Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 318

"Moreover, I only have two S-level exchange coupons. It's not good for anyone who doesn't redeem them. So I'll save it again, and replace them all when I save up to 3 exchange coupons." Sincerely thought, "Except for this. In addition, to be on the safe side, these 30,000 game points must also be saved."


While carrying out intense psychological activities sincerely, Yuan Zhenzi on the battlefield continued to settle:

"After that, O'Neill killed three Chaos Lords, including Alexandre the Splicer, more than 20 champions of choice, hundreds of Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knights and thousands of ordinary fish. Less cost more, that is, 1 Class A redemption coupon, 2 Class B redemption coupons, 20 Class C redemption coupons~ Then the game points, rounded up, the total is 25,000 points—"

"--and many more."

When Zhen Zi wanted to continue talking, she sincerely interrupted her: "According to this ratio, shouldn't there be hundreds of D-level exchange coupons, and thousands of E-level and F-level exchange coupons? Why not continue. Got it down?"

"Hahaha, O'Neill is really ~ joking. You are such a strong person~ you want to get a voucher to deal with those weak chickens? Don’t be delusional~ To tell the truth, it’s already a C-level voucher for the champion of God’s Choice I’m giving extra benefits, Ooni sauce~"

"...Okay." Although still very upset, but sincerely knows that it won't be good to fight with this guy.

Although he strongly suspects that this guy has taken the rebate for all his benefits, but because this is an exclusive business, it can't be done without it.

"Hmm, it's good to have this intention. I will try my best to get enough benefits for O'Neill~"

Saying that the credibility is quite low, Zhen Zi continued to settle: "Next is the task, um, the task task... Sincerely, there are not many tasks completed by O'Neill this time. But thinking about it, it's normal. , The mainstream of the last mission world was chop and chop, so there were not many tasks.

In addition to the final boss mission for customs clearance, Honest O'Neill has completed three missions:'Southern Retreat';'Training Death Camp'; and'Pichafen Defense War'. A total of one A-level, two B-level, a total of three exchange vouchers plus 15,000 game points.

In this way, round up again, count the remaining points and redemption voucher before the sincere Ooniya sauce, and then round up, Ooniya sauce has two S-level redemption vouchers, A-grade redemption vouchers two, and B-level redemption vouchers four There are 21 exchange vouchers for class C and 21. 75,000 points.

In addition to these, the title of O'Neill sauce has also changed. "

"Has the title changed?" Sincere and thoughtful. At the same time, I feel the imprint of my soul.

There, sincerely received a new title:

Saints of Sigma: When doing all great, majestic, and imposing undertakings, +5 correction, holy light effects and buffs appear randomly.

The other is the title of sincere mid-level leader, which has become a hero-+5 intelligence, +5 charisma, and +30% leadership. It is a +2 correction when conducting dark and cruel reign.

"Not bad..." thought sincerely.

At the same time, the Gothic girl floating next to Sincerity exclaimed: "It is totally unexpected that O'Neill can get so many rewards at once.

A bumper harvest, really a bumper harvest, a bumper harvest~"

Having said this, she partly sighed, partly venomously said: "In this way, becoming a great game winner or something will be stable."

"..." Listening to her saying that, sincerely I just feel uncomfortable all over.

"Hmph, then how does O'Neill think he should strengthen himself?"

"If you strengthen yourself..." said sincerely: "Now, my strengthening route has been basically determined. And my voucher and game points are enough.

Exchange 5 C-level vouchers into 1 B-level vouchers, and then 5 B-level vouchers for A-level vouchers. In this way, I have three A-level coupons. Respectively strengthen the demon blood, the Yellow Emperor Neijing and the sword dancer profession. In this way, my strength will be greatly improved. "

"Well, um, indeed, after choosing the route, it is very simple to strengthen it. The choice of Oni sauce cannot be said to be incorrect... But in this way, Oni sauce's desire will be further increased, this Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Hmph, I am also ready for this realization." Sincerely snorted and said: "If this is the sin karma I have to bear, then I choose to accept it. Because all this is in line with their waiting and suffering. Than, nothing."

"...Is it?" After hearing this sincerely, Zhen Zi's mood suddenly became a little bad: "In that case... 30,000 game points, plus three A-level coupons. I did receive it.

Next, if O'Neill wants to collect two S coupons and 30,000 points, there are 16 C-level coupons and 15,000 game points. How to spend it? "

"Strengthen the weapon." Sincerely said: "My Kodachi was broken in the last battle. Recovery requires a C-level voucher and 1000 points, right. After that, 10 C-level voucher will be upgraded to 2 B Level exchange voucher upgrades Kodachi Obi and Kanichi Sword to level B weapons."

