Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 328

Every day the "A Yin, A Yin" nympho, licking and rolling around with the silver-haired natural curly pillow is an obstacle to the city's appearance, so sincerely it is regarded as not seeing——

The crux of the problem is that after Sakata Ginhachi was released on parole and freed from his sincere control, this guy lost all his energy.

Not to mention the legendary ninjas who can sacrifice their lives for the task, even if the attitude of ordinary employees is not as good.

All kinds of troubles, all kinds of vacations (to accompany Sakata Ginpachi-the guy was fired because of the prison college, and is now unemployed), and at the same time, a salary increase, various benefits, and this and that. As for work efficiency...

It can be seen from the scene just now.

Her work efficiency is very low.

"If it wasn't for a good substitute, I would have driven her long ago." Zhanchangyuan gritted his teeth sincerely.

"But... Baihua? Is the female ninja's army? It sounds very emotional... but it's the power standing on the opposing side." After thinking about it this way, sincerely shook his head helplessly--

Although Yewang Fengxian is different from himself, he doesn't like contact with the government, and he didn't catch up with political forces like Jinzhigong's family to gain the identity of Baidao. But its own weight and strength are enough to make most government agencies daunting and dare not speak lightly.

In addition to the retro female ninja armed by Baihua, there are at least two thousand private soldiers under the Night King. The level of equipment and training even exceeds that of the regular army. There are even more rumors that this mysterious night king colluded with some powerful rebels. Its energy can even subvert the regimes of some small countries.

Before the establishment of the Academy City, Yoshihara was already a place outside the law.

Unlike Kabukicho, which mainly engages in entertainment industry, although Yoshihara is mainly engaged in weathered entertainment venues in name, according to sincere understanding, weathered entertainment is just the details of Yoshihara. On the surface, and the least important thing.

The biggest source of power, strength and economy that Fengxian really manages comes from smuggling——

Yoshihara can be called the largest underworld smuggling distribution center in the entire Japanese archipelago and even the entire East Asia region. A large amount of goods, stolen goods and money laundering activities are carried out here. There are even the shadows of certain international organizations and even countries.

After the establishment of the Academy City, more people turned their attention to the city.

The wealth it has gathered and the technology it possesses have made countless people covet it-these countries, organizations, groups, and forces actively participate in and cooperate with the Academy City, while using various illegal means to desperately unearth the secrets of the Academy City.

When carrying out illegal espionage activities, of course they couldn't get around Yoshihara and Wang Fengxian.

In the legend, the night emperor who is called "invincible" in the underworld, even with this special status, is vaguely transcendent, and has the possibility of competing with the world's top and even super-class underworld bosses.

"To be honest, if I can, I don't want to fight this guy."

As he said this, he stretched his legs and lay on the bed with pink ponytails:

"That guy just needs to stick to his cornucopia, and he doesn't mean to open up a new territory. He doesn't care about the chaos in the Academy City. More importantly, it is too much trouble to fight with this guy. Whole body." Sincerely thought:

"I don't have any actual contradiction with him. It would be best if the water in the well does not violate the river. If there is any conflict, there is no need to fight to death.

The most important thing now is to know where that guy Dunzi is.

I hope she will not cooperate with Yewang Fengxian, and even if she cooperates, the old man will not take her too seriously. "

Thinking like this in my heart, I feel a little tired sincerely, or to be more precise, drowsy.

A lot has happened today. The rain outside didn't stop, but it got bigger and bigger. Then, the girl in her arms felt soft to the touch...

After a while, sincerely closed his eyes, put the pink ponytails in his arms as pillows, and fell asleep like this.

Author's message:

Update la la la, there will be another update in the evening, please click on the recommended collection to reward monthly pass subscription and ask for everything = =

Chapter 15 Pattern

In the early morning of the next day, the Chinese team left the Gaocheng mansion silently and dispersed halfway. Most of the vehicles diverted back to various school districts. Part of them went to the current secret base of the Sinicization Group and put back all the contraband - that is, all the weapons and equipment with great lethality.

