Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 322

"Then, there is only one way. Ernie Chan is currently implementing this tactic, right?"

"Indeed." Sincerely chuckled: "Burn the forest, dry the ocean, and burn the desert into glass-since this guy is hidden and hard to find, then go find the guys who are easy to find- Get rid of all the bastards who are suspected of being her partners. After that, she won't be able to hide."


Although the meaning was the same, what was said from the sincere mouth was five orders of magnitude worse than what Yuehuo thought in his heart.

"It's not just that'they' are obsessed with Ernie Chan, in fact, Ernie Chan is also obsessed with them..."

Of course, Yuehuo only thought about this sentence in his heart, and didn't say it.

Suddenly she felt that the shower just now could take another half an hour.

Maybe more is no problem at all.

The first military meeting between Zhanchangyuan and his sister came to a successful conclusion.

Although, Yuehuo still wanted to pretend to sleep, and then sincerely took her to the room. But in the end, it was seen through sincerely and failed to complete.

She could only go back to the room to sleep by herself, her heart was sulking--and then listening to the sound of fire and pity in the lower bunk, she couldn't sleep even more--

"Euny-chan~Don't try so hard~Really~hehehehehe~"

Annoyed, she just wanted to run down to shake her up and then asked loudly, "What did you and Ernie Chan do?! What did you do without me?!?!"

Of course, it's just a matter of thinking.

"Then, the next thing is war. But my combat effectiveness is very weak, so I can't help Ounichan..." Yuehuo thought distressedly: "I know some guys who can fight... It's just... …I don’t want to go to those guys... You can do it alone, right?"

Thinking like this in her heart, Yuehuo fell asleep groggyly...


After that, the discipline committees, guards, and even a large number of mercenaries hired by the members of the general council, members of the private security company worked hard to maintain order in the city.

However, as students continue to make breakthroughs and grow into high-level abilities, the public security situation in the school city is still deteriorating.

Fighting with superpowers, superpower crimes emerge in endlessly. Among them, except for those underage secondary two who feel that they are extraordinary when they have just gained the ability and want to do something, they are the underworld lords who have risen by virtue of the sincerity.

For several days, more than a dozen middle and low-level underworld organizations were devastated. When those underworld who were strong enough to protect themselves without joining the organization wanted to do something, they were surprised to find that there were only a handful of people they could unite with. Thinking about forming a coalition, it is no longer possible to fight against the original sincerity of the battlefield.

When these little fish and shrimps are wiped out, the enemies who stand in front of the sincerity will only be the entrenched, established forces and organizations.

Bear the brunt, the first powerful force to destroy is the weakest among them.

Congenital deficiencies, acquired disorders, and more importantly, the guy who was sincerely looking at the battlefield. The Gaocheng family's worry about the country is united.


On May 20th, it was overcast, and just after a light rain, the air humidity increased a lot.

The weather is gloomy, and people's hearts are equally gloomy.

In particular, the worry about the country on the brink of destruction is united.

Gaocheng Mansion. In the mansion that originally symbolized power, status and wealth, there were only two or three big cats and kittens in the meeting room that was once full of heroic and violent elements.

Under the commander-in-chief Takajo Shoichiro, everyone was silent. The atmosphere is depressing.

After a while, Zouichiro spoke: "In other words, that kid, really wants to ruin our worry about the country?"

No one answered his question, but some people subconsciously looked at the letter paper on the table in front of him.

"We are at war."

There is only such a simple sentence above.

There is no reason, no purpose, and no inscription-it just suddenly appeared on Takajo Souichiro's desk inexplicably. It made Takashiro nervous for several days-

Who made it? What is his purpose? Why are you targeting yourself?

If this person or force has the ability to sneak into his office silently, what can he not do? Your own confidential documents, or simply your own head. That kind of thing is more expensive than a letter paper, right?

However, Kojo Souichiro soon understood. The appetite of his enemies is greater than he thought.

He didn't just kill himself. But to own everything, everything.

And who he is, Takashiro Souichiro also knew very well.

The other party didn't mean to hide it from the beginning.

The inexplicable letter paper was not signed, not for concealment, purely because the other party was too lazy to write.

He despises--or despise himself to such an extent.

"This guy who wants to take everything from me is called Battlefield Hara sincere, and he is only sixteen years old."

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth with hatred. At the same time, I felt an inexplicable fear deep into my bones.

"What's going on in this world?" He thought so in his heart, and at the same time said with a sentence popping out between his teeth: "Three days, only three days, our peripheral forces, group leaders, all branch lines and organizational industries, It's all..."

"..." Next to him, Yuriko Takashiro, who was wearing a beautiful evening dress, sighed secretly—not the point.

The loss of personnel, the loss of property, the loss of the relationship network, all of which are not the point in her opinion-as long as she is still there, as long as she still has her financial support, then there will be as many things as she wants.

The key is not what the other party did, but the other party's ability to do this "what".

The other party has the ability to uproot the power of the Gaocheng family within three days, so everything is meaningless in front of him.

"However, that, I should say, it's a boy..." Yuriko's mood was complicated-every time she heard that name, her heart throbbed.

It was as if she had known the boy a long time ago, and...

"Well, just fight with him!" At this time, a cadre slammed the table and stood up and shouted.

"The question is, what should we do? How should we fight against each other? Remember the last time we used all the heavy weapons, but we still failed..." On the side, another cadre said in a deep voice.

"The opponent is a capable person, and it is likely to be an Lv5 superpower. That kind of monster, ordinary people can't beat it." A cadre said helplessly.

"Yeah, yeah, if it's an ordinary person, it's fine, but if the opponent is that kind of monster, then..."

"After all, we don't even know why we are against him... Maybe we can send someone over and have a talk with him?"

"——Are you so spineless?!"

"--Enough!" Takashiro slapped the table fiercely, and stood up: "Shut up, the enemy is now, what is the proper way for you to argue like this?!"

Hearing what he said, the cadres stopped talking, but they showed disapproval expressions unconsciously.

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