Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 308

Sincerely, the heart beats sharply, and then swings the sword, blocking the opponent's offensive from the left and the right-a series of endless offensives like violent storms-while the offensive, the two sides quickly exchanged positions, moved their feet, and hoped Able to go around the opponent's flank and even behind. The long sword kept slashing at the opponent-head, eyes, neck, heart, kidneys... all the vital points were merciless.

There are no reminiscences, no greetings, no signs. When the two sides met, the highest and most intense battle in the world began!

The situation is one-sided, the supreme lord who is inclined to chaos-her complexion is red, as if she is drunk, her eyes are blurred and she looks at sincerity, and the true love in her eyes is like the desire to chop sincerity into meat sauce in her hands. The offensive is the opposite. The contradictory state makes everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but doubt their own life.

At the same time, the battlefield was sincerely trying his best to defend - it's not that he didn't want to attack, it was not that he didn't want to counterattack. It means that just defending against the opponent's offense has consumed all the energy and strength of sincerity. He has no extra energy and strength to think about other things.

Just like the original purple of the battlefield said, this "she" is a monster, a monster that has all the advantages of Altria, Mordred, Skaha and Joan of Arc, Nero, all skills and power. .

Her sword skills and posture perfectly blend the essence of the five girls' martial arts skills, almost approaching perfection——

If it was not sincere who had also received the training of "their", and was familiar with their martial arts skills, and at the same time had additional reinforcement and strength, then sincerity might have been killed at this moment.


Long-term defense will lose.

In the next moment, despite his sincere efforts to dodge, the Roman dagger was severely chopped off his shoulder, and then when he wanted to retreat and regain his posture, the big sword on the left came down. She went up and passed his calf-when he next swung his sword and tried to force the opponent back with a lose-lose trick, she smiled, and easily resolved the sincere offensive with an understatement, and then happily backhanded with a sword. Pierced the sincere light armor, leaving a not long or short opening in his waist and abdomen.

"...Damn it." Sincerely fell on one knee, gasping for breath. The other party continued to look at sincerity with deeply loving eyes.

She did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but retracted the two swords into the sheath. Then, there was a red spear in his hand.

"It's still not enough, Wright." She said mildly to sincerity: "I knew it, I should let you stay in the Kingdom of Shadows for a while."

The spear spits out like a snake, stabs swiftly, and sincerely jumps up quickly, retreats backwards and then crosses the two swords, jamming the joint between the spear head and the barrel of the opponent's gun-and then I feel a sharp pain in my wrist ——That is the pain caused by sincere and unbearable great strength.

He couldn't help but retreat quickly, and at the same time "she" continued to thrust forward relentlessly. The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the sword body stuck in the joint keeps playing. With a "click" finally, amidst the sparks, the piercing gun of Death broke through the sincere defense, deflected strangely before hitting the sincere neck, and then easily damaged the sincere left shoulder armor and shattered the shoulder blade.

In the muffled sound, Battlefield Yuanzheng regained his footing, his left arm sagging weakly, and the rune tooth also fell to the ground. However, this does not weaken his fighting spirit.

"So." In the next second, the blood-red spear turned into a black ominous big sword. The style is the same as the sword of victory and the oath, but it feels completely opposite.

"I trust Wright so much!" The big sword slashed over sharply-if sincere with both hands, you might be able to resist the opponent's thunder strike, but now I can only dodge-

"What's the result--what's the result?!" "She" yelled, while continuing to attack sincerity: "Am I just a substitute?! Just a substitute for my daughter?! Wright Baldwin, that's how you see me Is it?!"

In the next second, sincerely couldn't hide, he could only bite the bullet and wave his sword to block-just as he thought, his sword was knocked into the air. He also fell to the ground--

"I want you to take care of your father--" In the next second, another sword slashed towards Sincerity. He quickly got up and escaped, forcing his battered body to move--

"However, why did you become with your father?! Why, why, why! I obviously believe you so much!"

"——Don’t forget, Wright, you are the queen of Yu! Why do you suddenly get involved with these girls!? You said at the time that you have to do things, so I believe you! You have to do things Could it be that it’s carrying me and talking about love with other girls?!"

"I obviously don't know anything about these things, I don't understand at all, why did I encounter such a thing?! It's all your fault, all your fault!!!"

It's like schizophrenia-no, it's schizophrenia.

While fighting the battlefield fiercely and sincerely, she was constantly changing her tactics, weapons, and...identity.

The memories and feelings of the five girls are constantly changing in her body, like crazy--

Fear of abuse admires her wild force, Jian Qi loves her constantly changing and distorted spirit, Nurgle horrified her body composed of malice and chaos, and she praised her unswerving love.

The glory of chaos is shown in her. Make her extremely powerful and powerful.

It was inhuman, distorted, chaotic, and irresistible, powerful enough to destroy the entire world.

In the face of such a powerful force, the brave army, the tenacious race, the empire and the heroes are all vulnerable. This is true even if the battlefield is sincere, selected, and considered most likely to end the war.

The two sides are not an order of magnitude at all. There is so much difference.

Gasping, gasping. The battlefield gasped sincerely. Then he coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. Mostly, he injured his lungs in the battle just now.

He struggled to get up from the ground, but the next moment, "she" stepped on his sincere chest. With a little harder "click", the sincere ribs broke like this.

"Ah, ah~ Wright, Wright~" she moaned and groaned like this, and then straddled Zhenzhen and raised the Roman dagger.

"Soon, we will be together forever."

Saying this, she stretched out her bright red tongue and licked her lips.

Author's message:

Super tired, the amount of exercise in a day today is higher than my exercise in a month...

Everyone knows the reasons why the update has been delayed until now.

For the same reason, thank you very very much for the students who voted for monthly tickets and rewards in the past two days... I will not be named one by one, I hope you can understand... Compared with that, I will use the only remaining energy code word... Thank you Everyone...

Chapter 29—The End of Love

Battlefield Yuanzheng was defeated in this way. He hardly made any decent resistance. This peerless warrior who was strong enough to slay a dragon and a thousand-thousand-ridden fighter was easily defeated by "she".

The next step is execution. Love, hatred, killing intent, the feelings that have been blackened and mixed, and then reprocessed by the Chaos Cthulhu, are released to the extreme at this moment.

At this moment, the strength of "her" has almost reached or even surpassed "God"!

Without hesitation, the dagger pierced the sincere throat of Battlefield Hara—prepared to pierce it and drank the blood, then—


He held his wrist.

A little bit, a little bit, the two sides were deadlocked, her hand was shaking constantly, but the short sword could no longer go down.

"Why, why?" She looked at her sincerely with love: "Why, Wright doesn't accept my love? I obviously like you so much."

The saliva dripped slowly from the corner of "her" mouth, but she didn't mean to wipe it off at all.

"Why don't you let me kill you? Humph, hum, hum..."


Jianfeng gradually moved away from the battlefield Yuanzheng——


"She" was a little surprised and confused. Then he changed one hand to holding a sword with both hands, but it still didn't help.

"This power is..."

"It's love, dear."

The next moment, Zhanchangyuan sincerely raised her wrist, and pushed her back hard, pushing her up from her.


"Yes, it is indeed, love." The sincere skin is as red as it burns at high temperature. At the same time, the two sharp swords "Kara" flew back into his hands.

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