Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 333



Half an hour ago, the finale Danxi: zero love experience, zero relationship experience, and zero dating.

Half an hour later, Danxi ends the bid: zero love experience, zero social experience, and zero dating.

Seeing Yoshihara people coming and going, women dressed as fairies shamelessly walked around with their arms around the man. Danxi did not react for a while.

"Oh? Don't accept credit cards? Your car is still behind, madao, this is the fare, no need to look for it."

After saying this, close the door with a sincere "touch" and then look at the left and right sides.

A little eager to try.

"Well, where should I start?"

"Battlefield is sincere!!!"

It is only natural to want to yell at this time...


"Don't pretend to be innocent, bastard! What is going on!? Why did we come to Yoshihara?! Why—"

"--Speak down." Sincerely covered her mouth: "Didn't I just tell you very clearly?! Work, work. The fellow Aleister wants to send you to help me deal with Yewang Fengxian. Ah. So we came to Yoshihara to find out. Didn’t I tell you very clearly on the way?!"

"Eh, eh, that, I told me very clearly on the road..."

Hearing this sincerely and confidently, Kou Dan Xi was stunned for a while, and felt something was wrong.

Did you say it? Did you say it?

It seems...really... have you said it?

Because when I was in the car, the bidding had been in a state of chaos, and my heart was messed up, so I just agreed with what I said sincerely. I didn't pay attention to what the honesty specifically said.

In this case, then it is indeed possible for her to...hear him before...

"So, what are you thinking? Although Aleister has already sold you to me for a bargain, I am not a black-hearted boss who deducts wages like him, but you have to understand what I said. what."

"Ah, uh, uh."

Although she felt a little unhappy, she calmed down.

Because speaking, this is indeed bad for her——

Of course, if she knows that sincerity didn't say that just now, that's another matter.

"All in all, we are now pretending to be a couple, and then collecting information in Yoshiwara?" Jiebi Danxi asked.

——Although it’s impossible to date or anything, it’s okay to pretend to be a couple in play — just like Brother Cheng and the world of Saiyuan Temple back then, maybe just pretending to be real.


The clever girl got a contemptuous look of "Are you stupid?"

"Eh, isn't it like this?"

"Of course not." He replied sincerely, "We are here to collect information, right? Since we are collecting information, of course we are collecting information from the guys in Yoshiwara.

That is, the clients and prostitutes-if we pretend to be a pair, how can we pull others over and ask, don't you think? So of course we must act separately. "


Indeed, it is true to be honest.

But this is completely different from what Jiebi Danxi had in mind.

"So, that's it, after dark...well, no, just wait until the next day...the next thing is--"

In the next second, sincere words were interrupted by the spear on the opposite side.

The malicious girl appeared before the sincerity.

"Yeah, sincere." He snapped the pocky in his mouth: "Every time I see you, I bring a different girl with me. The quality of life is good."

"Kyozi?" Sincerely a little surprised: "I didn't expect to see you here. It's a coincidence." He said that, and put his hand on the tip of her gun: "So, what happened recently? So, is your health well, is your insomnia alleviated a bit?"

Author's message:

Update la la la, thanks to wtyzl, Eros is so good, the fire year, Daxieyu, Niviaalo, Ying Daoshu for the rewards; thanks to the rain demon, the dirty guest 10086, Veentus, the hardworking Bulldozer, Golden Shining (male), Eros is so good, pineapple bag light novel, sister control, fire years, wjszs, Chaoyu, Haqingqiu, Zhulang Xiaoxian, book guest 1619932813, postcard, the sixth Monthly pass

Chapter 20 Ex-girlfriends are so troublesome

"Ah, I got better, but seeing your nasty face will relapse again."

No push.

Although only 20% of the effort was used, I sincerely believe that even the alloy can be traced. However, Kyoko's spear was still staring at his throat and did not move.

A little surprised.

"Because it brings back good memories of the past?" asked with a sincere smile.

"Idiot-of course nightmares!"

In the next second, the long spear pierced towards Sincerity without hesitation - then, bright light shone on the tip of Kyoko's spear, and then the whole spear disappeared and appeared in midair dozens of meters away.

"Are you capable of the Space Element?" Kyoko chuckled slightly, "I thought you were just a wandering warbler recruited by that guy on the street. I didn't expect it to be a high-end one."

"It's good to know." Danxi, who had just taken the initiative to save the sincere knot, walked forward and shook the military tactical flashlight in his hand: "This lady is different from a bargain like you who can only fight with the body, whether it is a man or I will win the battle beautifully—"


I was irritated - absolutely, I was irritated. Kyoko's eyes are as terrible as a predatory cat. The next second, the long spear appeared in her hand again. Without hesitation, she stabbed at the target Danxi——

"She is also a space capable person?!"

The knot disappeared suddenly, opening the distance from Kyoko—At the same time, Kyoko was chasing after him at an extremely fast speed, almost as fast as his teleportation.

"Don't run!"

"No, it's not spatial ability, then this is—"

While constantly moving instantaneously and dodge Kyoko's attack, Yukai Danxi kept moving the heavy objects on the roadside with instantaneous movement and threw it at Kyoko as a weapon, but she dodged it easily.

"Go to hell, you bastard!" ×2.

Although it was only the first time we met, it was like the other party had hatred of killing his father and taking his wife.

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