zhenzi said, in this world, they can't guarantee their survival.

Even if it is A++ level, it is as strong as a monster contractor.

So in the end, the only ones willing to be with sincerity are the death camps under his command.

"However, I still have to go."

"You take this as your own business, right?" Zhenzi Zhanchang asked by his side.

"Yeah." A sincere and calm response-yes, this is not a "task" but a "fate" of my own.

Even if there are a million contractors here. The only one who can accomplish all this is sincerity in the battlefield.

"Ouni-chan, you're so arrogant." She said that, she reached out and put her arms around her sincere neck: "It will die, Ouni-chan."

"I know."

"The opponent's strength level is S+, or even stronger-that is a monster that combines all the fighting skills and all the strengths of the five girls into one."

"I know."

"Why don't you run away? If you run away, O'Neill will survive."

"I know."

"So..." Zhen Zi stood on tiptoe, held a sincere face, kissed his forehead, then let go of him, and took two steps back: "This is the blessing of the goddess, O'Neill."

After saying this, she walked to the side and gave way.

At the same time, General Elius followed Sincere, holding a sharp long sword with a ruby hilt in his hands.

"We know that you broke a saber in the previous battle against the Chaos Demon Dragon." He said sincerely to Battlefield Hara: "The name of this sword is ‘disaster’. You can use it."

"Forged from star iron, using the rune magic enchantment of the dwarves..." Sincerely raised this sword, with the help of light, it took a shot: "...Rune Fang?"

"Yes, this is Runefang." The old general nodded.

"I remember that Rune Tooth is a status symbol of the elector of the Empire. Is it really okay to give it to me?" He continued sincerely.

"Now is not the time to take care of this kind of thing." The old general smiled reluctantly and said.

"I understand." Sincerely nodded-although the hand of this sword was average and completely different from the most handy left-handed Kodachi, but sincerely accepted it.

At the same time, the gate to the north slowly opened. The light zooms in a little bit.

Sincerely raised the sword: "Let's go, let's be together!" He shouted to the soldiers in the death camp: "If you want to curse my boss, hurry up! I am not merciful at all. Except for forcing you to be overloaded. Besides exercising, I also like to kill! Now I'm going to force you to die with me! Can you hear me?!"

The sincere response was bursts of heroic laughter: "You can't force us!!"

Beside him, a veteran with scars and scars on his face laughed: "Just this time, we are willing to follow you."

"Legend! This is a legend, a living legend! We will become a part of this legend!"

"Okay, very good!" Zhanchangyuan smiled sincerely: "Then let us die together!"

Amidst the cheers and roars, the battlefield was sincere and took the lead. Behind him, there were fewer than 400 death camp soldiers—their number of opponents, conservatively estimated, would exceed 200,000!

Seeing the death camp soldiers marching generously towards death, General Elius felt his nose sour.

An emotion he had never thought of in his life made his throat puff up and his eye circles were flushed.

He shouted at the sincere back of the battlefield: "I believe it! I believe you, Wright Baldwin, you are indeed the apostle of the Emperor!"

"Remember, I call Zhanchangyuan sincere!" Sincerely swinging the sword, he headed a Chaos Hound that rushed towards him. The pungent smell of blood made him feel instantly:

"Apostle of the Emperor of God?" He shouted without looking back: "Bullshit, even my name is fake!"

Hearing such words sincerely, the soldiers around him laughed wildly-some of them were thrown over by the chaos hounds that came, biting their throats and even breaking their stomachs-but even so, they still laughed wildly. more than.

Seeing this scene, the old general couldn't help but fell to his knees and wept bitterly...

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!" Hearing a howling in the distance, he yelled sincerely and relentlessly, and at the same time, he swung his sword without hesitation to slash and kill the enemies blocking the way in front of him one by one-Chaos Predator , Warriors, Chosen Warriors, Champions, Chaos Trolls, Giants, Ogres, Various Monsters and Crazy Beasts, Chaos Followers——

The battlefield is sincere and treats everyone equally——

In this way, he smashed a bloody road on the chaotic battlefield, and fell down countless corpses along the way, for himself and his soldiers to trample on!

"General, bow and arrow!"

After the roar of a death camp soldier, a rain of arrows covered the sky and covered the sun, regardless of the enemy and us. Dozens of death camp fighters and more enemies were shot into a sieve.

In order to kill him, the enemy has been so frantic at all costs!


The battlefield keeps moving forward sincerely--

"Kill him, kill him, kill him soon!!"

The Chaos Lord on the front line roared like crazy. Followed by a large number of javelins thrown by predators.

These specially treated enchanted javelins are enough to pierce the thickest armor-even the heavy armor worn by death camp soldiers. Immediately, sincerely, dozens of soldiers fell next to him——


The original sincerity of the battlefield remains unscathed.

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