Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 309

"——Oni sauce, you, you can’t—"

"——I'll be responsible for my affairs myself, and you don't need to take care of you!" Sincerely interrupted Zhen Zi's words: "Come on, let's fight again!"


"She" still looked like she didn't know why, and she didn't know why the original sincerity of the battlefield became so strong in an instant. But it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter.

"Because no matter what, the one who won in the end—"

In the next second, she pounced on sincere again. The Roman dagger and the piercing spear of Death Slash slashed towards sincerity, slamming over—

"--It's still mine!"

The sword and the gun, and the sword and the sword violently touched each other, and the violent force caused the vibration like an astronomical phenomenon. The impact spread quickly centered on the two of them--the corpses, the broken limbs, the mud and countless blood on the surface, the weapons and armor were blown away like insignificant dust to unknown places.

Both sides are evenly matched--

No, it should be said that the original sincerity of the battlefield is slightly better!

"Huh, hum, hum hahahahaha..."

"She" laughed like crazy: "Is the power of love? The power of love? I understand! It is indeed the power of love, the power of love-it is the power of love between Wright and'our', ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Her eyes widened, her eyes straight and sincere. The voice is not as single as before. On the contrary, it was like a few people mixed together. Very weird.

I feel it, yes, I feel it, the sincere body does possess their power-even more powerful than them.

——Zhanchangyuan sincerely used his hole cards-a total of five hole cards-a total of five cards, the hole cards he won in the previous lottery draw-that is the crystallization of the power of the five girls who have condensed "her" ——

Altria, Joan of Arc, Skaha, Modred and Nero. As long as they use a bit of power, sincerely they can use all their power and skills without restriction before their physical strength is exhausted.

Of course, sincerity does not use "a certain portion", but five portions!

Of course, even if they gather the essence with the power of the five of them, they are definitely not the opponent of "her" who has gained the Chaos Power bonus-but combined with the sincere love for them, the bloodline of sincerity exchanged with the Yellow Emperor's internal classics is produced True Yuan, this energy has also been sublimated, so that sincerity has the power to rival "her" and even surpass "her" in a short time!

Comparable, even beyond the power of God——

The battle between Battlefield Yuanzheng and her became more intense-on the vast, deserted plain, the speed of the two people made it impossible for anyone to see through their movements. Can't even capture them.

The two of them seemed to be mixed and turned into a mist. The field of battle was in the sky and on the ground, occupying at least 20 square kilometers of territory. From a distance, it was like an unpredictable natural disaster.

"Yes, yes, that's it, that's it!"

"She" exclaimed excitedly: "That's how it feels. If that's not the case, how can I vent my love for Wright?! Hehehehe, hehehehahahahaha!"

In the frantic laughter, her hair accessories fell off, her hair spread out, and her black armor was torn apart, revealing snow-white skin with scary blood-red lines.

An arm drooped weakly like sincere, with a lot of wounds on his body, and looked miserable as if he was about to die in the next second——

However, these injuries that are fatal to mortals are no different to her. Frightening, terrifying, terrifying, indescribable possession, "she" is by no means easy to die. It doesn't matter if the body is shattered. The desires and concepts she transformed into are enough to exist in this world for countless years!


The original sincere injuries on the battlefield are only a lot more than her. The physical energy consumed is the same. If this is the case, then the battlefield Yuanzheng who is ultimately defeated is still the original sincerity-because he kept his hands.

Although she has a slightly better strength than "she", she is not crazy about it. You must kill the sincere heart of Zhanchangyuan.

Sincerity is pitying, sincerity is reluctant, sincerity still has reason.

"——It’s reached this point, what are you doing on O'Neill?! It costs so much, just to make you play cool?!"

Beside him, Zhenzhen Zi on the battlefield yelled angrily: "Rush up and kill her with all my strength, otherwise you will die."


"——Nothing! I have made it very clear! Are you an idiot?!"

The battlefield was sincere and silent.

Yes, the original purple of the battlefield has made it very clear.

He is naturally not an idiot, he also understands the meaning of true purple-but.

But, even so, even if so, he still can't do it-can't do it, can't do it, still can't do it-

Even if you know that "she" is just a combination of concepts, even if you know that killing her will not cause any damage to the body. But still can't make it-

"That is, my love!" Zhanchang Yuanzheng shouted hoarsely in his heart——

"Stupid! She is not your lover!!!" Zhen Zi was almost mad: "Your true lover is still waiting for you in another time and space! Are you going to die here?! Are you going to die here?!"


The next moment, the battlefield originally suspended the battle sincerely. Step back, hands hanging down.

The opposite "she" also stopped strangely. Although there is no need to follow a sincere pace. But she still wanted to know what she really wanted to do.

"I..." Sincerely opened his mouth, only feeling tight in his throat.

"She" tilted her head, looked sincerely curious, and said nothing.

"I really like you." Looking at her sincerely and seriously, he said in a calm tone:

"Although I have experienced a lot of bad things, but... forget it, should it be my fault?"


"I'm already reflecting, give me another chance."


"I'm in that city... I'm working hard to make money. Well, then I will buy a house. If I live well, it will be fine."


"Although it's a bit arrogant, it would be great if you can agree. We start a family. If possible, have a few more children."


"In the beginning there may be some contradictions or something, or a little temper. But this time, I will let you guys. Whatever you say is fine. As long as you don't get angry with me."


"So... I'm very sorry," said sincerely: "Please die once for us."

"...End~full, I don't know what Wright is talking about~" She looked at sincerely with a mixture of confusion and weird eyes. But more is crazy and unusually pleasant.

"You don't need to know what it means." Smiling sincerely: "Just trust me."

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