Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 359

Sincerely and quickly calculated.

"No, it's okay." Looking at the sincere face, Jianzi grinned reluctantly: "It's just a bruise, just a little bit of tolerance is enough—"

"--Idiot, don't speak!" Sincerely interrupted her, and at the same time felt two bullets flying over her head.

"These bastards just don't know what it means to be enough!"

Saying this, sincerity suddenly popped out, swept down the two enemies in the charge, and then retracted again—and then, I heard a bad sound—

"Damn it, move quickly, Blade!"

Saying that, he sincerely pulled Enoshima Blade hard. Confirming that she could move, she quickly jumped out of the foxhole, then rolled, drew a pistol on the way, killed an enemy, and then rolled into another pit. At the same time, a mortar shell drew a perfect parabola and exploded in the foxhole where Sincerity and Blade were waiting.

In another foxhole, there are two dead mercenaries who can no longer die. An adult also has a young soldier who is just as sincere.

What is it called... I don't seem to remember clearly. But it doesn't matter.

Sincerely leave them behind randomly. At the same time, he turned his head and looked at the blade that was rolling in after him. Her complexion became paler. His breathing became weaker, as if he would die at any time.

"Now the enemy is twenty... or more soldiers, plus a 60mm mortar? The difficulty has increased a little bit, but it's not impossible." He gritted his teeth sincerely, thinking like this in his heart.

"You, run away quickly... I mean break through."

At this moment, the blade spoke.

"If you are sincere, you will definitely be able to leave."

"Don't be kidding, what do you do if I'm gone?" Sincerely continued to play with his little mirror. It's a pity that I can't see clearly because I was blinded. After rubbing it with your hands, it became even more dirty. He threw the mirror away and complained in his heart that if he had a periscope or something, it would be fine.

"I'm here to cover you." Blade said.

She looked into her eyes sincerely, and then confirmed that she was not joking.


After such a curse, sincerely prepared to rush out——


Then he was grabbed back by the blade.

"I, no matter what, I don't want to see sincerely you have an accident, leave quickly. Leave me alone, it's better to give up being a mercenary or something, go back to Japan, and then go with the shield sauce—"

The next moment, sincerely hugged the blade, and then kissed it hard. Prying open her teeth, entangled her tongue, wantonly plundering her fragrance——

"Stupid! Think about it, how can you pay me back! You owe me too much, it's long ago unclear!"

After saying this, sincerely jumped out and rushed towards the enemy's position on the opposite side——

As if something was blocked, Blade only felt tight in his chest. Want to cry but can't cry.

Of course, the final result of that battle ended in a sincere victory. There are not only 20 enemies plus a mortar, but also several former special forces soldiers, an armed helicopter and an armed off-road vehicle.

This kind of result, even the veteran Fenrir mercenary may not be able to achieve. So after this battle, Sincerity quickly became the first Fenrir young soldier to become a regular.

Of course, he himself doesn't care about this.


The memory comes to an end here temporarily.

In this way, three memory fragments were used. Battlefield Yuanzheng only felt dizzy. Real, yes, real. It is as real as if he has been a manager in this world for sixteen years. With the use of these three memory fragments, more things about the blade gradually became clear and clear. Even if you don’t use memory fragments, you can remember it sincerely.

Although there are still a lot of things worth mentioning, for sincerity, the most important thing is that.

It was three days before that victory, he officially became a member of Fenrir's mercenary. Late at night on the march.

Because it is a young soldier, a wolf cub still in training, there are no human rights, so a large group of people are crowded in a tent. It's very stuffy and very uncomfortable. In addition, the military ration is only half of those of regular soldiers.

It's enough cigarettes.

Of course, sincerity will never smoke those things. God knows what contraband Fenrir mercenaries have added to their cigarettes in order to control these young soldiers.

The thirteen-year-old boy has matured and there are no rules in the mercenary group. The war is approaching, holding a breath to vent. Several teenagers and girls can't wait to get started. Don't care if there are others around them.

"It's disgusting." Sincerely looked at the group of guys with disgust. With the same gaze, he pushed back the two girl mercenaries who were smiling and approaching him. Pulling the blade in a corner of the camp, closed his eyes and rested.

In the evening, when I was sincerely drowsy, I suddenly heard a muffled hum from my side. He didn't pay much attention at first, but immediately he realized something was wrong.

Although it was dark in the camp, with excellent eyesight, he sincerely saw the scene that made his blood burst——

Not far from him, Blade was taken off by someone, wearing only a bra, tied up and gagged, struggling desperately. Above her, pressed the half-naked, furry Russian bear-like Russian, Petrov.

"You scum!"

Without hesitation, the battlefield pounced sincerely and overthrew Petrov to the ground. Then he threw a fist at his nose. Touch, touch, touch—after smashing the opponent's nose, sincerity still did not stop—until another young soldier smashed his gun butt in the back of his head.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Petrov, in turn, pressed sincerity underneath.

"How dare you do it with me—" With the same two punches, I sincerely felt that my nose was bleeding, and at the same time I saw gold stars—

"I am the strongest in this class of young soldiers, I can fuck whoever I want! Don't try to keep your own woman! You yellow bastard with a bitch face!"

He said that while taking out a dagger—

"Petrov, that's enough!" The guy who just gave the sincere gun butt to Petrov’s sister, also disheveled, said coldly, Nova, who had just had a shot with him. kill."

"Huh, I know you like this bastard with a bitch face. If I fuck the woman he raised, don't you have a chance to take advantage of it?" Petrov glared at his sister in dissatisfaction.

Before Nova frowned and wanted to say something, the sincere boots touched the ground, and the switchblade knives attached to the bottom of the boots popped out, and then followed the sincere kick and pierced Pietro. Husband's spine--

"Well, huh—"

He couldn't move his lower body for a moment, his backhand was sincerely snatched the dagger, and he pierced his throat without hesitation.

He looked sincere in disbelief, and it was hard to imagine that he would be killed by such a guy who has always looked down upon.


The next moment, before Nova had time to react, she sincerely pushed Petrov's bear-like body away, and then rushed over like lightning, and without hesitation, made a gap as big as a child's mouth in Nova's neck.

The bully sisters and brothers from Russia, just clutching the wound on their neck, fell in a pool of blood and thumped like a fish leaving the water.

The lights in the tent turned on. The other disheveled young soldiers were eager to try, and at the same time looked at the sincerity with malicious eyes, and the blade he was guarding behind.

"Listen to you scumbags."

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