Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 314

"Ah, um. Yes, yes." Looking at his twin sister eagerly, Enoshima Blade had no other choice but to continue to use a more reluctant attitude to cover up his true intentions.

"It's really pitiful to think about it." She looked at another holographic image that was intact - there, Battlefield Hara genuinely seemed to be thinking. And most of the question is not how to avenge the desperate sisters next.

It's where to sleep tonight.

——The reason why I didn’t find their surveillance cameras this time was because I was monitoring the spy satellites in low-Earth orbit this time — In order to monitor the battlefield, Dongzi specially obtained this expensive thing. hand.

Of course, the method used is not too fair.

As one of the student council presidents of Naoejin High School, Dunzi was also given enough power after the establishment of the Academy City-in charge of the tenth school district. This school district that studies dangerous nuclear energy, biochemistry, and bacteria has ushered in its most terrifying Student president.

In addition, the only cemetery and juvenile reformation house in Academy City are also located here.

In addition to these landmark buildings, the most noticeable thing is the large number of towering chimneys—the “recycling center for scientific research garbage” or, to be more precise, the “garbage incinerator” of Xueyuan City is also in this area.

All this makes the tenth school district the place with the worst public security, the worst environment, and the cheapest land price.

It is also the worst choice.

Because of this, Dunko Enoshima, who voluntarily chose to be the president of the school district’s student council, received more compensation.

A higher level of authority than other student presidents, more funds and subsidies, and more rights to use new technologies and equipment, have greatly increased her strength.

Of course, there is another thing that many people don't know-that is, Dunzi is not disgusted with this. I even like it very much.

The best place to implement the "big plan" she wants to implement is the tenth school district like this garbage dump.

"Ah, ah~ Although the plan this time was not successful, it doesn’t matter, sincere classmate, next time, next time I must make you my thing~ ah ha ha ha ha~" she thought in her heart, and then I couldn't help but laughed very pleasantly.


at the same time.

"If it's a prank, this guy did a bit too much this time..." Sincerely inspected the scene a little bit-and then came to this conclusion.

"A lot of explosives are used. Although this blasting must be professionally designed...well, it can reduce the power of the explosion to a minimum and keep the shock wave and damage of the explosion away from my room, but even so, if I If it is a normal person, it will still die.

This must be arranged by the blade. I really don't know whether to thank her or write the complaint. Besides listening to his sister, can't this guy think more about himself? If someone finds out that she did these things, it would be troublesome even if Dongzi is the president of the student council, right?

No, or is this exactly what Dunzi wants to achieve?

If there is a security officer or a commissioner of discipline rushing to her and grabbing the blade, she will probably watch the fun with schadenfreude instead of reaching out to help. That nasty bastard. "

Thinking so sincerely, I once again observed a moment of silence for the super college-level sister.

If the guy at Blade still refuses to repent, she will definitely be played by her sister in the future.

"If there is a way, please help a little... But even if I want to help, that sister-in-law won't agree... Really." Sincerely complained a little here.

Then go back to the original question.

That is.

Where should I go to sleep tonight?

The evening breeze blew on Sincerity, stirring up chills...

Author's message:

Update la la la la, finally go home... also consumed the last chapter of the manuscript orz, return an ultra-short book gentleman, the new work of the old driver, the quality is guaranteed

Chapter Four Are Not Good People

"Well, yes, my house exploded in a ‘boom’. Then I continued to wander on the street because I was homeless, and then I ran into Huo Lianjiang who was running in the morning."

Recalling sincerely.

From the noise in the middle of the night to now, it turned out to be morning.

Let's talk about the fire and pity of Alliang wood.

She looks very boyish in sports shorts and a sweatshirt. However, the well-developed Moon-Hungarian part couldn't cover it at all, and it trembled with the movement of running, which was simply beautiful.

Fortunately, it is early morning and there are not many people on the street, so it will not cause people to watch.

Of course, because of some reasons, the battlefield here is sincere, so it can be said to be exceptionally lucky.

"Oh oh, isn't this sincere O'Neill? It's a coincidence to see you here. Do you want to run with me?"

The girl showed a brilliant smile without scheming, and then sent out an invitation to sincerely engage in vigorous sports with her.

"Ah. Hmm." So, sincerely ran alongside her.

"Yes, yes. That's it. Speaking of it, I have heard the rumours of Ernie Chan's life being decadent. I have heard of it. Take care of your body. Ernie Chan."

"...My life is decadent?! Where did you hear this rumor?"

"Where is the moon fire sauce." The silly girl Aliang Mu Huo Lian said confidently.

It seems that the child still doesn't know the cruel reality of being deceived by his biological sister.

Of course, sincere and don't want to warn her.

This is not to say that sincerely you should not pity your dear and lovely sister, but it is useless to remind her.

An idiot is an idiot, and the brain is empty and has no intelligence at all. Even if she told her sincerely, she probably said, "Ah, so?" After a while, she forgot.

Even if I went to my sister to verify or something, I would definitely be turned around by Yuehuo again, and then deceived again.

At that time, the person who will face Moonfire's revenge is sincere.

So, for such an idiot, just rub it along her hair to make her feel happy. No need to teach her to be smart.

"But speaking of it, this is the first time I have seen Honest Ou Ni-chan-I mean, in the early morning. Normally, shouldn't Ou Ni-chan sleep at home with different girls at this time?" Huo Lianjiang then asked strangely.

"This kind of thing is... well, needless to say." Sincerely said: "The reason why I am here is because my house was bombed with two tons of explosives, so I am homeless."

"Oh, are you homeless after being bombarded with two tons of explosives?"

Huo Lian-chan, who ran the marathon at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, stopped, looked dissatisfied and said sincerely: "Euny Chan, do you think I'm stupid, you can just lie to me?"


Sincerely supporting her forehead with her hands, Mingmingyuehuo said all lies but chose to believe it, but she thought she was lying to her when she said the truth. The child is really hopeless.

Occasionally, I sincerely want to take this foolish sister to the bush next to her, and then give her a good education. But think about it or forget it.

"However, let's tentatively assume that what O'Neill said is true."

Speaking of this, Huo Lianjiang showed a bright smile: "Then Ernie Chan is now homeless, right?"

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