Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 323

The successive failures severely dampened Takashiro's prestige.

"..." Seeing these dissatisfied and dissatisfied subordinates, Zouichiro felt a moment of powerlessness. He tried to beat his spirits and wanted to say something to cheer him up-but before that, there was a sound of "touching". The subordinate slammed open the door of the meeting room, and ran in rolling in.


Before Zhuangichiro became angry, the subordinate shouted: "Here! He—He is here!"

What is coming, who is coming?

There was almost no pause, and even the stupidest guy had an answer—just like the letter with no reason and no signature. The terrible guy is here.

"..." Finally, he glared at that subordinate, Takashiro turned around and strode out.

"Let's get to know, who is that young handsome talent?"

He still said this sentence with words that popped out of his teeth.

He just led a group of people down the stairs and opened the door of the mansion. As he kept moving forward, more and more people gathered around him, which made Takashiro's courage stronger and stronger-until he walked to the door.

Just like waiting for him, dozens of high-power searchlights were turned on after he went out. Hundreds of armed men in black uniforms stood expressionlessly in columns-and then, a large number of automatic rifles were aimed at them with automatic pistols-

For ordinary gangsters, this automatic firearm is already the most advanced equipment-but the other party does not seem to intend to comply with this rule.

When a few light machine guns appeared on the roof of the military off-road vehicle, Takashiro's expression became a little worse-when two more automatic grenade launchers appeared, his complexion became worse-and he became a muscle The well-developed brawny smiled grinningly, raised a teleporter Gatling and aimed at them, Zouichiro's expression became close to the bottom of the pot.

These guys don’t talk about any rules...

Author's message:

Update la la la, thank you tth, the last sin, DIO, the Sith warrior for not engaging in basic rewards; thanks to Natarasha, book guest 369810457, the last sin, sometimes relief, DIO, the Sith warrior for not engaging in basic rewards, The masses who don't know the truth, the stubborn vomit, the monthly pass of the book guest 429620256

Chapter 10 One person is enough

But soon Takagi Souichiro understood that he was wrong, and that it was wrong--

It's not that the other party doesn't follow the rules, but "too much rules".

Just as a group of people worried about the country, they were surprised and suspicious at the sudden appearance of a large number of armed personnel. After a shout: "The commander is here!", two rows of armed personnel in black military uniforms looked like the most well-trained. Like the soldiers, they made a separate way to make way-and then, the man in the middle, wearing a cloak and uniform, is of course the original sincerity of the battlefield.

Step, step, step.

The thick-soled army boots made a crisp sound when they stepped on the stone road. Sincerely, I walked straight to the front of the Gaocheng mansion, looked up and down the metal gate, then half raised his hand and gestured.

Before everyone could react, Behind Sincere, Dudao Tsuiko suddenly rushed out with a long knife in his hand. Then, a big hole was cut in the middle of the door, and the metal door panel collapsed. The battlefield was sincere. That's it. Relaxed and walked in calmly.

At the same time, Dudao Tsuiko, who had just made an astonishing move, retracted the sword and returned it to its scabbard, standing behind Sincerity in a well-behaved manner, without saying a word.



On the opposite side, Takagi Souichiro stared at the young man. He wanted to pretend to be magnanimous and more energetic. But it was a sad discovery that I couldn't do it at all. He was completely seized by the opponent, and his momentum was completely suppressed.

As a result, he had to be a little lower, choosing to stare at the original sincerity of the battlefield, showing all his anger and hatred.

In contrast, the battlefield was sincere and calm, without joy or sorrow.

"Zhanchangyuan... sincerely?"

"Mr. Takashiro Souichiro."

The two looked at each other and said each other's names. Most people in the Gaocheng Mansion were relieved that after this, they did not order the war immediately.

"I won't say much about the scene."

Before Takashiro felt that things could turn around, he said sincerely desperate: "Two ways, either obey me or resist. You can choose by yourself."


Before Takashiro wanted to say something, he continued sincerely: "Of course, as the dominant party, I will give you some convenience... You are confident in your swordsmanship, right?"

"I am the master of the majesty of the heavens." Takashiro said with a slight reservedness, answering the sincere question of the battlefield.

"...Huh." Sincerely chuckled: "Then, compare with me. Of course it is in swordsmanship."

"If I win, will you give up to me?"

After Takashiro said such words, the members of the Sinicization group couldn't help laughing out behind sincerely. This kind of ridicule made Takashiro feel quite uncomfortable.

"Impossible." Answered sincerely: "I have the advantage now, don't I — if you win, at best, I will give you a better condition — you are still the president who is concerned about the country, God. The commander-in-chief of the solemn stream is still the governor of the Gaocheng family. The relationship with the Sinicization Group is for cooperation, or alliance? As long as you follow the rules, everything will be business as usual, how?"

"……very fair."

Compared with "fairness", the word Zouichiro actually wants to use is "general". Asking himself, putting him in the position of sincerity, he would not offer such generous terms.

"This guy seems to have confidence in his own swordsmanship?" Zouichiro thought to himself, "But in the end, he is just a kid, a sixteen-year-old kid. No matter how good he is, where can he go... For ten years of swordsmanship, it is impossible to fail."

Of course, he is also very confident in himself.

"I accept."

After saying this, Takashiro took the long knife handed by his entourage, drew the knife out of its sheath, and then slowly stepped forward.

"Of course, if you lose, then... Forget it, if you lose, everything here has nothing to do with you, so there is no need to talk to you." Sincerely speaking, halfway through, I changed my words easily-

"Talk about it!"

In the next second, Takashiro Souichiro rushed forward at a very fast speed-he swung down his long sword fiercely-"I won, the other party hasn't even -"

However, the next moment, the sincere hand suddenly "changed" a narrow sword. Blocking the opponent's long knife from bottom to top.

An unimaginable huge force came from the sword fight, making Zouichiro almost unable to hold the sword in his hand.

The long knife was released, and the victory was divided.

Almost everyone could not imagine that the battle would end so soon. So there was silence on the field for a while-

Next-before the members of the Sinicization group want to cheer, and the enemy on the opposite side wants to yell, sincerely: "Oh."

"Sorry." He smiled at Takashiro, "It's a little bit uncontrollable... Well, it's too unfair to you. I don't think our competition this time counts. How about another one?"

There was a sense of humiliation in Zouichiro's heart. But he also knew that now is not the time to play temper.

He quietly retrieved his own sword. Do a posture again.

This time, instead of rushing to attack, he cautiously looked at the battlefield Yuanyuan sincerely——

"This guy... is full of flaws." Zouichiro was surprised to find: "No, it's not right. These flaws must be traps. The other party is definitely not easy to deal with. Then this time, it's better to take the defensive."

"So that's the case, then I'm going to attack." In the next second, Zouichiro only had time to raise the long sword in his hand--however, the sincere sword easily stabbed the place where the sword struck just now--

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