Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 307

Like any best swordsman, he wielded a long sword and cut down all the long-range projectile weapons that could harm him.

The battlefield Yuanzheng around the battlefield with both hands holding the sword of the sun and the teeth of the rune of "disaster" seemed to have a barrier. All attacks can't hurt him, and all enemies that enter the range of his attack will die without a place to be buried!

"Who are you going to kill?"

In the next second, before the Chaos Lord didn't react, Sincerity rushed to him.

With a suffocating impact and a sense of oppression. Before he wanted to open his mouth to speak-or cast some powerful magic, draw out his sword and fight with sincerity-or collapse to the ground and lose his fighting power, sincerity had pierced his heart and brain at the same time!

The battlefield was sincere and penetrated the entire front of the chaos army. Thousands of chaos believers were killed by him.

"Let's move on!" he shouted loudly. Immediately received a slamming response from the two hundred death camp soldiers around him!

"Your Majesty, I think we can—"

"--no need."

"As long as you use the Chaos Hell Cannon to cover the area, you can kill that guy. I mean, as long as you can kill him, it's worth paying a little price."

"I said, there is no need."


In the next second, the dark lord of the chaos dwarf looked at his chest in disbelief, where the crimson spear pierced a large hole and reached the heart.

His body crashed down, and the High Lord didn't even look at it.

All her attention was focused on Yuanzheng on the battlefield.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, and hold your chest, just like a woman in love.

"...Hehehehe, hehehe." He also smiled stupidly.

"We will not lose, the Lord of Skulls is watching us!"

A group of selected warriors in blood-red gorgeous armor roared out-the army of bloodletting ghosts and demons riding on the horrible steel bull rushed to the battlefield Yuancheng-their unparalleled self-confidence, unparalleled arrogance and conceit.

This is the best, most powerful, and most terrifying army in the world!

"——Farewell, my shit-like commander! You are the most powerful hero I have ever seen!!!"

Seeing this scene, the scar-faced veteran around sincere roared wildly, and continued to charge unabated--

"Farewell, you are the best soldiers I have ever seen!"

The battlefield leaped up with a sincere roar, evading the unmatched charge of the fearless steel bull who rushed towards him, followed by two long swords one left and one right, using all his strength to slash the steel bull. The mounted horror and bloodletter chopped into three stages-one after another around him, the last cry of the death camp soldiers before they stood!


The battlefield was sincere, reserved a moment of mourning for them, and then charged forward at a faster speed.

Like the most brilliant dancer, he travels freely among the most terrifying cavalry groups in the world, and can kill a pretentious Chaos Demon every time he swings his sword.

This time in the hedge, the death camp of the original sincere subordinates on the battlefield was wiped out, fearing to abuse the Steel Bull Knights and losing 31 of them! When they turned around and wanted to do it again, they found that sincerity had already rushed far away——

The second line of defense was breached. Only one step away from the battlefield to complete the mission in good faith.

Author's message:

Uploaded in the editorial department of Happy Booker. I saw a large group of terrifying and wonderful authors-of course, I firmly believe that these are all migrant workers hired by the authors. The real authors are cute, shy young girls, because they are shy and dare not come. Ok! It must be so!

Chapter 28 The Black Rose of Love

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Heh heh heh heh..."

When another Chaos Lord tentatively tried to remind "her" that the current situation was very bad, the response was a series of happy laughs.

It's like a young and beautiful girl who smiles happily when dating her favorite boyfriend.

After thousands of years, the Lord of Chaos, who has killed countless people, and has done countless evil things, only feels terrified when he hears this smile.

"I, I think we should..."

"Should we do something?"

"Whether, use summoning magic to summon one or two big demons...?"

"Oh, that's it." She nodded, and in the self-righteous smiles of other Chaos Lords, she said what they wanted to hear most: "I have a better way--" She said:

"That guy, Wright Baldwin. Just leave it to me."

"What you want is your words." Many Chaos Lords were secretly happy-if they could get rid of this inexplicable Supreme Lord with a sincere hand, it would be great. Even if she can’t kill such a powerful enemy, she will definitely suffer and be injured——

At that time, it was when they launched a rebellion and seized the power of the army!


They are destined not to wait for that time.

Standing up from her over-decorated throne, the Supreme Lord of Chaos stretched out his beautiful carcass, and then drew two of the four sabers from his waist.

"Then, before the last battle, I am going to give my last order." She smiled and said to the soldiers under her command.

"What order, Your Majesty?"

"That is—you all die."

Speak out the shocking words plainly. Before all the Chaos Lords, Champions of God, and Chaos Warlocks had time to react, a violent explosion appeared without warning-after a series of explosions, like hundreds of thousands of tons of alchemical explosives buried in the ground, Chaos Fang's entire artillery position was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

"……what on earth is it?"

Rushing to the front of the battlefield, Hara sincerely squinted his eyes, blocking the dust from the explosion with his hands-it took a while before he opened his eyes and looked over-

"This explosion, in the end..."

"Remember what I said to you." At this time, ZhenZhou Zhenzi suddenly said: "Euny Chan, standing in front of you now is a lunatic through and through."

As Zhen Zi's voice fell, the smoke cleared. The originally mighty and chilling chaotic army disappeared in the violent explosion. Those terrifying warriors, warlocks and lords who used to make a sensation on one side, the warlocks and lords, have become a mess, a place with broken arms, debris and garbage.

——Standing in the center of this corpse mountain and sea of blood, is a look of intoxication, looking at the original "her" on the battlefield.

"You are finally here, my love, my Wright Baldwin." She took a deep breath, then looked at sincerely with love, and said this in the softest language. Beside her, there was a birdcage with a human head that was squeaked by a spear and then swayed by the wind.

"..." Zhanchangyuan opened his mouth sincerely, wanting to say something. But before that, Zhen Zi used the loudest volume to say what he should do most now: "Run, Ernie Chan!"

In the next second, "she" suddenly appeared in front of Sincerity, with two black swords in his hand, one long and the other short, slaying the battlefield Yuancheng——

"It's so fast!"

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