Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 326

Therefore, it cannot be sincere to kill Takashiro.

"However, I still regard me as killing my father and enemy." Sincerely, I feel helpless.

"Put down the gun, Saye-chan." He thought so in his heart, and at the same time tried to make his expression softer, said to Saye Gaocheng.

While talking, while walking in the room——

"Don't come here!" Gao Cheng Saya shouted.

"Are you going to kill me?" Sincerely stopped at the door of Saya's room and asked.

"Yeah, it's like you killed dad!" Gaocheng Saye cried.

"..." Sincerely calm, without speaking. After a while, he said again: "I have no plans to kill him."

"--you still--"

"—Listen to me first." He said in an unquestionable tone: "Killing him will not do me any good—you should have seen the duel between me and him. If I wanted to kill him If that is the case, then he has already died a hundred times!"


"——So," Sincerely interrupted her again: "If you want to say, then why is there a battle between our Sinicization Group and You Guo Yixin, or that it is this reason that caused your father's death. Then think about it again, Saya, think about the reason why we got together in the first place and called these like-minded companions together!

If you want to question me, if you want to ask about my ambition, if you want to reprimand me, don't forget-you are also one of us! "

"...Yes, but..."

Saying sincerely, Saye Gaocheng was obviously shaken.

"Don't think too much." The sincere tone eased: "Think about the current academy city, chaotic, and crowded together. A large number of capable people continue to appear, and these technologies and technologies have attracted people from all over the world. Look. Under this circumstance, worrying about the country would like to use force and no force, an organization with no status and no technology, can it really continue to survive?!

Think again about your father's temper. Even if he knew the limit of his ability, would he give up willingly? Will you give up all previous efforts and go on in ordinary life?

No, he certainly won't. He will do his best to move forward-he will lose his mind, go crazy, use every opportunity to lose humanity and want to become stronger-the problem is that he has no such qualifications at all!

His ending is bound to die! Only one died like this, which is already very good. Think about it this time if it wasn't me who made the shot, but other ‘monsters’, what would they do with you? They are not soft-hearted. The entire Gaocheng family will be destroyed and everyone will die. You should understand this, Saya, you are so smart! "

"—I don’t want to hear you say that—I only need to know that you killed my father!"

As if he had given up on himself, Saya Gaocheng shouted and pulled the trigger-after a muffled sound, a blood hole appeared on the sincere shoulder-

"!!!" Looking at this scene, Saya Gaocheng seemed to be frightened and looked sincere with a terribly scared look.

Don't say a word sincerely. Walked into the room, then closed the door and locked it. At the same time, thunder roared outside the room.

Just like that, he walked up to the frightened Saya Gaocheng like an okay person, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked her profile.

"Is it better?" asked sincerely and gently.


Saye Gaocheng threw himself into his sincere arms and kept apologizing to him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, and... it's not very painful." Sincerely stroking her back, he said like this: "Go back and deal with it a little bit. It doesn't matter."

"sorry Sorry……"

Although she said this sincerely, she still cried and kept apologizing--

"So, you can be obedient again, right?" said sincerely.

"Yeah." She answered while crying.

"Stop getting angry, okay?"


"After all, this matter itself has nothing to do with you... It's too much to have a girl bear hatred or something. So, don't think about this in the future, Saychan."


"We need you very much. You are not here these days, and Yuchuan is the only one dealing with government affairs. She is very busy. Wait for tomorrow to go back with me. From now on...well, I will live in the headquarters building of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline for the time being. , It doesn't matter."


"Well, that's fine." Sincerely, she let go of her slowly, and then looked at the tearful, poor Saya Gaocheng who was like a discarded kitten: "Help me deal with the wound. Don't let others find out. And don’t shake your hands. If you get blood vessels, it’s bad."


Sincerely, just take off your shirt and shirt. Naked his upper body, then let Saya cut his wound open, use tweezers to clip the bullet out, then disinfect and bandage.

As a violent group, there is enough medical equipment in the Gaocheng residence. Although Saya Gaocheng hadn't done it before, he had seen a lot of them, so there was no problem.

However, what happened that night still consumed too much energy of Gaocheng Saya.

After wrapping up the wound for sincerity. She fell into sincere arms. Soon fell asleep.

Author's message:

Three shifts... When the family reunion... I am working on the code word... Ah most book friends will not see this in the first time, right, right... Hahahahaha, the codeword is good happy……

Chapter 13 Back, Target Locked

"What a poor child." Looking at Saya Gaocheng, who was lying in his arms, the tears on his face had not yet been wiped off, she sighed sincerely.

"Ah, I don't know who made this child so miserable." Zhenzi's spit on the battlefield came next to Sincere.

"If you didn't hear what I said to her just now, I can say it to you again." Said to her sincerely and calmly.

"Forget it, I'm different from this guy. I'm not that easy to be deceived." She said that as she lay down on Saye Gaocheng's bed: "However, in general, this development is beneficial to Honesty. .

Not only did it eliminate the enemy, but it also grabbed the most benefits. Ensure the safety and stability of the school city.

Uh, uh. Especially when I ate the opponent's gun shamelessly-I won't talk about the reflexes and speed of O'Neill. Just talk about the toughness of O'Neill's body. In addition, the A-grade body protection element, and the amulet that triggers the effect...Even if it is a strategic missile A, O'Neill will be fine, right? "

"This is called a white lie." He replied sincerely and calmly.

"Ah, it's a lie, it's a lie, I knew I knew it." The guy said very happily, "But apart from this, O'Neill is completely finished.

Speaking of which, this is indeed the best way.

Although it is difficult to accept that the mother killed the father. But compared to it, it turned out that the husband killed the father more uncomfortable.

As for what to do, it means that the next two people will separate and not meet each other. This pink-haired double ponytail will live in the dormitory of the office building and leave her mother to help you control the situation here.

Your best general manager has returned, and the worry about the country has been obsessed with this mess, and it has been handed over to someone who can be trusted. In this way, even if O'Neill's basic board is stable, he will have the upper hand in the underworld battle in Academy City. "

"Indeed, that's right... But ah, Zhen Zi." Sincerely looked at her a little strangely: "These have nothing to do with you, right? The source world things or something."

"Those who are related are related, of course they are related." Zhen Zi said happily: "The integration of the mission world will make the source world more chaotic and diversified.

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