"That's the way it is. Recovery and improvement. There are five C-level exchange coupons and 5000 points. How do you use O'Neill sauce?"

"With strength, my strength has been almost improved. If I want to increase the basic attributes, it doesn't seem to be of much use." Sincerely, I thought like this: "Is it exchanged for some armor or accessories... , Speaking of it, my defensive power is indeed worse. Although the strength is strong enough, if I can have some...oh, this."

"I choose to exchange this talisman." said sincerely.

"Class B amulet, Vajrayana Samantabhadra's guardian spell?" As expected, she is a sincerely connected woman with the battlefield. After a short glance, I understood the sincere thoughts: "Clean mind and clarity can be used as a protector during cultivation. In addition, it is a good thing to automatically use body protector Qi when attacked. Suitable for guys like Ernie Chan."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Saying this, he sincerely shook his hand, and there, a delicate pale gold Samantabhadra pendant appeared out of thin air. Then, sincerely put it on his neck. A cold, refreshing feeling spread from the top of the head to the whole body. It makes sincerity feel refreshed...

"It's really effective. Even for a guy like me, I feel a lot more peaceful at this moment... Heh heh heh..." Sincerely chuckled twice, then looked at the battlefield Zhenzi: "Then, you can It's strengthened."

"Well, it can be strengthened, it will become a demon and a monk, and the Juggernaut’s Oni sauce." She nodded, and said: "Finally, I will ask you again, sincerely, Oni sauce." She said solemnly:

"After the enhancement reaches the A-level, there is no way to eliminate the impact in the usual be more accurate, that is, you really, really become an inhuman monster.

On this, O'Neill should be aware of it, right? "

"Isn't it an inhuman monster?" Sincerely chuckles: "Of course, that kind of thing, I already have it."

"I see, so first of all, it's the sword dancer-no, it's more appropriate to call it a sword master."

A-level sword dancer, strength +8, agility +12, stamina +6, spirit +4, will +6, automatically get advanced double skill, advanced double weapon proficiency, advanced double weapon use, basic swordsmanship, footwork, dodge +10.

In the next second, a large amount of knowledge and memories related to swordsmanship, fighting, frenzy and swift sword skills flooded into the sincere mind-in an instant, it was like dozens, hundreds of years or even longer. Sincerity seems to be in an illusion, living a life of asceticism in daily sword practice and nothing else than that——

These knowledge, memories, and skills will be integrated in the next moment. Being sincerely and thoroughly mastered-completely different from the "main god space" that needs to be explored and mastered after exchange.

The battlefield at this moment is sincere, is a well-deserved swordsmanship, has reached the ultimate realm pursued by sword dancers, and is a well-deserved sword master with elves, dual weapons, wild, and offensive tendencies.

"Well, you can continue." After a while, feeling the power, he nodded sincerely, indicating that Zhen Zi can continue.

"Then next is the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic that has reached the A level has already broken away from the level of internal strength and has been upgraded to the level of cultivation exercises. In addition, it will be specialized according to the demon bloodline of the sincere Ouniya Transform it so that it will not conflict."

A-level cultivation technique, Huangdi Nei Jing, all attributes +5, true qi is converted to true essence, enhance the slap-slap skills to reach A-level, increase the difficulty of obtaining attributes through intercourse with women, and inspire body protection qi, true Yuanwaifang.

In the sincere dantian, the original qi that was originally full changed from a gas-like feeling to a liquid-like fluid body in an instant. This kind of fiery, containing the unimaginable feeling of vitality, makes sincerely feel that one's energy and blood have become more and more powerful. That kind of feeling, I can’t help sincerely, I want to find a girl to vent quickly, this full, almost overflowing desire——

It wasn't until the next moment that the cool sensation brought by the Vajrayana amulet came again, which restored sincerity to reason.

"Go on." Sincerely then said to Zhen Zi in a calm tone.

"Then, the final is the sublimation of the demon blood. When you reach A rank, you no longer divide the types of demons, but divide them by rank. In other words, O'Neill will soon become a demon lord."

"Demon Lord. It sounds good, so let's start."

"Yeah. Then—"

——As the voice of the original purple on the battlefield falls, the negative energy and chaotic energy around Sincerity continue to grow and grow-this feeling is not the same as sincere thought-this energy is, the energy is-

"Wait, this is the kind of chaotic energy seen in the old world adventure, not the abyssal power of the traditional fantasy series!"

Sincerity suddenly felt something was wrong, but before he wanted to speak, that force was already uncontrollable and poured into sincerity...

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