Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 316

"Goodbye, then, Yuukishita." With these words, he stood up sincerely, and then prepared to leave. This time, Xuexia didn't speak, so he opened the door sincerely, went out, and closed the door.


After a while, Xuexia put down the book, leaned on the back of the chair and raised his head: "Really."

She looked at the ceiling: "It's troublesome."

"In every sense."

"Even the so-called Ministry of Service does not have to do this kind of thing."

"The same goes for Mr. Hiratsuka."

"Every time he comes to me to complain, what kind of person does he think of me."

"Clearly a member of the Ministry of Service, why do you always consider yourself a customer?"

"And not even give me a hundred dollars."

Today, Xuexia Xuenai also complained about the sincerity of the battlefield as always.

Author's message:

Update la la la, because I did not save the manuscript, so I just coded it = =, thank you for the system restart--, thank you for looking back, wit Wushuanglu 16, I am not familiar with you, fiber gloves, licty, Stratus advance, Autumn in August, ( 3) , Pendragon’s rewards; Yanfeng Shi Lang Xingfei ei, ( 3), I am not familiar with you, Xiao Li alex, book guest 408177962, Fiber gloves, licty, Bahram, what dare to sway Yang Henghu, oracle without self, age-old thief, eight clouds purple, plus1s, flat eyes, instant eternal 688, Dovah, book guest 3857580615, the emperor Monthly pass voted by the Imperial Guard, Mao Pi, and Zhongfu

Chapter 5 Preparations for War

Zhanchangyuan was sincere, and continued to do what he did-after 99% of the members of the Academy City were assigned to schools, he himself was still a vagrant. I have nothing to do in the academy city every day, like this with every girl. It seems to evolve into a bad one.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

"The disguise is very good, sincere classmate."

late at night.

Still in that secret underground base, still with his twin sister. Through spy satellites, the entire battlefield is monitored by Yuanzheng.

Dunko Enoshima has been like this all this time. It's like being obsessed with a long TV series, watching the TV 24 hours a day. Like a nympho every day, I admire that the original sincerity of the battlefield is really handsome, good and excellent.

Of course, occasionally he will cause his sister to do some "little things".

"But... in the past few days, sincere classmates seem to be just, um, just..."

Beside Dunzi, Blade organized the language carefully.

"It's just with her cute girl, Qingqing, I, I, right?" Dunzi said without looking back.


Even if it was a twin sister, a super high school-level sister, Enoshima Blade didn't want to agree with what she said.

"But ah, but, we all know, this is just a disguise, right? It's been like this since a week ago-sincere classmates have become very'active', yes, very'active' the so-called'Chinese group' actions It has become more radical. The fighting with other gangs is getting fiercer every night, and more and more corpses are thrown into the incinerator in the Tenth School District. Humhhhh..."

"In other words, I pretend to be nonchalant during the day, and work overtime at night... Uh..."

"Killing." Dunzi said again what Blade didn't want to say: "It's almost as if I can't wait. Except for the few days I have noticed that someone is spying on myself, so I have become a little cautious, the other time is simply unscrupulous.

While using the rights of the chairman of his own style and discipline, as well as his contacts in the general council, to suppress other gangs, he secretly used force to solve the problem. Compared with before, when I was the vice chairman of the special committee was more radical, more efficient, but also more dangerous...

Hum... Sister, why do you think sincere students do this? What is he worried about? "

"This..." Of course Jianzi couldn't tell.

"It's like a man who wants to get married and wants to be crazy, working hard to earn his wife's money. Hehehehe." Dunzi said something embarrassing.

"This one……"

"So, sincere classmates work so hard, I feel embarrassed."


"Hmm what, sister, don't you understand?"

Dunzi looked at her twin sister very upset: "Me, me. Sincere classmates work so hard to accumulate wife's credit. Of course it's for me."

"Yes, is that right?"

"Of course it is like this... If it weren't for me, could it be that my sister is such a stinky idiot?" She said impatiently, and then showed a nymphomaniac expression:

"Ah, it's so cute, it's so, I'm really embarrassed to say that~~~ But if it is a sincere classmate, I would be willing even if there is nothing, even if I only have one puffed food. Plastic ring, I am willing to marry him without any regrets—so—"


"So, we should help our sincere classmates so that he can fulfill his wish as soon as possible, sister~"

Dunzi laughed happily: "Check it a little bit, which is the most powerful underworld organization that has recently conflicted with the Sinicization Group?"

"This, it should be the Gaocheng family's worry about the country, and... Yewang Fengxian..."

"It sounds like a miscellaneous fish, a miscellaneous fish. This is not okay. If the sincere classmates casually defeated them, wouldn't it seem like I am cheap?"

Just now, the shield, who can marry as long as a plastic ring, said the opposite:

"Sure enough, boys still have to work harder to win the hearts of girls. Heh heh heh heh... Let's help sincere classmates~"


at the same time.

"This feeling of being watched is still there." Guanri held a long sword and looked around sincerely. The corpse, the corpse of the hostile gang, in addition to the busy members of the Sinicization group. Rescue the wounded and "dispose" of hostile gang members who are disabled but still alive. At the same time, communicate with other forces via telephone.

"This is already the sixth... Lord." By sincerely, Toshishima Tsuko replied calmly: "In this way, all the forces of the Yamauchi group in Academy City will be pulled out."

"Ah, um." Sincere and thoughtful, he responded casually.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Kenzi asked.

"Enoshima Dunko... how is that guy?"

"There is still no whereabouts of her." Kenzi shook his head, and said: "It's like disappearing out of thin air."

"Keep looking." Sincerely and calmly said, "Find that guy."

"Yes, Lord. But..."

"but what?"

"But after Minister Gaocheng... left the organization, there was a problem with our intelligence system. So..."

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