Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 324

Tachi, whose blade was damaged long ago, was cut out by the Kanri sword, and suddenly broke into two pieces——

"It's over." Zouichiro didn't have time to dodge, and only waited for the next second, the sincere sword pierced his throat-however.

The sincere sword stopped again.

"Oh, sorry sorry."

Although I didn't mean to apologize at all, but sincerely said: "It's not good for me to bully you with better weapons——Kingko."

"Yes, the lord." Dudao Kongzi-senpai cleverly stepped forward, took the narrow sword Kanri from the sincere hand, and then replaced it with an ordinary Taidao.

"In the third round, you still have a chance, Mr. Shouichiro."

The other party stared at sincerity, and chose silence again.

"Husband--" Yuriko Takashiro stepped forward, trying to say something, but was stopped by him:

"It's about my reputation, don't talk!" He shouted to his wife--

"..." So, Yuriko Takashiro withdrew silently-before that, she looked at the battlefield sincerely.

very familiar. very familiar. Familiar makes people...

That kind of impulse, that kind of desire, is simply hard to suppress.

The third round begins. Takashiro Souichiro attacked again—however, sincere Taito bypassed his attack at a strange angle, easily, and won again—

"I shouldn't use faster than you. It's my fault. We've been here again."

The fourth round begins. After confronting for a while, he sincerely stepped forward, broke through the opponent's defense with a few tricks, and won again-although the speed and movement can be seen clearly, this kind of trick is unheard of and cannot be resolved.

"My swordsmanship seems to be a little too high...well, next time I will only use the most basic tricks, come on."

In the fifth round, Takagi Souichiro panted loudly--as sincerely said, he only used the most basic, nine basic tricks in kendo.

However, there is no way to resist.

Even if only the most basic tricks are used, its subtlety and lethality make it impossible for Zhuangichiro to resist. After reluctantly receiving the two swords of sincerity, his Taito was picked up again.

"I'll just fight you empty-handed." Smiling sincerely, he threw the sword away.

"——Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

As if going mad, Takashiro screamed and rushed to the battlefield Hara sincerely——

"No, Dad!"

At this time, the voice of Gao Cheng Saya was suddenly heard from the crowd. No one notified her just now, she just arrived and saw this scene...

Sincerely a little stunned, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Saya Gaocheng——

"It's done!"

Takashiro, who was full of anger in his chest, was ecstatic - the other party was unprepared and unprepared, that is to say, he can kill the other party with this attack, surely, he can kill this bastard kid who made his face scandal——

As for what will happen after he is killed, whether the angry Chinese army will kill everyone in this mansion, he doesn't care anymore-however.

The gunfire rang.

After the muffled sound of the pistol, Takashiro was hit by a hammer, shaking his body, and then slowly falling to the ground.

He turned around as hard as he could and looked at it with his last bit of strength. In the end, he saw the expressionless appearance of his wife, Yuriko Kojo.

"Why..." He opened his mouth, only to find that he couldn't say a word of weakness.

However, Yuriko Takashiro still answered his question.

"Because I have had enough."

An unfeeling shooting announced the end of love and marriage. Lightning cut through the gloomy sky, and the incredible Gao Cheng Saya pushed away from the crowd, ran over, holding her father's body and crying.

"Ah, what a terrible woman."

She sighed sincerely and helplessly, then looked at Yuriko Takashiro. The latter looked at him, then he lifted his skirt and saluted him:

"The mistakes made by the previous Gaocheng family governor have been corrected by us. The battlefield is sincere... Chief, your strength is enough to control all of this. On behalf of the Gaocheng family, all members of the Association for Concern for the Country surrender to you. Please treat me kindly. we."


There was a sincere silence.

"I accept your surrender."

He strode forward: "Take me to the mansion." He looked at the sky: "It seems, it's going to rain."


The rain fell with the cries of Gaocheng Saya.

Author's message:

Update la la la, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Thanks to LY, Bad Blade, and HIFI for their rewards; thanks to Ah Chiu, idlers, grace is dirty capital, book guest 369810457, koala, red lotus godzilla, LY, wheelchair war god Dungar, winter melon skin, bad Blade, the real witch

Chapter 11 The next goal is

The next step is to negotiate business affairs. Battlefield Yuanzheng did not destroy the Gaocheng family in the end, and even gave the Gaocheng family a certain independent status.

Except for turning in 70% of the income every month, everything in the Gaocheng family remains unchanged. All the sites and industries have no intention of intervening sincerely.

This made a lot of people from the Gaocheng family breathe a sigh of relief. Those guys who originally yelled and wanted to avenge the former commander in chief did not say anything.

In the final analysis, they joined the Gaocheng family and joined Youguo Yixinhui to make money and make money. As for brotherhood or something, it's fine to talk about it. Who would really believe it? No one will.

As for the fact that Yuriko Takashiro shot Takashiro Zouichiro in the end, no fool dare to mention—

The situation was obvious at the time.

In any case, Takashiro Zouichiro lost, and he lost thoroughly. At the end, he loses his reason and attacks sincerity-no matter what he kills sincerity, he has to face the massacre and revenge of the Sinicization Group from anger.

At that time, the entire worrying country Yixinhui will be destroyed, not to mention, a more generous covenant will be obtained as it is now.

Therefore, many people did not say anything, but felt a little grateful for Yuriko Takashiro.

Of course, there is also fear.

Can kill her husband mercilessly. Even if there is sufficient reason, this kind of thing is still taboo and fearful.

Because of this, after the sincere proposal of "I want Takashi Yuriko to act as the chairman of the Association of Concern for the Country", no one else had any opinion.

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