Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 358

But think about it to understand.

Skaha's education is based on his ability and expects his disciples to become talents as much as possible.

The Fenrir Mercenary Corps is a hell-like training regardless of it. Even if the guy being trained is damaged, it will even reduce the life span. Use the trainees as tools.

During the same period, there were a total of 200 young soldiers who entered the training camp with Sincere Drinking Blade.

Only eleven qualified in the end. The remaining one hundred and eighty-nine people were either abandoned because of incurable disabilities, or simply died.

The yield rate is 5.5%. Six of them can easily kill any SEAL, Delta Special Forces, Alpha, Signal Flag or any elite members of the Special Forces. The three can fight against an entire company armed with modernization. Whether it is armor, armed helicopters, tactical missiles, heavy machine guns or recoilless guns, it can be easily dealt with.

There are two others, first in the world.


ps, the blade of the original book is a mercenary group that went out to travel and then signed up, trained for three years to be No. 1 in the world... I think it’s a bit nonsense, so I modified it.

Author's message:

Update la la la thanks to the ghost animal hero Lance, black silk fanatics, koi, silly girl, Mengyan Shuiyue, book guest 6838827287, Huang Lei Qiongguang, cute prostitutes, and Itsuka for their rewards; thanks to Bingmai? A monthly pass voted by madness, eight meanings and Yonglin, pure land scholar, bright thunder sky, flower eating grass, Itsuka, dead

Chapter 2 Enoshima Blade has a happy childhood


The memory ends here.

Battlefield Yuanzheng was a little uncomfortable.

If there is no difference between the first memory and the source world, then the second memory is completely different from the beginning.

Yes, the blade disappeared when I was eleven. At that time, I was worried about her for a while. It was even suspected that she was killed by his sister, Shield. For this reason, the resentment towards Dunzi increased a lot.

But after a few years, the blade appeared again.

Well, the difference between the two sisters should have been established at that time.

The older sister who lives in the big city has become a super fashionable graphic model. And the sister who has been fought in the Middle East, South America and Africa has become a girl with short hair. In addition, it looks a little longer with freckles.

When I saw Enoshima Blade again, my sincerity was really taken aback.

It's not that she looks like—though in the eyes of most people, the rustic-dressed sister is not as good as the fashionable and beautiful sister, but unexpectedly, sincerely, she prefers that kind of blade.

Here is the temperament.

It doesn't matter how many people are killed.

In other words, I don’t know how many people have been killed.

After undergoing hell-like training and hell-like battlefields, Enoshima Blade, who reappears in front of sincerity, is already very different from the Enoshima Blade that sincerely knows.

The difference is almost unacceptable.

It is also for this reason that sincerity and blade are gradually alienated. In turn, the blade eventually fell to his sister.

It's different from being scrupulous and having your own judgment in your heart. For the shield, as long as the blade is a useful item. Her mentality, what she did, what happened, don't care at all.

"In other words, that's it." Zhanchang Yuanzheng had a sense of understanding.

"In this way, history has become different... Between me and Blade, there is room for recovery."


Next, is the third memory fragment.

Thirteen years old, first battle.

Of course, this is not to say that Battlefield Yuanzheng and Enoshima Blade have completed training.

In fact, they are still students at school, and they are still young soldiers who have not completed their training. Of course, in terms of age, they are still young soldiers even after completing the training.

In the rain forest, wearing a full set of tactical camouflage, plus body armor, tactical backpack, leather boots, helmet and automatic rifle. I am afraid that the load is over forty kilograms. The temperature stays above 30 degrees and the humidity is terrible. All kinds of small bugs around were crawling on the body as if desperately.

Don't talk about fighting in this state, just standing still is a torture.

Not to mention that the hundreds of rebel soldiers on the opposite side are launching an offensive desperately.

Of course, the opposite party may not be the anti-government armed forces, it may be the government army, it may be the drug dealer, it may be the drug dealer in the coat of the government army, or it may be the drug dealer of the government army in the coat of anti-government forces...

Of course it doesn't matter what you do. It is not the young soldiers like Zhan Yuancheng who decide who to hire and whom to fight, but the heads of Fenrir mercenaries.

Of course, it is the little soldiers like Zhanchang Yuancheng who are selling their lives.

From the scene, the Fenrir mercenary group is not dominant. Although it is known as the world's number one mercenary unit, all the young soldiers in the mercenary training camp were brought out to fight. Understaffed is a matter of course.

Think about it, when the enemy hit the city of Paris, Napoleon would say "We can't kill the chicken that lays the golden egg for gold" and refused when facing college students who asked to join the army. In comparison, these mercenary leaders are far worse.

However, this is a matter of course. From the very beginning, they did not regard the original sincerity of the battlefield and the other soldiers as anything else.

It's just a tool.

Since it is a tool, you must use it when you should use it, and discard it when you should discard it. Maybe they still feel that they are very powerful and great.

Although this is not the case at all.

Zhanchang Yuancheng sighed with emotion, while observing the opposite side through the small mirror in his hand.

Together with Blade, he hid in a foxhole, which was what was temporarily dug out with an engineer shovel twenty minutes ago. Fortunately, the enemy does not have any heavy weapons, so it can persist until now.

"oh, I see--"

Through the reflected image of the mirror, he sincerely leaned against the wall of the pit, raised the automatic rifle in his hand, aimed at the enemy behind him, and pulled the trigger.

The three soldiers who were skilled in tactical movements, catered to their waists and used jungle trees as shelters immediately blossomed, and fell softly.

Afterwards, the other side seemed to be angry with gunshots.

"Even if you can support it for a while, it won't help. Reinforcement is not reliable at all." Sincerely mumbled: "The first time I went to the battlefield, I faced such a bad situation. It's really, it can't be worse."


Enoshima Blade's muffled hum came from nearby. ,

"Hey, hey, okay?!" Looking at it sincerely, I saw that the face of the blade was pale, as if it had lost its blood.

The blood leaked out from the wound on the side abdomen. Wounded, damn it, it turned out to be at this time.

"The opponent had at least two hundred people. Of course, there were less than twenty people attacking our position. There were probably two light machine guns besides the soldiers. Of course, using machine guns in jungle warfare is not a wise move. "

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