The other team is heading towards the Mansion of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline.

Among them, Gaocheng Saya is included.

After a while last night, the pink-haired double ponytails completely withered. Throwing in your sincere arms is like a kitten and doesn't want to move.

Her departure was also something that was sincere and tacit to Takashi Yuriko. After experiencing "something like that", it's better not to meet between their mother and daughter.

In addition to being the representative of the Gaocheng family, sincere staff, executive member of the Discipline Committee, and senior members of the Sinicization Group, Gaocheng Saya also serves as a "hostage".

Yuriko, who currently controls the entire Gaocheng family, is alone, and has no other relatives except this daughter.

In a sense, controlling Saya Takaseong is equivalent to mastering Yuriko Takaseong.

"If you feel uncomfortable, let's rest for a few days."

Sincerely sit in the back row with Saya, saying this with concern.

"No, it doesn't need to be like this." Gao Cheng Saya said calmly: "When you go back, let's start working immediately."

Sincerely did not persuade her again. It seems that the pink-haired double ponytail wants to concentrate on work and keep herself busy to forget about unpleasant things.

"Well, that's it." Sincerely said so, while hugging Gaocheng Saya, the pink-haired double ponytails fell into sincere arms. Just caress your body sincerely, let yourself relax...

After a while, the car arrived. After getting out of the car and Saya Takashiro, he heard a sound of footsteps-one of the ace of the Discipline Committee wearing Tokiwadai school uniform, Shirai Kuroko ran past as fast as he could. Don't say hello if it is impolite.


Probably because of the hair color problem, Saya Takasung is not cold to Shiraisui, who is also a pink-haired double ponytail. Feeling upset, she was about to scold this guy, but she was sincerely stopped: "This is not the time to care about that kind of thing." Sincerely said:

"Recently, the security situation in Academy City is very bad, everyone is very busy. I have already issued an order to allow them to see their boss without saying hello."

"Is that so?" Saying sincerely, Saya Gaocheng suppressed the unpleasantness, and observed for a while-indeed, everyone here seemed very busy. Not only the Shiraiko just now, but also a number of discipline committee members who seemed to be on a mission did not say hello when they passed by sincerely.

"Has the situation worsened to this level?" Gao Cheng Saya asked with some worry.

"It's just that this period of time is worse." Sincerely replied, "Many people are a bit overwhelmed after just gaining strength. I believe that as long as a while later, these guys will understand that they are not special-at least not special in Academy City Yes, the situation will get better.

Of course, there is one more thing. Those with high-level abilities who have enough abilities will find that their treatment is quite good—cooperating with Academy City is more cost-effective than fighting against Academy City. At that time, Academy City will stabilize. "

"Well, I understand." Saya Takajo nodded, "But, we can't relax until the Academy City stabilizes, right?"

"Yes, you can't relax." Sincerely affirmed her statement: "You can't relax either on the bright side or in the dark."

"..." Saying sincerely, Saya Gaocheng was a little shaken.

"Of course, if you..., it's okay not to participate in the actions of the Sinicization Group for the time being." Sincere said again immediately.

"No, since everyone is working so hard, it's not sensible for me to be lazy." Gaocheng Saye quickly made a choice: "Well-I'm not here during this time, I must have accumulated a lot of work, right? Hurry up and take me there. The office. And... Sincerely, you are also very busy, right, don’t care about me too much, just do your own thing."

"I will take care of Yuchuan and ask her to take care of you."

"I don't need to take care of that rustic big-tits glasses lady." The pink ponytail stomped coquettishly.

"Uh, uh. I know I know that Saya in my house is the best." He smiled sincerely and echoed her words.

"...Who belongs to your family?" Gao Cheng Saya blushed in a low voice.

In this way, the Gaocheng family's affairs came to an end temporarily. Saya Gaocheng devoted all his energy to work in the next few days. One of the sincere and most dependent housekeepers returned again. There is no need to worry about logistics and management, as well as intelligence matters.

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