Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 312

"..." Zhanchangyuan was sincerely stunned, and then he recollected.

He seems to be homeless after Sister Heiyi moved into Tokiwadai—

No, it can't be absolutely said to be homeless, but there is only one sincere person in that big house. Every morning no sister wakes herself up. There won't be a breakfast that is already prepared. No one opened the door for himself when he came back. No one is ready for dinner, hot baths, hugging themselves tenderly when they feel sluggish, giving them a knee pillow to heal the wounds in their hearts.

There is no meaning, no meaning, no meaning. If there is no sister, just being sincere, then all this is meaningless.

——When Sincerity suddenly discovered that there was no one around him, and only himself in the huge room, he was like running away, getting dressed at the fastest speed and then running away at the fastest speed.

"Then, um, what happened again?" Thinking hard and sincerely, then, a memory surfaced.

Because the memory itself is too annoying, it is a little difficult to recall these things, but in the end, the sincere brain still reads this memory.


"Ahaha, it's like a bereaved dog, sincere classmate~"

In a frivolous tone, it was Dunko Enoshima who said this to sincerity.

Wearing a leopard-print coat and a miniskirt, the breasts are slightly exposed, finding a delicate balance between fashion and h. The high school girl who dyed her hair into a faint cherry color exudes an irresistible charm.

This is a girl who can attract attention, marvel and even scream no matter where she goes. As opposed to the executive, she has short hair around her, wearing a tactical camouflage and a tactical vest, and the girl with a cold expression is like a follower.

——Of course, not actually.

The girl named Enoshima Blade is actually the twin sister of Enoshima Toshiko.

Although she is very simple and slightly freckled, how can she look like...

The time was midnight, and the place was a deserted street. The street lamp on the side of the road flickered, and the shadow of the moth could be seen through the black shadow on the ground.

In front of me are the beautiful girls of super high school... and the beautiful girls of semi-super high school.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be malicious.

"..." Zhanchangyuan frowned sincerely and looked at these two guys.

"What's the matter, isn't it welcome? Ah~ah~ It's really true, sincere classmate, I'm very sad for shields~"

Not only is it top-notch in fashion, but also top-notch in pretending to be cute. If someone who didn't know Dongzi saw this scene, she would definitely be confused by her.

It's just a pity that Zhanchangyuan has sincerely dealt with her quite a few times-since the fifth grade of elementary school, sincere has been fighting wits and courage with this self-proclaimed "beautiful girl of transfer student".

I don't know why, this guy has always been sincere and unpleasant, plus this guy's genius-level acting skills, plus the beautiful girl attribute bonus. More importantly, she has a good sister who is always willing to protect her. So even if it is sincere, there is no good way to deal with her.

Although she can win in most cases, it is not uncommon for her to lose face, get injured, and even almost die if she is not careful.

More importantly, this guy is very cunning, and no key evidence is left in any actions. This makes it very difficult to sincerely want to deal with her through higher-level legal means.

From elementary school to junior high school, followed by high school. The confrontation between sincerity and shield has broken through three digits. Most of the time, it was the bastard Enoshima Dunko who took the initiative to find fault.

Because finding faults is the main business of Enoshima Dunko.

Occasionally, sincere will arrange something by the way, embarrassing Enoshima Dunko-after all, playing with this guy can only be regarded as a sincere sideline.

Although there are more wins than losses, so many disputes still affect the sincere evaluation of Dunzi.

Although the latter is recognized as a "super college-level hot girl." But if you want to score Enoshima Dunzi sincerely, then Dunzijang's score is definitely 0 points.

No, it is not impossible to rate it as a negative number. If there is a negative number system, then this guy's temper can definitely instantly offset the positive evaluation of her appearance and body.

All in all, seeing this kind of guy at this time and place, if anyone else thinks this is a "coincidence", I can only sincerely lament the weird brain circuit.


There is no harm.

The IQ is almost evenly divided, and the strength is the absolute crush of the original sincerity of the battlefield. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking like this in my heart, I sincerely stopped and waited for the following text.

"Ah, ah, it's really cold, sincere classmate, after they heard that you are homeless, they rushed over here~ I care about you so much, sincere classmate~ can't you be moved a little bit? "

"..." Sincerely rolled his eyes: "I want to listen to the truth."

"Ah, haha." Enoshima Dunko's expression instantly became very cold, and at the same time she put on flat glasses that did not know where it came from: "I came to see your joke. Sincere classmates wandering on the street like a bereaved dog, this feeling is really super-pleasant."

Halfway through the conversation, this guy became slick again.

"..." Sincerely rolled his eyes again. Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. Give this guy a lesson, and then think of a way. If it doesn't work, go home and go to sleep.

Now think about it, I ran out because of my loneliness or something, it is indeed not very glorious...

In the next second, sincerity appeared behind Enoshima Dunzi in an instant-let's send a hand knife to Sao female ~ and sleep for five to seven hours. Because there is a sister who cares about you very much, you don’t have to worry about being picked up by someone, so you can solve it perfectly.

Immediately afterwards, sincerely backed away, avoiding the cold light of the multifunctional tactical dagger.

The speed is definitely not slower than the original sincerity on the battlefield, and it is even worse. The one who had just made an attack and almost cut the sincere neck without hesitation was the elder sister of Shield, Blade.

It's worthy of being a super college-level soldier...Although this title is good enough for the second.

No, it should be said that all titles with "super high school level" sounded good enough for secondary school.

But the strength is not second.

"Oh, oh, this strength is indeed a sincere classmate."

The other party's eyes were shining and looked sincere, pretending to look like "I adore you so much~".

However, sincere has no energy to look at her, all his attention is focused on Enoshima Blade... or "Warblade Skeleton".

The latter is her code name when she was a professional mercenary.

"Blade... is the superpower of the physical enhancement system?"

"It's dangerous here, Dunzi sauce."

Ignoring the sincerity at all, the girl in tactical camouflage said so while staring at the sincerity.

"Shut up, who made you speak sow." Dunzi reprimanded his twin sister without hesitation. This kind of words that ordinary normal people can't listen to, but the guy like Blade has accepted them all.

Not only a sister-in-law, but also a hopeless trembling M.

Very good girl, just so ruined... Sincerely can't help but roll her eyes for the third time——

At the same time that he was in contact with Dunzi, he also met Jianzi together.

Perhaps most people prefer the exposed Enoshima shield, but sincerity still appreciates the taciturn and hard-working blade.

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