Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 346

Thinking like this in his heart, he turned his head subconsciously and saw the girl.

A girl shrunk in the corner, dirty and shaking with cold.

"That's it, that guy took the Sakura's child... because of sympathy, or because the Sakura child said it was just because of loneliness, who knows." Mother-in-law Dengshi said while smoking. "After all, the sincere guy started to take care of people...Of course, it was always inconvenient at first. What's more, two years ago, he was a child himself, caring for people or something..."

In the beginning, Kyoko Sakura was wary of sincerity. The smiles that melted those "mothers" seemed cold and contemptible to her.

Because her family was destroyed just now, she was guarded against everything. But at the same time, because the family had just died, she soon accepted her new identity to the point she could not even think of.

"Because of loneliness. Or there are fears-the sincere kid is not sure, but the girl of the Sakura family is certain." Mother-in-law Dengshi continued:

"She saw her own shadow from Sincerity-although his parents are alive and there is an older sister, but in fact, they are in the same situation-Oh, the case of sincerity is a different story, I will do it another day Tell you."

At the same time, outside the kitchen, sincere couldn’t help shouting: “You still say me, don’t you do the same?! At the very beginning, you still called me brother!”

After this, Kyoko's voice became a little lower.

"——Don't listen to what you shouldn't!" Kanqing was poking her head, and Granny Dengshi immediately started teaching him. but……

"Forget it. Yes, it was true at the beginning. I lost my family, so I desperately hope to get my family, lost happiness, so I desperately want to be happy. Two people are like two injured stray cats, Snuggle and hug each other to keep warm.

However, if it is said who is more dependent on whom, then it is really Kyoko. It's a girl after all. "

"--But, but..."

Outside the kitchen, Kyoko couldn't scream out, so she started crying.

Even if it is a boyish and arrogant, but when it should be used, a woman's biggest weapon is still used.

"The relationship between the two people is still very good... Well, at least it was very good at that time." Granny Dengshi said: "Or, they all regard each other as their own psychological support. Of course Kyoko is more important. At the very beginning, she stuck to the sincere boy almost all day, and didn't leave him in anything."

"But, doesn't it mean that sincerity is... doing that kind of work?"

"Yes, but because I am an MVP, my work is very easy and I have a lot of autonomy. In addition, Kyoko is very sensible, so I won't interfere with him."

"... Very sensible?" Kyoko cried while shouting something to sincerity as the kid named Haruta listened to the voice outside. No matter how you listen, it doesn't look like "very sensible".

But two years ago, the girl who looked like a kitten was indeed cute and sensible.

I don’t know when I start, I can’t sleep at night, I can sleep peacefully only in a sincere embrace. I don't know when I want to develop further intimacy with sincerity. I also don’t know when, people in Kabukicho called Shinji and Kyoko and started to use "couple" instead of brother and sister.

Maybe it can. Holding the soft, well-behaved and sensible Kyoko in his arms, feeling her tenderness and strong sense of dependence, sincere and even thought about it, maybe just like this, it's not impossible to spend a lifetime with Kyoko.


However, it still doesn't work.

It's not Kyoko's relationship. But the battlefield is sincere.

That guy's gentleness is enough to warm the apricots. But Kyoko can't.

While sincerity saved Kyoko, Kyoko couldn't save sincerity.

It was on this premise that I met that woman sincerely.

An unnamed woman with long green hair and amber eyes.

A woman who claims to be CC and has the ability to redeem a sincere woman-although in the end it is proved that her redemption is just a lie.

"That's it." At this point, Granny Dengshi's tone became a little helpless: "Although she said so, but... emotionally it is a bit difficult to accept... How should I say, if I have to say it, I can't Blame the sincerity, because he was just a child at the time. However, for the Sakura children, doing things sincerely is already a betrayal.

Betrayed her, emotionally, in love, in the tragic identity of the two sides, and... how dare he leave me and find happiness alone? This kind of insidious feeling..."

Had never heard of such a thing before, Xiao Gui Harita was completely silly.

"—I don’t care, I don’t care about me!" Kyoko yelled: "Anyway, you are sorry for me, you know or not, I look at you and that woman, I look at you and that woman—"

Speaking of which, Kyoko was already crying--

That is, two years ago, I sincerely met a woman who claimed to be CC and was crazy about her.

At the very beginning, he kept Kyoko from the secret, and tried to take care of her as before. But after a long time, that's not the case...

I don't know when it started, but the time to return home sincerely is getting late.

——Although I have had this kind of experience before, after all, sincere work is like that, but Kyoko still feels uneasy in terms of daily actions and feelings.

That night, I was sincerely with CC.

"Oh, what's the matter, is there anything today?"

"No, it's nothing...Sister."

"Then stay and stay with me for a while."

The battlefield was sincere and could not refuse her request anyway.


at the same time.

"Why, haven't come back yet, sincere brother." The anxious Kyoko who was waiting at home thought about it, and decided to go there.

Although there was an unpleasant atmosphere everywhere.

Author's message:

Five thousand words chapter

The 31st chapter ending is pretty good?

After thinking about it a little bit, I still feel very worried. So Kyoko acted immediately, changed clothes and went out.

Just like before, the shorts and the jacket are very boyish. Because it always feels awkward to go there in women's clothing.

"Sincere brother, he will be pleasantly surprised when he sees me? Well, then he will go home and buy sea bream roast on the way for supper."

Thinking like this in her heart, Kyoko was very happy and happy in her heart. She couldn't help but smiled and accelerated her pace. She couldn't wait to see the sincerity--


Kyoko saw the scene she least wanted to see in her life, an unforgettable scene.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely took her hand and walked over with a happy face——

Yes, yes, Kyoko has actually not seen such a scene. Compared to holding hands, she has even seen more intense things, such as kissing and even above-but she doesn't care about it.

Sakura Kyoko has very keen intuition and senses. Able to distinguish right from wrong.

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