Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 315

"Yeah." Nodding sincerely.

"Then I will adopt O'Neill. You can provide accommodation, food and water for free. Please be grateful to agree to it." After Huo Lianjiang finished speaking, he smiled triumphantly.

... Did she misunderstand something. Confused "take a boy home" with "adopt a stray cat" or something?


Although it is.


"Then trouble you, Huo Lianjiang."

Although it is detrimental to dignity, in fact, if you want to find a more comfortable and suitable place to live, it is not impossible. But who made her the loveliest sister (one of) sincerely?

There is absolutely no reason to refuse.

"Ah, that's it. I understand, I understand."

In this way, sincere and Huo Lianjiang ran 30 kilometers in one go, from the home of sincere to the home of Sister Flame in one go.

Why does my sister go out for a morning jog, can run 30 kilometers in one breath, and when she came back, she brought her own cousin. Yuehuojiang didn't have any doubts or surprises. It's as if I had expected this a long time ago--

After opening the door and walking into the room, I didn't see her for the first time. So Huo Lian took a sincere stride towards the bathroom.

"Probably still sleeping, that fellow." Huo Lianjiang said: "It's me now, because I was sweating in the morning, so I need a bath urgently-O'Neill must think so too?"

"Well, that's right." Nodding sincerely. In fact, it's not just taking a shower. If he can, he also wants to drink a cold drink. It would be best to have a cute girl by his side while taking a bath.

"The bathtub is about the same size. It should be okay to squeeze it. Well, maybe you should consider buying a bigger one? But for the time being, I will just do it."

While saying this, Huo Lianjiang continued to walk sincerely, and at the same time took off her coat and threw it on the ground.


Sincerely made an unclear voice. Mainly considering the current situation, it is not good to choose approval or deny. So the attitude is ambiguous.

"So that's it—"

The naked upper-body sister said this, and opened the door of the bathroom - at the same time she lifted her left foot and began to take off her pants: "I boiled hot water before the morning run, and it's just right now...Huh?"


Lying in a hot tub filled with hot water, is the second of a sincere 8 million cousin, who is the second of the sincere cousins, who assisted the sincerely pioneering hegemony of Alaramu Moonfire as the poison of the country.

Of course, it is complete.

"Huo Lianjiang is back, and sincere Oonichan." She said hello.

At the same time, the older sister looked very angry: "How can you be like this, moon fire sauce! This is hot water that I have worked so hard to boil! And the bathtub is not enough for three people to wash together!"

That's almost it.

Sincerely homeless, he quickly moved into Araragi's house with the help of kind people. That morning, I squeezed in the bathtub with my two younger sisters and took a hot bath. Of course, as Huo Lian said, the bathtub was too small for three people to squeeze, and the two naked sisters were closely attached to each other. There is no fun at all together.

So everyone decided to carry out a large-scale renovation of the Araragi's house—at least to replace the bathtub with a bath. At least three people can take a bath together.


"So, is this what you are telling me?"

In the school office, Xiaojing tried her best to endure her anger.

"Yes, it's almost like that." Sincerely nodded, "I'm not too good at surfing the Internet. But the two sisters retaliated privately, asking me to do purchases and renovations...

So I thought for a while, if it was Xiaojing, she should be able to help. "

He said:

"Please check it out. The renovation project of the Academy City, and the bathroom and bathroom merchants are better.

It's best to check more, I'm good to shop around. Although I have some spare money, it is better to save a little...

…Oh, yes, there is a prerequisite, that is, it cannot be reduced in size. I have a hunch that three people or something might not be enough..."

In the next second, the high-heeled shoes were wrapped in wind and stopped half an inch in front of the sincere temple. The speed is too fast for people to react.

"You came here because you wanted to piss me off?" Xiaojing slowly took back 90% of the maneuvers, and then questioned.

"???" Sincerely tilted her head and looked at Xiaojing: "You are my teacher, right? Isn't it normal for you to discuss this kind of thing?"

"You said, your sister went to live in school, and then you moved into your cute cousin's house happily, and you took a bath with them?"

"Is there anything wrong with taking a bath with my sister?" He looked at Xiaojing sincerely and strangely, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, did Hiratsuka-sensei think of something unhealthy?! I didn't expect you to be like this. People!"

In the next second, sincerely blocked the powerful kick that could penetrate the front armor of the main battle tank.


Fifteen minutes later, the Ministry of Service.

"Oh, that's it, you were driven out by Hiratsuka-sensei." Xuexia Xuexia said quietly, reading the book without raising her head.

"Yes, indeed."

"...Um, oh."

The other party hummed twice as a response, and then there was no sound.

Sincerely waited for a while, and found that she still didn't mean to speak, and couldn't help but ask:

"So, this is the end?"

"...So, it's like Hiratsuka-sensei has nothing to say to you, I'm almost the same."

While talking, Xuexia continued to read the book: "Are you really not understanding, or pretending not to know? And I don't have such a good friendship with you, right?"

"It's because I don't have deep friendship with you, so I can easily say this kind of thing." Sincerely and easily.

"Is it?"


"Then you have finished speaking, can you leave?"

"Yes... However, there are still no people in the Ministry today, Xuema."

"Yeah, no one...but you call me by name is really disgusting."

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