Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 341

Shield stomped his feet and chased him up.

at the same time.

"It's because... I don't have any feelings for Enoshima Dunko, and I don't hold any expectations, so is this?"

When Enoshima Dunzi used herself to save others and used the most malicious psychology to speculate on sincere behavior, the blonde female ninja who had been watching coldly was also thinking:

"Indeed, she is more like a natural phenomenon, a concept, and a thought than a person. The sincerity should be the feeling that what this kind of thing does, even if it kills everyone in the world, is not enough. Surprising. It doesn't make any sense to be angry with this kind of stuff.

In contrast, her sister, no matter how bad it is, is at least a person. Besides..."

Although sincerity never said a word to Blade after this, the latter occasionally looked at him quite a few times.

"I didn't hesitate to protect her behind me just now, just like someone whose blade is his. They must have a good relationship."

Inexplicably, the blonde female ninja felt a little jealous.

Chapter 27 Seniors and Juniors

That's it. In any case, Zhanchangyuan walked through the long wooden corridor in silence, moving in the direction of the man under the gaze of the large group of female ninjas.

Ye Wang Fengxian, although sincerely I have seen his photos before, but the difference between the photos and the real person is not reasonable.

The most powerful underworld hero in rumors, one person can single-handedly suppress a planet, monsters among monsters, incredible power figures.

"Let's talk." On the way to his room, he rushed forward two steps sincerely and nonchalantly, side by side with the squinted divine power: "I heard, you are his disciple?"

"Well, yes." The other party answered without hesitation.

"So in your eyes, what kind of person is the Night King Fengxian?" He continued sincerely.

"...Do you want to get information from my mouth?" Although he said that, Shenwei still smiled with squinted eyes, and did not mean to be angry or dissatisfied: "Remember that usually, before asking this kind of question You have to give a bribe."

"Just forget it if you don't want to say it." Answered sincerely.

"——Hi, I'll answer the questions of sincere classmates!" At this moment, Dunzi took the initiative to jump out.

Wearing gold-wire glasses that I didn't know where he took out, Dunzichan's temperament instantly became an intellectual beauty teacher. Pretending to take out a pointer:

"It's like this."

The voice is also very low.

"Bongxian, known as the Night King, is a member of the strange race named'Night Rabbit', or the most powerful of them. The terrible power that once can dominate the entire fighting race has made him invincible in previous wars.

In the decades since his debut, I don't know how many strong men died under his hands. Even facing hundreds of heavily armed violent elements single-handedly, you can pass the customs unparalleled. It was terrible like a monster. "

While saying this, Blade pushed a mobile blackboard painted with chalk.

Following the words of Shield, Blade kept changing the blackboard and chalk drawing.

"However, that was twenty years ago.

Ah, ah. Things like time are terrible.

The terrifying warrior who was once strong and unbeatable finally couldn't move after he reached old age. It started to fall.

Abandoned the identity of a mercenary, came to Yoshihara, and then took root here through contacts. It took twenty years to develop Yoshihara into a world-class black street.

Well, in a sense, it’s quite remarkable... However, I haven’t been physically active for 20 years, soaking in the powder pile every day, having sex with women like this, drinking alcohol every day, having sex every day, With such a decayed and degraded life, the Lord of the Night, how much of his true strength can it be in his heyday? ? ? "

Ending with a cartoon-like chalk drawing of a question mark above her head, Dunko Enoshima concluded her speech.

It should be said that it was her. She was angry just now, but at this moment, she has completely recovered, and she still wants to instigate a sincere fight against the Night King and Phoenix.

This guy is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

He glanced at him sincerely and expressionlessly, and then at Shenwei.

"That old man." Shenwei replied: "It's true that he is old, and his bones are soaked by the color of wine, but even so...heh heh heh, sincere classmate, you will know when you see him."

After saying this, it happened that the living room was also here. After pushing open a paper door, he kicked off his shoes and walked in on the tatami.

Of course, this little detail was sincerely noticed.

Don't say anything else, but it seems that the Night Lord doesn't teach his apprentice very much. This is absolutely true.

Sincerely thinking so, I took off my shoes and set them up, then walked in——

"Is that guy not so perverted?" Sincerity suddenly had such a thought.

The next second, sincerely turned around and looked over, and saw that Enoshima instantly stopped tucking his shoes into his chest, stood up and smiled happily.


Sincerely expressionless and ruthless, almost unable to pretend.

A little episode.

Sincerity and Jiebi Danxi as a guest, finally entered the deepest part of Yoshihara's core and met the host here.

In terms of face alone, the Night King, with white beard and hair, is a very majestic man. Although wearing a generous kimono, he can't cover his strong and tall body. Looking at his size alone, he was at least two meters away. Under the cover of the costume, it must be a strong body with explosive muscles.


Indeed, just like what his disciple said, he continued to drink the wine poured by the coquettish woman next to him. Although the speed is very slow, I can't smell any alcohol. But calculate the time.

If he waited here since just now, then he must have drunk a lot.

If he has been here for 20 years, then...

"Just like those two bastards said, how much combat power does such a body have, and what ability does it have in its heyday?"

Thinking like this in my heart, I can't help sincerely wanting to pull the sword out of the sheath and challenge the night king.

Of course, it was just a momentary impulse. In the next second, sincerity returned to calm.

Can't do it.

At least you can't do it here.


The sincere corner of his eyes swept over the two pink hairs, the dead rabbit named Shenwei, and the middle black belly named Enoshima Dunzi.

If they fight with the Night King Fengxian sincerely at this moment, they will definitely laugh happily.

After that, sincerely looked at others.

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