Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 357

For this reason, the children on the street prefer to play with Dongzi, and as the sister's blade, it is more like a little follower of her sister.

"However, I still prefer Blade." Zhengtai said to the young girl Blade sincerely.


"There is no reason, just like it." Answered sincerely without hesitation.

Of course, in fact, there are reasons.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely disliked Enoshima Dunko. It's as if Enoshima Dunko likes the original sincere battlefield.

Boys who are too smart don't like girls who are too smart. Instead, they like girls who are more quiet, introverted, and even a little stupid.

This is the first meeting between Zhanchangyuan sincere and the Enoshima sisters.

As neighbors, as childhood sweethearts, and as objects of mutual liking, from kindergarten to elementary school, and from elementary school to junior high school. The feelings of the three people gradually increased and gradually strengthened.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely discovered more places that Enoshima Dunko hated, and found more loveliness of the blade. In contrast, Dunzi's sincere fascination with the battlefield is increasing day by day.

Whether it is a shield or a blade, I like to be with sincerity.

Occasionally the adults of the two families will joke with each other. Otherwise, let them get married when they grow up.

But which two people are "they" referring to? Different people have different opinions on this point.


In this way, the first memory fragment ends.

Childhood, the encounter with the Enoshima sisters, and the things we experienced together.

Sincerely surprised by this.

Because the things experienced in this memory fragment, except that I performed better, everything else is no different from my own experience in the Source World.

It's just more in-depth.

After all, the average five-year-old boy can't master such a sophisticated technique of making girls — I mean Enoshima Blade, not her sister — of course, from the result, the shield is right.

"Then next, what kind of memory fragment should O'Neill choose?"

"Yes, that's it."


When he was eleven, Enoshima Blade was in a rough mood in the cabin.

Although it was her sister's request, it was really cruel to ask a twelve-year-old girl to leave the house and join some Fenrir mercenary group.

How will you be treated next?

The army itself is the largest and most formal violent group in the world. The kind of mercenary group that will accept young soldiers is even more bloody and evil.

Training, abuse, corporal punishment, as a tool and war machine, and even as a sexual and desire processor for male mercenaries.

At the thought that he would lead such a life next, Enoshima Blade trembles with fear.

She tried to shrink herself into a ball and hugged herself tightly to make herself a little more comfortable. But it still doesn't work.

Can't solve the problem at all.

"It would be great if Dunzi sauce, or sincerely here." Enoshima Blade couldn't help thinking like this--

"No, no. Dunzichan can't do that kind of thing, that is to say, that is...but..."

At this moment, just like when Blade felt scared before, someone gently hugged her from behind.

"Eh, eh? That—is it sincere, is it sincere?!"

With the help of the dim light in the cabin, Jianzi saw the person he knew best. In addition to his sister Enoshima Dunko, his best friend...maybe the only friend, Zhan Tian Yuan is sincere.

"Are you afraid, Blade?" asked sincerely and gently.

"Well, no." Blade shook his head. Then, panic took the place of surprise--

"Why are you here sincerely? This ship is heading to the training base of the Fenrir Mercenary Corps. If you get there—"

"——I know." Sincerely interrupted her: "Of course I do."

"If you know--"

"——Because I know, I will accompany you here."

"Yes, but..."

"My parents have already done a good job. Well, it's an overseas exchange student. The procedures and everything are done."

"I'm not talking about this, I mean, I mean..."

"So, I can't leave you alone." Smiling sincerely: "Blade, there are no other friends besides me, right?"

If someone else said that, Enoshima Blade would definitely be very unhappy. But if it's sincere, it's all right.

"Even if you say that, I would..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Sincerely continue to hug her: "It doesn't matter if I am here. I will not let you have trouble with me here. In the future, let us face everything together, okay? "

"But, where is Dunzi sauce..."

"She is alive and well."

Speaking of Dunzi Enoshima, Zhanchangyuan’s sincere tone turned colder: "Who cares about you, who lives in the precarious mercenary youth training camp and her who lives in a safe modern metropolis?"

"But, but... If I leave sincerely, Dunzi-chan will definitely be lonely..."

"So what about you?" Sincerely asked: "Are you lonely?" Sincerely asked.

"Of course, but—"

"I will be lonely even if I leave Blade, so it will be two to one." He smiled sincerely.

In this way, even though there was some anxiety in his heart, Blade still accepted all this silently. Dunzi steals chickens and loses rice. Although this is not a good analogy, the meaning is true.

I originally thought that it would be her sincerity to spend my sister, but I didn't expect that this would facilitate the elopement of sincerity and blade. Even gritted teeth will not help.

The following days become quite hard-of course, there is a premise here, that is, the sincere exchange is completely invalidated-after all, the time is set before the sincere participation in the great game.

Originally, he felt that the training of his teacher Skaha was already unbearable for the best in the world. But I didn't expect there to be more unpleasant things here.

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