Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 347

She could see that sincere and other women were just acting on the scene before. Although sincere smiled happily on the surface, she could see the deep contempt and contempt in his eyes.

However, this time, Sakura Kyoko saw happiness besides happiness.

Battlefield Yuanzheng was redeemed, and Battlefield Yuanzheng found his own happiness in a woman named CC. Instead of being here.

In this way, the original sincerity of the battlefield does not need her. Two injured wild cats can curl up together to lick each other's wounds, but if one of them is taken away and adopted and the identities of the two parties become different, this kind of thing will not happen.

Sakura Kyoko was incomparable fear, followed by fear, followed by incomparable anger, then panic, then sadness, and finally humiliation and shame.

She can't get the salvation of sincerity. With her, the sincerity is the most, and the only thing I get is "comfort".

"From the very first meeting, the Sakura children should have understood, she couldn't fight it at all. But this kind of thing is not a question that you can let go after you understand. And that woman...huh, of course it won't be easy. Give up. Sincerely, the kid was caught in the middle, and it must be the end he made a choice."

Haruta: "Is that...woman?"

"Yes, although it is cruel to Sakura's children, he is a man after all. When my brain gets hot, I will make some silly things." Granny Dengshi shook her head, "But I can't blame him. That woman, I I've seen it, indeed...very unusual. She does have fascinating abilities."

Haruta: "What happened later?"

"Later... of course it broke."

No matter how Kyoko cried, no matter how Kyoko struggled, he still chose CC sincerely. Although he still wanted to maintain a "family" relationship with Kyoko, in the eyes of Kyoko who has always been strong, this is no different from charity. She just left angrily.

I hate the sincere ruthlessness of the battlefield, that C.C's horizontal sword seizes love, and his own powerlessness.

After that, sincere originally wanted to wait for a while, and her mood stabilized a bit before going to reconcile with her. But then, C.C went away.

I just "betrayed" the sincerity of others, and in a blink of an eye I was "betrayed" by others.

"It's not just Kyoko, but the children of the Battlefield Hara family are also very strong. If he is in a dominant position, then of course he will go to the Sakura children again. But if this happens, he is embarrassed to see her. Of course, I think it’s useless to see her again. What would the Sakura children think?

‘That guy doesn’t want you anymore, so you came back to me again licking your face? Am I that cheap? If you say a word, I will come back to you? ’So it is impossible for both parties to get back together...

Of course, that was two years ago. "

The war between Sakura Kyoko and Battlefield Hara Shinto lasted for two years. Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, feeling empty, lonely and cold. But when Kyoko wanted to cry, she would hold back. I thought in my heart: "If you cry, you will definitely be laughed at." Then he endured it, desperately making himself look stronger.

But in my heart and deep in my heart, I still feel lonely and uncomfortable. The stronger the performance, the more serious Kyoko's heart hurt.

"That's about it."

After telling the story, a cigarette butt had fallen under the feet of Granny Dengshi. The little devil named Harita was already dumbfounded. Mother Dengshi's words completely exceeded his capacity.

Although he lived in poverty when he was young and suffered a lot, he still couldn't understand this kind of thing.

"Sure enough, is it too early to say this to you." Granny Dengshi shook her head and walked towards the door.

"That, mother-in-law?"

"Don't worry, those two idiots have regretted it, but now they just lack a step." Mother-in-law Dengshi said, opening the curtain and walking out.

"Ah, ah. Really, my shop." Looking at the mess inside the shop, Granny Dengshi shook her head helplessly.

Hearing what she said, both sincere and Kyoko lowered their heads in embarrassment. Then, the mother-in-law walked towards Kyoko, looking at Kyoko's red and crying eyes, her mother-in-law sighed helplessly again: "Enough is enough, Kyoko. The children of the original battlefield are like that, so you can eat a little bit. Unfortunately, forgive him."

"Yes, but..."

"As for the child of the original family on the battlefield." Mother-in-law Dengshi turned her head and looked sincerely: "Who is Kyoko, you should know better than me. Think about it, you are the one who sorry for them first."

"Of course I know." Sincerely whispered.

"That's it." Mother-in-law Dengshi took Kyoko's hand, and then her sincere hand, so that the two people's hands were held together:

"Let the previous things pass-I can't say that. However, you are no longer young. Rather than remembering the past, think about what we should do in the future, right?"

After that, sincere and Kyoko looked at each other. Seeing Kyoko turning her head blushing, she made up her mind sincerely.

"Thank you very much, Granny Dengshi, I will send you the compensation for the damage to the shop tomorrow!"

Having said this, sincerely bowed deeply to her, then turned around and hugged Kyoko lazily.

"Ah!" Kyoko called out in surprise, and then struggled desperately.

"What are you doing?! Put me down quickly, you bastard!"

"After waiting for the matter, thank mother-in-law again—"

After saying this, sincerely ran away holding Kyoko at the fastest speed...

Author's message:

The update is la la la, thanks to Kage Wushu, Kushiu, my name is Jin Shining, I want to lie down and win, someone I don’t know, Sun is in Gensokyo, four circles, you are not poof! , Cheng's rooftop, book guest fffff, i's rewards; thank you really not Mango, Veentus, Pingmo, Silent Echo, unknown people, mountain ghosts and dragons, Ji, Fallen Wings, Twilight Beitou's monthly pass

Chapter 32 Daily Life and Reuniting

"Idiot, pedophile, pervert!" Kyoko blushed terribly, struggling desperately in her sincere arms: "Hurry up and put me down!"

"No! I will never let go in my life!" Zhanchang Yuanzheng shouted in a louder voice than her.

Amid the cheers of a large group of passers-by in Kabukicho, sincerely carried Kyoko and ran wildly.

"Stupid!" Kyoko opened her mouth in anger and bit her sincere shoulder hard.

"Hmm--" He snorted sincerely, but still didn't mean to let go--

"Uh, uh, uh—"

Kyoko bit her sincere shoulder and stretched out her hand, thumping her sincere back desperately, but the intensity of the struggle was much smaller.

She subconsciously leaned in her sincere arms, her eyes sore, and she cried again.

Sincerely, he ran all the way with Kyoko, and ran to the place where they lived in Kabukicho before. Then he didn't put Kyoko down, but took out the key directly and opened the door.

It's terribly messy inside. It's completely different from the clean and tidy environment when Sincere lived here two years ago. Garbage, leftover food, worn clothes, unwashed dishes, furniture, and debris are piled up in a random manner. There is almost no place for anyone to stay.

From this we can see what life Kyoko has been living in the past two years.

"……Really sorry."

Seeing this, Sincerity felt a little sad, but Kyoko was even more shy, burying her head in sincere arms and could not come out.

Sincerely marched hard in such a sea of garbage, walked into the bedroom, then put Kyoko on the bed, and sat on the side of the bed.

"You really still live here." He sincerely took her hand and said.

"...Because there is no other place to go." Kyoko still had a hardened mouth. Sincerity will naturally not quarrel with her, just look at her with a smile.

"You... Why didn't you come to me for the past two years?"

After a while, Kyoko couldn't help but asked.

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