Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 345

Sincerely only said half a sentence, and then was approved by the old woman, and then she turned around and went into the kitchen. Soon after, there was the sound of making a fire in the kitchen.

"Really, so this is the place for adults to come, what do the two little ghosts learn, come to this kind of place, really..."

Although it is not very good, but he has a good heart. They started cooking for the sake of sincerity.

Sincere and Kyoko looked at each other, the latter blushed a little, turned his head away from him, and sincere shook his head helplessly.

Really, it seems that very few people here see themselves. Obviously he is very handsome.

"You asked for that too." Kyoko whispered.

"Okay, okay, even if I asked for it." Sincerely, he took Kyoko helplessly and sat down on the table in the next corner.

Then, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere became a little awkward. After a while, I spoke sincerely.

"Have you... been doing well recently?"

"What's good or bad, it's like that." Kyoko seemed indifferent: "I can live anyway. And recently, the school city is so chaotic, it's easy to find part-time jobs. It's just..."

At this point, Kyoko can't continue.

"It's just getting more and more difficult." Sincerely continued her words: "Because there are more and more high-level abilities in Academy City, business is getting worse and worse, right?"

"You want to control?!"

When she said that sincerely, Kyoko was a little excited: "If it wasn't for your fellow, I would have done a good job in Yoshiwara, so--" Having said that, Kyoko couldn't say anything.

"But it's okay, just leave it to me if you work. If—"

"——Who wants your help!"

Kyoko said more excitedly-then.

"That, that..."


Kyoko turned his head very unhappy and looked at a brown-haired kid.

"This is... what you ordered, that... curry rice, and juice..." The kid glared at Kyoko's oppressive eyes, like a mouse stared at by a snake, scared enough. Put down the plate and ran away quickly.

"Are you a new waiter? I haven't seen it in Granny Dengshi's shop before." Kyoko murmured like this, then turned around, looking sincerely without showing any weakness. The latter looked at her a little embarrassed.

"The previous thing was that I was wrong. Let's start again... I am really shameless when I say this. I also know this, but Kyoko..."

"You also know that you are shameless..." Kyoko lowered her head, her eye circles started to flush: "People...before...obviously believed you so--"

Then, Kyoko raised her head and looked fiercely sincerely: "Why don't you have that big green-haired sister?! What's wrong?! Abandoned by that cc, then come to me again?! Me Is it that cheap?! Or, do you use me as her substitute?! The battlefield is sincere?!"

The fist slammed on the table, and the plate slammed into the glass with orange juice.

Sakura Kyoko burst into tears.

The battlefield was sincere and speechless.


At the same time, in the kitchen, the mother-in-law Dengshi swallowed clouds, and didn't know whether it was oil fume or cigarettes. The narrow room was filled with smoke.

"Then, that, mother-in-law..." The kid who was scared away by Kyoko shivered again.

"Leave them alone?"

"Do you care about them? What do you do?" Mother-in-law Dengshi glanced at him, and then asked.

"But... the guests are all scared away?"

"Scared away, scared away."

"Don't do business?"

"Well, let's close."

"But, it's only eight o'clock, mother-in-law!"

"..." Granny Dengshi looked at him silently for a while, and then said, "Haruta, you little ghost Rory is silly, you actually want to ask me about them, right?"

"...Hmm! I really want to know!"

"Hey, the kid now..." Mother-in-law Dengshi took another cigarette, and slowly exhaled: "Forget it...It's not a secret in Kabukicho anyway. Even if you don't tell you, you can do it sooner or later. know……

Before this...well, it seems to be two years or three years ago? "

In this way, the mother-in-law Dengshi fell into the memory.

Two or three years ago, when sincerity was still in Kabukicho, and still sinking into the nightclub of Takatenhara, making the first cowboy.

There was another family in Kabukicho at that time.


Of course, in a place like Kabukicho, how can anyone believe in God? Religious evangelism is totally unworkable here. Therefore, the family's life is very difficult.

People in Kabukicho looked down on that guy and thought that guy was a bastard for nothing, so no one wanted to help them.

Among the family members is the Sakura family, and the daughter is Sakura Kyoko. It's the girl who is very energetic and making noise outside now.

"Then, the family suddenly had a lot of believers inexplicably, and suddenly the whole family caught fire, except Kyoko, everyone died. The story officially began at this time."

Sakura Kyoko's shout outside the kitchen became louder and louder following the words of Grandma Toshi.

"You never cared about me! You just treated me like your pet hamster. In order to relieve loneliness, you raised me!"

"That, mother-in-law?"

"Don't worry about them, Harita. Where did we say...Oh, yes. Yes. At that time Kyoko's father and sister were all dead, and only oneself was left alone..."


With Sakura Kyoko's cry, sincere seems to have also remembered two years ago when he was a very decadent person.

Dim and dull, life dull and dull. Live in a muddle every day... It's almost winter.

Although sincerely, life at that time is no longer a life, but in winter, he still knows this very well. Because he clearly remembered that there was heavy snow when he and Kyoko Sakura first met.

It's morning, it should be five o'clock, right? It may be six o'clock. He swayed open the door after having just spent a miserable night. After vomiting out a pungent alcohol-smelling "thing", sincerely heard something vaguely.

"Is it a wild cat?"

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