Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 321

"We are brothers and sisters, Ernie Chan, we are brothers and sisters, right?!"

While she said this, she turned around, changed from leaning on sincerity to lying on her sincerity, and then looked at sincerity seriously, and asked.

Without waiting for a sincere answer, she continued to speak on her own: "Since we are brothers and sisters, we should help each other, right?!-Forget about fools like Huo Lianjiang, but for me, I hope you Neijiang has to discuss anything with me...for example, this time Enoshima Dunko."

"……You knew already?"

"If it weren't for me, why do you think Huo Lian Jiang appeared 30 kilometers away from my house?" Yue Huo Jiang's words left sincere speechless. Well, it does sound reasonable, and you can tell from the look in her eyes that she is serious. Through the leaning, you can feel the soft touch on her chest. It's like something I joked when I was eleven.

"Whatever it is."

Saying that his sister is an idiot, in fact, Yuehuo is also an idiot.

"...Then I'll change the way of saying it again." Yuehuo said as she got up from sincere body, stood up amidst the sound of splashing water, and then with one hand on his hips, the other pointed at Battlefield Yuanzheng:

"Oni Chan's wish is for us to be happy, right? But if Oni Chan's life is unhappy, how can I be happy?!"


The battlefield was sincere, slightly surprised. I don't know since when, my sister has become so sharp-mouthed, it is really unexpected.

"Okay." Sincerity shook his head a little helplessly, and then said: "Then, let you participate in this matter-of course, it's just a plan, not a charge."

"I know this too well, O'Neill." Yuehuo held his head up, with an amazing look-and then.


"what happened?"

"Foam, the bubble has entered the eyes-water, water -" The next second, the moon fire slipped in the bath, and then fell on sincere.

……So, I always say that my sister is a fool, but in fact, isn't Yuehuo also.

Sister Flame or something, just change it to a fool sister.

Thinking of such a thing, she couldn't help but smile sincerely.

The mood has also recovered a little bit.

"Euny Chan, I'm so uncomfortable, you can still laugh out of it-hurry up and find something to wipe it for me... It's really..."

Because of the stimulation of the foam, Yuehuo felt very painful in his eyes, and the lacrimal glands automatically began to secrete—so said—


I felt that my eyes were no longer painful, and after Moonfire opened, I saw a very shy scene——

"Do you even lick your sister's eyes... it's just a pervert..."

Muttering such words, Yuehuo curled up in his sincere arms and buried his head on his chest: "Only this time, Ernie Chan, let me act like a baby."

"Yeah." With a sincere and gentle smile, she gently stroked her curved back.

It took two and a half hours for the former brothers and sisters to take a bath this time.


"Ah, I almost fainted in the bath just now... It's... You'll also remind people of Ernie Chan."

Lying on the sofa of his home, Araragi Moonfire fanned his kimono sleeves, making people want to complain.

In many cases, the temptation to put on clothes is greater than Quan Luo. Sincerely, I really saw it this time.

"Blam me?"

Sincerely, I took a cold drink in my hand, threw a can to my cousin, and kept a can for myself. Shrugging while pulling open the can to add moisture.

"of course."

Although Yuehuo did not speak, her eyes fully showed this.

Drinking a drink very boldly, the liquid flows down from the chin, and has been flowing down the chest.

"...What are you looking at Ernie Chan?!"

Perceiving the sincere gaze, Yuehuo murmured uncomfortably, and then tightened the kimono collar too tightly.

"The whole body was clearly seen just now..."

——Think about it in your heart, and never say it.

In this way, the two disheveled brothers and sisters, lying half-sitting, sitting and sitting on the sofa of their own home, were discussing the future of the underground forces in the school city.

"In other words, the enemy can be sure that it is the so-called ‘Sisters of Despair’, right?"

"Indeed." Nodded sincerely: "Although there is not enough evidence, there is reason to suspect that the guy in the shield is doing all of this-connecting, drawing, and confronting."

"Shield, it's possible that guy... um, um." Yuehuo nodded seriously, but that sloppy look was not convincing at all: "The other party secretly organized the underworld organizations to unite and oppose O'Neill sauce. , And O'Neill's response strategy is..."

"Catch the thief first, catch the king." He replied sincerely: "Just find the shield, then defeat her, and then think of some way to look okay...I don't want to imprison play or anything when necessary. come out."

"Well... this is indeed the easiest way... the problem is that Ernie Chan can't find her at all, right?"

"Yes." Sincerely frowned, then nodded: "That guy seems to have disappeared. No trace. A few days ago, there was some intelligence showing the activity of Blade. I originally wanted to track her through Blade. Body. But now, there is no sign of the blade."

"Hidden completely." Yuehuo nodded: "I do remember that there was a hacker master known as the constant temperature death god under O'Neill sauce. How about using her ability to manipulate the network of Xueyuan City to search?

The other party didn't come forward directly, so the only way to contact those clowns and their followers is through communication equipment, right? Cell phone, telephone, network, etc. What if you start from this aspect? "

Author's message:

Update la la la la. Thank you for the reward of Heaven and Broken Dream Blade. Thank you Fan Xing Jiang, I am leisurely, you are the recipient, the emperor of great freedom, xxzd, the moon of phantom, the Achako of Kita Village, the innocent house, the monthly pass of Mimimo

Chapter 9 Direct and Violent

"Although it sounds like a good idea, it actually doesn't work." Sincerely shook his head: "I can't guarantee Chuchun Shili's loyalty."

"Well, this is also true. In a sense, that guy is also a righteous idiot who glanced at Huo Lian." Yuehuo said, lying on the sofa, and then cocked his feet. From the hem of the kimono, you can vaguely see there...

I didn't wear any underwear.

"..." Feeling the sincere gaze, Yuehuo didn't speak to protest this time, but just gave him a blank look. On the surface, if nothing happened, there might be some joy in my heart.

"Then it's okay-if it's someone else, maybe you can suspect that the other person gave up. But since it's a desperate sister, this possibility doesn't exist."

Speaking of this, Yuehuo's tone became a little uncomfortable: "The two guys are very persistent to Ernie Chan, and it's not normal here."

As she said, she tapped her temple:

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