Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 329

In the next few days, I tried sincerely to talk about her family's situation with Fenmao Shuang Mawei, and found that she didn't care too much.

Perhaps after that day was over, the old Gaocheng Saya was already dead.

The conflict between the worrying country Yixinhui and the Sinicization group; the conflict between the Sinicization group and other small gangs has temporarily come to an end.

As these gang conflicts eased, the public security situation in Academy City also tended to improve. Just like sincerely said, when those high-level abilities find that it is better to cooperate with Academy City rather than relying on their own abilities to do their own way without discipline. The speed of this improvement quickly accelerated.

Of course, this does not mean that the academy city will become peaceful from now on.

In fact, the opposite is true. As more enterprises settled in, more scientific research institutions appeared. Commercial and technological espionage activities among consortia, countries, and organizations have become increasingly active. Some new super-power organizations called "anbu" that specialize in black work have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

These guys changed the bold and unscrupulous style in the early days of Academy City, and their behavior became more restrained. This is the secret battle between these guys, the commissioner of discipline, the guards, and themselves. In places that most ordinary students can't see, it unfolded vigorously...

Of course, this is all later. At least for now, this is just a trend. Except for those with foresight like Zhanchang Yuancheng, few people will notice how the emergence of these professional superpower criminal organizations will affect the current pattern of the Academy City.

Their gaze remained on the surface, still paying attention to the person and the force that seemed to be boundless on the surface, and they believed that it was the chief of the underground forces in the Academy City.

That is, the night king Fengxian, and Yoshihara under his control. This black hole-like block that can't be seen on any map of Academy City, but it does exist, is exuding unimaginable darkness, evil... and wealth.

Author's message:

Third more ==

?Chapter 16 Aleister's comfort?

"So in the end, isn't O'Neill not the underground king of Academy City?"

In the Office of Sincerity, Zhenzi Zhanzheng looked at Sincerity with contempt: "It sounds so good, but in the end it was just a little trouble and it ended. Compared to Yoshihara, it is one of the few in the world The profits obtained from smuggling and black technology trading venues, O'Neill only guards some chassis outside the school city, plus a funny monopoly book.

If the Night King Fengxian is the leading gangster in East Asia, then Ernie Chan is at best a second-rate character. Really, really. "

While this guy said so, he rubbed his sincere face with his tender feet in striped socks. I don't know if I am expressing dissatisfaction, acting like a baby or giving benefits.

"I have to eat bite by bite."

Whether it is Zhenzi's words or actions, sincerity does not care.

"The Night King Phoenix Fairy is indeed amazing, but he is already 70 years old this year. He spent decades laying down contacts, operating power and chassis, and finally took advantage of the emergence of the Academy City. This is because people have enough accumulation and For the sake of heritage.

As for me, I only have two or three big cats and kittens under my hand. Even if I add those guys from the Gaocheng family that I have absorbed, there is not enough manpower.

Therefore, what I have to do first is not to challenge him in a hurry, but to stabilize my chassis, accumulate strength, and tap talents..."

"Is it right to enjoy life?" Zhen Zi continued to say in a dissatisfied tone: "I don't know whether you didn't find it or you were acting stupid.

Recently, there are more and more girls around you, more and more and more and more and more and more-should you just call them all over, and have a sex together, come to an uncovered convention? The drunk gold fan in the Jiuchi Roulinzhi has a soft leg?

Given the current strength of Sincere Ou Nichan, it is very difficult to have sex with her legs soft, right? "

"It's very difficult-but this is not the point."

"Then what's the point? Can you find a girl who can make you feel soft? The quality is not enough, and the quantity is not enough. First recruit 500+ harem groups?"

"..." She gave her a sincere look without answering.

During this period of time, the originally expected attack did not appear, and Enoshima Dunko seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace at all. And the night king Fengxian who was sincerely worried the most, did not show any hostility towards him.

The worst case, as originally expected sincerely, was the instigation of Jiang Zhidao Dunzi, and then the night King Fengxian went to war against the Sinicization group did not happen.

That old guy who was over seventy years old seemed to be like most elderly people, his energy was declining and he didn't want to do anything anymore.

If things develop according to this situation, then sincerity is not unacceptable. Every day, I am satisfied with the happiness in front of my lovely girls. It's not impossible.

"But I'm still very worried," sincerely couldn't help thinking like this: "I'm still very worried about the guy with the shield. With that guy's personality, even if she is two hundred years old, she will definitely make troubles. ."

Therefore, if this fellow Shield doesn't come out for a day, sincerity can't keep his mind at ease.

——Unfortunately, Sarutobi Changpu who is the most suitable for spy work under sincerely is a scum. Every time I went to work without effort.

In this case, sincerity is not only sighing and hoping to get a better spy leader, but also eager to try.

This guy can't do it, so just go and take a look.

Although in fact, the real income of the big head is smuggling, but Yoshihara's ostentational entertainment is also very impressive. Sincerity is a rare opportunity to visit a weathered entertainment venue in public, and to be reimbursed. If you say you don't want to go, it's false.

Although, sincerely, there are already many, many cute and beautiful girls around, there are younger sisters, older sisters, arrogant twin ponytails, weak cute school girls, and loyal dogs. However, as a man, if he does not go to the weathered entertainment venues in his life, he still feels that he has lost, or that he is missing something, or that his life is incomplete.

The battlefield originally thought so sincerely.

"Well, that's it!" That night, in the bath, Zhanchangyuan Zhenzheng stood up suddenly: "I'm going to Yoshihara!"

Next to him, two younger sisters rubbing each other, Aliangmu Huo Lian and Aliang Mu Yuehuo saw the big elephant together.

"What are you doing with Ernie Chan?!"

Because of this incident, that night, in the name of "monitoring Ernie Chan not to do anything", Huo Lian and Yue Huo left and right, holding his sincere arm between him and unable to move.

Huo Lian's breast and child are well developed and very soft. Moonfire maintains a low level of junior high school students, but it is unexpectedly good. The only thing worth worrying about is that they sleep very poorly, are very unbehaved, often encounter sincerity, and have very large movements.

Pain and happiness.


the next day.

"Ouni-chan, what you said yesterday was not true, right?"

"totally not."

"Oh, really?"

"Of course it is true, how can I bear to deceive my lovely sister?"

"Yeah, yeah. This reason is abundant. There is indeed no one in this world who will deceive a sister as lovely as me. If there is, it can only show that he is a hopeless scum." Listen sincerely. , Yuehuo nodded with satisfaction, and then said to sincerely:

"Yuehuo and I are out now, O'Neill, please take care of the house—and, hurry up and find a way to end this kind of vagrant life. Go to school or work. Don't stay at home every day. ."

After saying this, the lovely sister ×2, just hopped out like this.

and so.

Go to Yoshihara.

I thought so in my sincere heart, and at the same time a little smug.

"Yuehuojiang, although very smart, it is still too tender. Do you want to use words or something to force a person not to act? This kind of thing is useless for a person like me, hum—— Oh?!"

In the next second, I sincerely felt that there were more people around me. After being on guard for half a second, he relaxed again.

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