Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 340

Before Blade could react, sincere had raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

Crisp slap in the face. Then came a sincere loud roar:

"——How can you do this?! How can you do this to me?! Why, why do you do this to me?! Blade?!"

Sincerely speaking, he shed tears.

Author's message:

Update la la la la. Thank you for the reward of Changli Weique and Cheng; thank you for the light novel of Pineapple Bun, the invincible Zuo Fei fell, eat a pie to calm down, you should drink medicine! , C'Thun’s whispers, unexistent Mr. F, nuclear bomb mage, dreamme, book guest 937377822, @

?? Chapter 26 The original blade of the battlefield?

This chapter can also be called Shura Field sandwiched between sister and husband.


Enoshima Blade was at a loss. The strong sense of guilt made her almost tempted to find a place to get in.

"No, very--"

When she subconsciously wanted to apologize to sincerity, through sincerity, she saw the shield behind him.

His sister was looking at her with the same eyes as she was looking at her father and enemy.

You can kill with a smile, you can kill a lot of people with a smile, you can kill the entire world with a smile, Enoshima Shield, the current anger is enough to kill the creatures of the entire planet.

The creaking of the teeth was just like the original sincerity on the battlefield before-even for the blade, it was the first time to see his sister show such true feelings.

"That, shield, shield sauce?"

Although I wanted to call my own sister like that, the blade at this time didn't even have the courage to speak.

Her brain is in a mess. Can't think of anything at all.

At the same time, Dunko Enoshima did the same.

At least for this moment, the conspiracy and genius thoughts in Dunzi's heart disappeared. All that is left is anger--

What did you do? What do you think I do so much for? ! Why? ! That guy is just a follower of mine, just a follower.

I ordered everything she did. After all, it is no different from a tool-why, why, why in the end you will be angry with her? ! are you an idiot? ! Is it an idiot? !

Although Dongzi didn't say anything, but looking at her face that was distorted by anger, you knew what she was thinking in her heart.

Kill her kill her kill her kill her kill her kill her kill her-

Just as Enoshima Dunko walked over with murderous aura, and at the same time he did not know where he pulled out a broken ice cone, Battlefield Yuanzheng turned around again "accidentally" and protected Enoshima Blade behind him— —

The eyes that looked at Dunzi were indifferent and ruthless, just like looking at a bucket of cement or an inorganic substance like a pile of sand.

"With me, no one can hurt her!" She shouted sincerely.


Even a professional soldier can think of two hundred killing machines with his eyes closed... But after hearing these words, the blade still couldn't help but move slightly.

About ninety-nine percent of girls in the world can't refuse this feeling, right? Even LV4 super-college-level soldiers are the same.


It would be even better if it wasn't his sister who was killing him.

The head of Enoshima Blade was still in chaos. As a tool, soldiers and idiot sisters have low IQs. Even if it becomes Lv4, it has gained a lot of computing power.

Zhanchang Yuanzheng held the hand of the blade in this way, guarding her in front, and looking at Enoshima Dunko.

No matter what this pink-haired double ponytail is, angry, begging, unhappy, cute or something else, sincere and expressionless all the time, while holding the hilt tightly, it seems that he will stab the woman in front of him at any time.

However, in the end, it still didn't go down——

"Ahaha~ it's true, sincere classmates can really make jokes~" After throwing away the ice cone, Shield smiled nonchalantly:

"How could I be against my sister~ After all, I only have one sister in this world~ I am the only relative in this world, right, sister~"

"Dunzi sauce..."

Although her back was turned to her and she didn't see clearly, Blade must be relieved and looked very moved.

"..." The battlefield was sincere and unmoved, still looking at Enoshima Dunzi blankly. Then slowly, slowly retract the sword back into its sheath.

He turned his head and looked at Enoshima Blade with a complicated expression, and Blade bowed his head in embarrassment after looking at him.

Although still confused, she still made the choice subconsciously.

It is still her sister Enoshima Dunko.

"..." Sincere sighed slightly, then turned and walked towards the gate of the Yewang Fengxian residence.

"Hey, aren't you welcoming guests?" He looked at Shenwei sincerely: "It's your responsibility to take me to the living room, or wherever you want, right?"

"Usually, I would definitely be lazy, but just as a reward. Thank you for showing me such a wonderful show."

He exaggeratedly saluted sincerity and made a gesture of "please here" to lead sincerity forward.

"...Huh." By sincerely, Enoshima Blade let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked at his sister shield with some anxiety. The latter gave her a big smile.

"I miscalculated, I miscalculated." Dunzi thought in his heart: "As expected of a sincere classmate... Heh heh, he obviously wanted to throw a bait to make him panic. He didn't expect that he was in trouble. I came up with a cracking method in an instant... No, it can't be said to be a'cracking method' but an attack.

Explain in the most utilitarian perspective. With just a slap in the face and two sentences, a protective action can create a rift between my sister and me, and even expand the rift in the future, causing my sister to betray me. Heh, heh, heh... It's so perfect. "

It still has that nymphomaniac expression... However, if it cooperates with Shield's psychological activities, it can't be treated as the previous pretense.


Even so, sincere will never believe her.

"It's just a devil." The shield clamped his legs and took a deep breath, a black face that was about to orgasm.

"Then, doesn't matter, Dunzichan?" Jianzi asked anxiously beside her.

"Go away a little bit ugly... Ah, I mean, what can I do? Sister, don't worry about it."

What responded to her was a perfect smile.

Seeing the interaction between the Enoshima sisters, Kyoko and Yugoi Danxi took two steps subconsciously. Keep away from them. At the same time, Ruoyoruowu stayed behind sincerity and blocked the sight.


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