Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 356

She who is weak is like a little girl, whether she is sincere and her sister, she is weak and not like her. It's hard to imagine a super-high school-level soldier who has experienced many battles and has such a powerful existence as LV4 physical reinforcement.

"..." The other party lowered his head again and said in a voice that was almost inaudible:

"Sincere childhood sweetheart, it's Dunzi sauce..."

"Stupid." Sincerely couldn't help cursing.

"It's so dumb and hopeless.

If it's another idiot, just leave her alone.

But with the blade, it really doesn't work. "

Sincerely step forward again. He took her hand before the other person wanted to speak.

"Because Blade can't beat me at all and can't resist, so I was forced to accept it." Sincerely said to her: "It is not a sorry shield, nor a betrayal."

"If, if so..."

"Yes, yes, they are all forced, whether they are forced to tell the secret of Enoshima Dunko, whether they are forced to accept me, whether they are forced to fall in love with me, whether they are forced to fall in love with me, all I forced you. Blade has no responsibility."

"Yes, if it is forced..."

——At this moment, sincere’s side suddenly sounded the voice of the person who most wanted to hear at this time:

"I'm sorry to bother you and your childhood sweetheart at this time and say love, O'Neill, but it's time to enter the mission world in the next round. The rules will be slightly different this time, I hope O'Neill likes it. Hahahahahahaha~"

Author's message:

Do you all look down on Sister Cannian? ! I can’t find any good-looking pictures on the Internet, bastard, even if there is a good one, I will take a photo with my sister

⑥ Super high school-level love drama Danwanronpa

Chapter One: What is the best thing in the battlefield?

Private Hope Peak Academy is a school that gathers superb high school students from all fields. Choose to cultivate top talents in various industries and train them into the best talents after graduation.

It is famous all over the world because of its absolute elite education concept.

As long as you can be selected, you are a genius. As long as you graduate successfully, you can become the best winner in the industry.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a winner in life.

Since its establishment, the Hope Peak College, which has cultivated a large number of talents, has naturally gained more resources and a better position. Those graduates who succeeded in achieving high positions after graduation, of course, maintain the school's signature and are willing to contribute more to the school.

The alumni association, which contains the best practitioners from all walks of life, is very convenient both politically and commercial. If all this power is brought into play, it will not be difficult to control the political situation in Japan as a whole and even affect the situation in the world.

Of course, this year, Hope Peak College also welcomed a new class of high school students.

Although in order to make up for the financial loss, so-called "preparatory" students were recruited... But the focus is still on these talented students, and this will not change.

Super-university-level military personnel, super-university-level graphic models, super-university-level kendoists, and super-university-level health workers... These sound very powerful, but they are actually equally powerful, and can cultivate talents that are useful to society. People of course will be taken seriously.

Basically, there is not much need to attend classes or participate in any college activities. Just develop your own talents every day.

There is no pressure to enter a higher education, no heavy homework, just enjoy college life. After graduating, it’s okay to rush to hire famous universities, or go to work directly. For high school students, this kind of life couldn't be better.

However, the battlefield was sincere and unhappy.

At the gate of the college, holding the admission notice, looking at the letter written on it, congratulations, Zhanchangyuan is sincere, because of your super-university-level (blank) ability, the school decided to accept it.

The battlefield was sincere and very upset.

Just now I was still battling Enoshima Dunko's wits, and was almost able to win the battlefield of the next city, Yuanzheng was very, very unhappy. The eyes that looked at the battlefield Zhenzhen Zi also became very dangerous. It's as if this guy said something wrong, and sincerely would push her to the ground without hesitation and then this or that.

"So I can't help it. Besides, this may be another opportunity, but it may not be."

The battlefield was really purple, which seemed to be more hateful than usual.

"This time the mission is more beneficial to the sincere O'Neill. And, don't forget, this is the'real world' that will merge with the source world." Said this, the battlefield Zhenzi smiled happily: " It's like the first zombie world entered by O'Neill sincerely. It will be reflected in the moment after returning. So, if O'Neill does well enough, then..."

"I understand." Nodded sincerely: "Then, what you mean by ‘rule changes’ mean..."

"It's an experiment-sincerely, O'Neill will spend sixteen years here-from birth to school-of course, these sixteen years will be quickly digested by the mission world.

There are a total of fifteen parallel world world lines for sincere O'Neill sauce to choose from. Before the official start of the mission, sincere O'Neill can choose five memory fragments from these fifteen parallel worlds.

Depending on the choice of O'Neill sauce, a new world line will be born. The mission will officially begin at that time.

O'Neill will also win a super high school title because of the choice of these five memory fragments and the sixteen years spent in the old world. "

"That's it, this is indeed a very, very suitable task for me." Sincerely, he smiled with a rare smile: "However, you wouldn't be so simple and so kind, right?"

"Of course not, everything is just a choice for great games." Zhen Zi said: "At least so far, O'Neill's performance in the mission world is perfect. No matter what type of world it is, it is handy.

The great game has tested the strength, adaptability, command and action ability of O'Neill. But now, it is creativity and more important decision-making ability to test Ouni Chan. I say that, Ouni Chan should understand. "

"I don't understand at all." Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely without hesitation.

"...Well, maybe I overestimated O'Neill's head, so I'll give O'Neill a title of'super high school idiot', what do you think of O'Neill?"


As a result, Zhanchangyuan fell into memories sincerely.

At five years old.

The super cute lady is at home, sitting on the ground, playing with a toy car. Suddenly heard the sound of opening the door.

Very well-behaved, she ran out and wanted to welcome her mother, when she heard the voice of her mother talking and laughing with another woman.

"Is this your son? It's so cute." The beautiful aunt opposite said, stretching out her hand and squeezing her sincere face. This makes sincere feel a little uncomfortable.

"I heard that he is a genius who can do whatever he does. It is a blessing to have such a child."

Compliments make the sincere mother laugh from ear to ear. Although I kept saying: "What, there is no such thing. But in fact, I am very happy in my heart."

But it’s no wonder that any parent likes to hear others praise their children. Even happier than praising myself.

Of course, sincerity doesn't feel much about it.

He cared more about the two little girls in front of him than he listened to compliments from others.

It's exactly the same. Two identical twin little girls.

"This is a blade, and this is a shield. Get along with sincerity." The neighbor's house, the newly moved aunt, said. Then I let my daughter and sincere go upstairs to play.

Although they are exactly the same, they have completely different personalities.

As an older sister, Jianzi is introverted and easy to be shy. As a younger sister, Dongzi is the opposite.

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