Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 325

When things have developed to this point, this is already the best solution.

In this way, at the cocktail party after the negotiation, people completely forgot the previous confrontation and the death of the former tycoon, cheering happily and fighting wine, as if nothing had happened...

The only one who felt unacceptable was Gao Cheng Saya. She wanted to take the opportunity to leave in the chaos of the negotiation, but was found in good faith. He is currently confined in his room. I will sincerely care about her in a while.

However, before that, there are more important things to do.

Under the ambiguous gaze of many people, sincerely drank a little wine, said apologize, and left—the destination was of course Yuriko Takashiro’s room.

Killing each other and occupying each other’s property are part of the underworld life-the woman who occupies each other is another part.

Isn't this normal?

Passing through the empty corridor, knocked on the door sincerely, but received no response. After pushing it again, he found that the door was only concealed and did not close, so he pushed the door and walked in.

In the room, Yuriko Kojo changed into a nightgown made of light gauze, which looked beautiful under the orange light.

"I didn't expect you to do such a thing in the end."

Just like the host here, sincerely walked to the wine cabinet, opened it, and randomly found a bottle of red wine, poured a glass for himself and Yuriko Takashiro, and then walked over with the wine.

"..." The other party did not speak, and silently accepted the wine glass. When receiving the wine glass, because of the touch with sincerity, his fingers quivered slightly.

"This is the best result." Sincerely took a sip, and then said: "From now on, I will leave it to you for the things that worry about the country."

"I know."

"Then—" After speaking, he stood up sincerely, ready to leave—

"Eh, that—"

"Is there anything else?" he asked with a sincere smile and looked at her.

"..." The other party swallowed, and then slowly opened his belt, and the thin pajamas immediately fell to the ground, showing Yuriko Takashiro's proud figure, and...

Decisive victory in underwear.

"Do you really want to do this?" Looking at her sincerely, he said calmly: "Even if you don't have to."

"If I don't do that, you will find Saya next, right?" Yuriko asked calmly.

"Saya and I have done it." Sincerely replied: "It's a lover relationship, so I say..."

At the next moment, Yuriko took a step forward and hugged her sincere waist: "Stop talking about these things, okay?"

The tender skin rubs against the proud Shuangfeng against the sincere chest, and the sweet scent of mature women makes sincerity a little moved: "Even if I beg you...Hold me, sincere..."

Her eyes were watery and sincere, soft as if they could melt people.

"Are you uneasy?" Sincerely said this, she stretched out her hand and raised her chin: "Do you still want to use this method to win over me?"

"Neither, in the end, I'm just a woman. I need a man to comfort me... it's natural." Yuriko's face flushed when she said ashamed. "If it's sincere--ah--"

Halfway through, she was picked up by sincerity and was thrown onto the bed——

"Then make a quick decision." Said sincerely, and unfastened the belt of the trousers: "I understand what you mean and what you want. Don't worry, I will do what you want... It’s even better than you think."

"...Hmm." Yuriko blushed and nodded...


Ten minutes later, Yuriko Takashiro, who was full of interest, collapsed on the bed, unable to move her little fingers.

"Have a good dream." Sincerely kissed her on the forehead lightly, and then said--

Although she wanted to stop sincerely leaving, she couldn't say anything in the end, only a string of meaningless murmurs.

Very dissatisfied-although the "feel" is really good enough to say nothing, but rather than the dizzying pleasure of a moment, she still wants to delay time a little longer.

It's a pity that it can't be done.

More importantly, she vaguely understood the reason for doing so sincerely. The reason he did this made Yuriko more unhappy than he did it.

However, this is not important. Sincerely believe that her body has remembered that feeling, like an addictive poison, it is completely impossible to get rid of that pleasure.

If you put it before, it would take a long time to get such a dissatisfied mature man·wife sincerely, maybe one night will pass.

However, with the two A-level exchanges between the Demon Lord and the Yellow Emperor, it was a trivial matter to drain Takashi Yuriko's physical strength in ten minutes.

Sincerely express satisfaction with this.

Of course, if you are sincere and careful, it might be better to listen to her carefully.

In addition to complaining about her sincere "relentlessness", Yuriko Takagi also said another thing, that is, she just couldn't find her pistol.

I don't know anything about it, and sincerely and cheerfully thought:

"More importantly, in this way, Saya would not think that I was having sex with her mother. Well, I am really a genius."

Then push the door--

Author's message:

Update la la la, happy mid-festival everyone~

Thanks for the word knife, the ninth son of the void, your name has illegal words for the reward; thank you 1955xzz, your name has illegal words, isn't it a monthly pass, 123 Mu, Gniting monthly pass

Chapter 12 The Basics Are Stable

Unlike Takajo Yuriko's room, Saya's room door is closed. There was no response even if I knocked on the door. But this is hard to come by sincerity-a chaotic magic power flowed out of the fingers, then entered the keyhole, and then heard a "click", the door opened like this-


What caught your eye was the pink-haired double ponytail whose face was already crying. With red and swollen eyes, he was holding a pistol at the same time, the muzzle of which was facing the battlefield Yuancheng.

Looking sincerely, it's like looking at killing a father and an enemy.

"Madam, it seems that your'plans' are still unsuccessful." Sincerely, I think so-

The reason why Yuriko Takashiro took the initiative to kill her husband, besides preserving the family business and sincere desires and feelings, has another reason. That's just not wanting to be sincere and opposed to Saye——

Compared with only the "physical relationship" sincere and self. Saya clearly has the potential to go further.

Since the opening of the Sinicization Group, he has followed sincere veterans and heroes, and he is also a classmate of the same grade. If he insists, he can count as his childhood sweetheart and his first girlfriend.

As long as Saya is willing, these "friendships" can be used in the future.

Therefore, even though I am vaguely jealous of my daughter, even irrationally wanting to have sex with sincerity and staying in my room for the night with sincerity, Saya understands their physical relationship.

But the most "correct" tactic is still to maintain a sincere relationship with Saya.

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