Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 311

Sincerely, just wait for the college assigned by my sister to come down, and then happily let myself join the college...

Originally, sincere really intended to do this--however,

"But why is my sister assigned to the girls' school?!"

That night, when sister Hei Yi returned home with the notice of distribution, sincerity broke out at that time.


Why is it "Tokiwadai"? !

So there are so many brand-new schools in Xueyuan City, too many, too many to count. There are so many good schools for my sister to choose. Why did my sister choose this school in the end?

Why is this?

Of course, Tokiwadai is indeed very good, whether it is the teaching staff or the school's hardware facilities can be guaranteed.


It is a girls' school.

The bastard school that won't accept except girls--

The aristocratic college set up specifically to train the legendary eldest lady. And it's the kind of full-time accommodation.

——So it is the 21st century now!

So this is Japan, it's Japan, asshole! This is Japan with a super high rate of destruction of elementary school students! Why, why are there still such anti-human teaching facilities as girls' schools? So ~ so many adolescent lovely ladies are confined in a gorgeous prison, so ~ so many hormones can't be vented. Wouldn't it give birth to terrible flowers called lilies?

It feels terrible to think about it this way, if you say, in case, if you say, one day, the sincerity is finally so good that you can see Yueming and meet Sister Heiyi again. Before he could be happy, he saw a very cute little girl holding her hand.

The appearance of the two being intimate is desperate.

When she asked her sister in a trembling voice, "Who is she?" with the sincere thought of what happened, the sister answered openly, "It's my girlfriend."

"Sister-sama~" That very, very cute girl was very embarrassed and acted like a baby in her arms-originally it was a sincere exclusive special seat.

"Hmph, I've done that kind of thing, do you want to deny it now?" My sister said as she reached out and raised her chin.

"Ah, ah~sister-sama~" He moaned and groaned joyfully, then closed his eyes.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

The battlefield was rolling sincerely: "Never, never, never, never, absolutely!!!"

——Although for some unscrupulous guys, there is a lily object or something for the target of the Raiders, it is a good deal that buys one, get one free, and is very profitable.

However, sincere people like this are absolutely not wanted.

Absolutely not.


My sister looked at Sincerity strangely, and didn't understand why Sincerity suddenly reacted so much.

"Change schools!"

After a while, sincerely raised his head suddenly, and said to her sister: "Let's change school."

"Huh? Why?" Sister Hei Yi looked sincerely strange, and then asked.

"No, I mean, um, I think..."

"Isn't Tokiwadai very good?" Sister Heiyi said, "Whether it’s the faculty and the hardware facilities are the best. And the style is very good, wouldn’t it be great to be able to go to schools like Tokiwadai?"

"I said so, but...there are all eldest ladies and so on. I'm afraid my sister will be bullied." He said sincerely.

"This, brother, you don't have to worry about it." Sister Hei Yi said confidently.

...Well, recently, I was deceived by sister Hei Yi's gentle and lovely appearance, and she almost forgot since she was sincere. In her heart, sister Hei Yi is still an arrogant and poisonous sports fighting faction.

It's good for her not to bully others. How can people be bullied?

"So, this is assigned by the tree designer, the so-called ‘absolutely not’ assignment of supercomputers, so if there are no special problems, it’s better not to object." My sister said seriously.

"Asshole... If you have a chance, you must destroy that asshole computer." Sincerity was secretly ruthless in his heart.

"...But, but this way, I can't be with my sister." So, sincerely couldn't help but tell the truth.

"This, uh..."

Sister Hei Yi thoughtfully.

"If my brother really wants to be with me, it's not impossible."

"Eh, really? Is there really a way?" Sincerely surprised.

"Well, yes." Sister Hei Yi smiled and took out a huge pair of scissors from behind: "As long as the younger brother becomes the younger sister, it's fine." Kakakacha.


The sincere complexion instantly changed.

"In order to be with my sister, my sincere brother should sacrifice a little bit~"

"——Don't ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Author's message:

Update la la la, another day's journey. So tired. Also, py trading, the delusional "Pluto" of the boss collapse

?? Chapter 2 A lonely life, and wherever you can

Battlefield Yuanzheng awakened suddenly. Sweating profusely, and then breathing heavily.


Fortunately, it was just a dream.

Sincerely just stunned in bed for a while before it eased.

Then the door opened with a "swipe", and the lovely sister in kimono rubbed her eyes and muttered sincerely: "Ouni-chan, I'm done doing everything like this, and yelling... let me not let people I'm sleeping."

The one who issued the card with the poached egg and grumbled about the battlefield was one of his eight million cousins, Alaragi Moonfire.

"That's why we let O'Neill live in the house under extreme pressure. O'Neill should be grateful and don't think about doing bad things~ah~" After that, Sister Yuehuo yawned and then closed the door: "Goodbye, Ernie Chan" and then left.

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