Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 317

"Tsk." A sincere tut: "It's not like leaving that guy, my organization is about to collapse—it's okay. Don't you want Sarutobi Changbu to take over? It will be fine soon."

Although I said so, but sincerely, I know the difference between Sarutobi Saya and Takashiro.

The former is a very good spy and spy. But when it comes to organizational skills and the ability to process intelligence, Goseong Saya is stronger. Not to mention, that guy Saya was a military division who managed the intelligence of the Sinicization group from the very beginning. I have more experience and know more.

However, with the substantial expansion of sincere power, the relationship between the emerging underworld organization Sinicization group and the old underworld organization Gaocheng family continued to deteriorate. Between sincerity and his own family, Saya Gaocheng chose the latter in the end.

"Because of lack of time, don't you have enough loyalty? Tsk, next time you meet, just teach her to be a drunkard."

In fact, it is not just Gaocheng Saya-as the sincere "organization" becomes larger and more radical, and acts more and more gangsters, many members of CNOOC initially joined CNOOC and chose to leave. It's just that their departure is not as great as the impact of Gaocheng Saya's departure.

Sincerely thinking so, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"What's wrong, Lord?"

"...No, it's okay. I just feel something is wrong." A sincere reply: "Hurry up and finish all of this and stop work. The Yamauchi group's power is pulled out, and then, you can launch a general attack against the worrying country... …The time is set for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Is it a little bit in time..."

"Nothing, the sooner you can solve it, the better." He said sincerely, then turned and left.

"I understand." Said Dudao Kongzi, bending over and saluting.


After walking away for a while and seeing no one on the left and right, sincerely, he covered his abdomen, frowned and showed an uncomfortable expression.

"LV4 level of great ability. The number is four. It is impossible for the Yamauchi team alone to win over so many talents. Who is behind it? Are there plural underworld organizations united? Or..."

Thinking like this in his heart, Dunko Enoshima's figure passed in front of Sincerity.

"That guy?"


Just as honestly said. This time the "military operation" was originally smooth. Easily breached the opponent’s lair, and then took the lead with the poison island Suiko, defeating all the opponent’s armed personnel, and then you can sign an alliance with the opponent under the city——

In the beginning, sincerely didn't think of killing them all.

He does not have enough talents and troops available. Not to mention the entire country, even just the academy city can't fully control it. So sincerely, the current tactic is to integrate, set rules and become the leader.

He can tolerate other underworld forces in the interests of the Academy City, but there is a premise here, that is, these bastards must admit that they are the leader of the Academy City.

Originally, what he did was pretty good. Although the top ranks of the emerging Sinicization group are all minors, this is despised. But after several consecutive times of violently destroying the hostile forces that were embarrassing him, someone came to the door, ready to negotiate sincerely, and even cooperate.


"But this process was broken. What inspired those guys, or what ‘infected’, would rather unite with the enemies of the past to fight against me than cooperate with me."

Sincerely think like this:

"What's even more uncomfortable is that the strength they control is getting stronger and stronger... As the academy city super ability courses continue to advance, high-level abilities emerge in an endless stream. A large number of LV4 great abilities appeared, many of them Was bought, wooed, and joined forces that are hostile to the true self..."

If you are just a LV4 with great ability, then you are not very afraid of being sincere. Just like this time, four LV4 powerful people shot together, but they were sincerely defeated.

However, if it is like Warblade Skeleton, who has been hard-trained in itself, can be a hundred genius, and possesses the matching superpowers, even if she sincerely wants to defeat her, it will cost a certain price.

"Besides...LV5, superpowers... at this speed, it is inferred that some people will break through LV4 and become superpowers soon. At that time..."

Thinking of this, sincerity feels extremely uncomfortable. Strength, strength. Sure enough, living in this bastard world is impossible without sufficient power. Especially if you still want to make a difference.

"Then, it's time for the third round of reinforcement." Sincerely thought so.

Author's message:

Finally updated the rewards of Guren Godzilla, thanks to the reader 233, the lost god, Kitamura, the book guest 2852, Yae Sakura Fubuki, Xiaobai Greedy Wolf, and the monthly pass of the Supreme Commander of the Universe

Chapter VI Strengthening the Road to the Strong

"Have you finally figured it out?"

On the way back to Araragi’s house, Zhen Zi fell to the battlefield sincerely: "Think that you can be unscrupulous with the B++ level of combat power? In terms of the super power level of the Academy City, the LV4 strong It is equivalent to a B-level player of a great game. Sincerely, O'Neill. If you are in your current state, against LV5 superpowers, the odds of winning are not high. Of course, I am talking about those LV5 who are good at fighting. ."

"Well, so let's summarize after the war." Said sincerely.

——The reason why after returning to this world, there was no immediate post-war settlement, was because the sincere subconscious was resisting.

Because in the last mission world, I encountered quite bad things, so my inner subconscious refused to touch anything related to it.

However, it is not time to be hypocritical if things have developed to this point.


I don't know why, the happy smile of Zhen Zi is more annoying than ever since it sounds.

"First is the biggest, the biggest reward, Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang-2 S-level exchange coupons, 30,000 game points, this is the reward for defeating the final boss, O'Neill.

Generally speaking, if such a task is teamwork, plus this or that. But Ernie Chan did it all alone~ it's amazing. So the degree of completion is very high, and the reward is doubled. "


I don't know if Zhen Zi did it on purpose. The first thing he said when he came up was the thing that sincerely didn't want to recall.

However, there are 2 S-level coupons and 30,000 game points, which is quite a lot of income. It is also the biggest one-to-one income after joining a great game sincerely. More importantly.

"With the S-level voucher, you can..."

The S-level voucher can be used to resurrect his lovers through a great game! This is also one of the most sincere goals.


New problems follow.

Who is he to redeem?

Don't talk about getting rid of the innocent passerby Joan of Arc, whether it is Nero, Altria or Mordred, sincerely want to... No, no, wait a minute. What Mr. Scarha says...

"She is already a demigod, no, it's not an exaggeration to say that she is a'god', life can't stop her, that is, maybe she is still alive now?" Sincerely thought so, and at the same time felt very entangled—

If Skaha is really alive, how should he face her? After finding her, what should I say to her?

Or after the other party sees him again, he will push himself to the ground without saying a word, and then he will kill him?

If it is really like that, then sincerely you will definitely use facts to tell the teacher what is three thousand years east of the river and three thousand years of the west.

However, if that is not the case...

"Let's wait a little longer." Sincerely thought so.

In a short period of time, he hadn't been mentally prepared to face Teacher Scarha-of course, Nero, Altria and Mordred were the same.

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