Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 332

"...So that's it. This is really a strange situation. It only strengthens computing power, but does not have the ability to appear... But even if you say that, your strength is already..."

"Of course, I have a substitute." Sincerely replied: "If it really fights, I will never be inferior to any capable person."

"So that's the case, I understand." Aleister said: "The reason for asking you this question is because next, Academy City will carry out some publicity-Lv5, all Lv5, are the focus of publicity. Now that you have the computing power and'ability' of Lv5, you should be a part of this plan."

"Star effect, whatever you want." Sincerely said: "Will it cause me any trouble?"

"Don't forget, you're still the chairperson of the Academy of Discipline City."

"Okay." Sincerely shrugged: "What else is there? Your great chairman."

"temporarily unavailable."

"So..." Turning sincerely. Shun the knot Danxi: "Now come with me, summary knot."

"--Huh? Huh, that--" Yuuki Danxi was a little embarrassed while surprised.

Not only is it a sincere address, but also sincere and easy to hold her hand.

"Your boss just sold you to me for a bargain, now you are my person, the summary sign-that's what it meant." Sincerely took her forward and said this way-

"Sincere classmate!"

Listen to Danxi Yujie shouting to herself. Sincerely, I quickly distinguished it—the uncomfortableness in her words was at most 50%.


"Ah, it's nice to be young."

After leaving sincerely, Aleister expressed such emotion.

"Just now, you feel the murderous intent that the young man exudes, right?" Beside him, a woman's voice sounded.

Aleister didn't respond, and continued to say: "It's popular, and it's quite good... Maybe, if I can, when I was young..."

"His power has become stronger. It's almost like a monster... Are you sure, can you really control him?"

"However, it's not a good habit to be abusive like this... And as a student, how can he not study? It seems that he should be forced to be assigned to a certain school."

"...That's it."

The female voice thoughtfully: "That's it."

Aleister didn't answer any of her questions, but she seemed to "understand" what he meant.

There are too many flaws in the original sincerity of the battlefield.

Such a person is much easier to control than a stubborn old man who is alone.

After that, the lights went out and Aleister's room plunged into darkness.

Chapter 19 The Best Place to Date a New Girlfriend

at the same time.

After trying to shake off his sincere hands several times, but all failed, Yubi Danxi gave up the effort temporarily.


Of course, apart from being upset, there was still a little bit of joy in my heart.

Of course only a little bit.

She tried, trying to say something with sincerity. Alleviate the awkward atmosphere.

But before that, Sincere stopped, turned around, and looked at the building where Aleister was.

"Very strong," he murmured.

"Even if it's... it doesn't necessarily win... Humph, hum, hum, hum..."

After sighing like this, Zhan Tian Yuan couldn't help sincerely, and laughed hum.

"What's the matter with you?" Yubiao Danxi asked with some dissatisfaction.

"No, nothing." Sincerely stopped laughing cheerfully, then looked at her: "Then let's go."

"Eh. Go, where to go?"

"--Of course, the place we should go most now--Of course, I'm not talking about love hotels."

After saying this, he sincerely pulled the knot Danxi and ran forward.

The feeling of youth.

Well, yes, I took the hand of the girl I like and ran forward. If this is not youth, then there is no concept of youth in this world.

Even if it is such an arrogant, arrogant and sensitive girl as Yuibi Danhee, she can't help but be immersed in false beauty at this moment——

After learning about "that that", sincerity became bolder in her actions.

As it is now.

"So, what exactly is it?" Jie Biao Dan Xi couldn't help asking.

"--Don't speak, just move forward--and ah, closing, what is your usual entertainment?"

"Entertainment or something..."

Jiebi Danxi thought for a while: "Sit at the traffic light and guess the license plate of the past car?"


Even if the battlefield was sincere, he couldn't help but want to complain.

"Uh, that, is that bad?" Jiebi Danxi blushed slightly.

"...No, it's nothing. The knot is a girl. After all, I should arrange this kind of thing." He said with a sincere smile, making the knot blush.

"If it is arranged... it really means a date, right?" she thought so.

Yubi Danxi, sixteen years old. High school student beautiful girl. The facial features are correct, the figure is slender, the chest is well developed, and he is proud of two slender and straight white legs. Currently unmarried, zero dating experience, zero social experience, and zero dating experience.

"Although, although...but I have also should be to eat, watch a movie, um, go to an amusement park or aquarium? Speaking of which, there are quite a few places worth visiting in Academy City... …"

So far everything is perfect. Everything is fine except that the taxi driver is a bit unpleasant.

After half an hour, everything was ruined.

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