Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 360

Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and without showing weakness: "I don't care what dirty things you want to do. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to me. But you had better stay away from her. Enoshima Blade belongs to me!"

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Update la la la

Chapter 3 Sister Dunzi’s Self-Effects

Just looking at a sincere face, many people will find it funny.

That clean, delicate, and even a thin face of a Mongolian teenager, it sounded like a joke when he said this.

But looking at their sincere eyes, none of them can laugh.

It was as vicious as a pair of wolves, and seemed to make attacking eyes at any time. The people who saw this look turned around unconsciously, and did not dare to look at Zhan Yuan Yuan sincerely.

Sex, women, and violence.

This small tent is like condensing all the bad things in the world. Zhanchangyuan sincerely stared at them like this. Step back a little, and then use a dagger to cut the clothes on the blade.

After the blade regained its mobility, other talents really gave up their intention to attack. And sincerity holds the blade tightly in his arms, like a declaration of his own ownership.

Originally, this way of killing a companion would be punished heavily. But because the war was about to start, the Fenrir mercenary group assigned sincerity and blade to the front line with the mentality of using waste. I thought that sincerity and blade would be killed after this battle.

And after being sincere in this battle and being exceptionally promoted to become an official mercenary, no one mentioned it indifferently.

Just like sincere said before, Enoshima Blade became his thing. This relationship did not end even after they graduated and officially became a member of the Fenrir Mercenary Corps.

War, killing, cruel training, blood and madness.

In the battlefield of the mercenary world, if there is nothing to buffer, even the tough guy will not be able to stand it.

I can't remember when it was the first time, nor can I remember who took the initiative the first time.

I don't know when it started. After the battle is over, Battlefield Yuanshen and Enoshima Blade will disappear for a short while, copulating like wild animals in a place where no one else can be found. It's as if you want to completely merge your body and mind with the other party——

If the measures are not taken properly, most of them even have children before they return to Japan.

In this way, the two people formed the deepest bond in a place that Enoshima Dunko could not touch.

Although no one has ever said words like "love" or even "like" to each other. But Jianzi knew that if he left the other party, he would not survive.

This relationship lasted until they returned to Japan.

When Battlefield Yuanshin and Enoshima Blade joined hands and got off the plane like any couple in love. One can imagine how ugly Enoshima Dunko's expression became.

I originally wanted to use that method to get rid of the sister who was in the way, and then harvest a useful chess piece, and then deepen the relationship with sincerity during this time. But now, everything has deviated from the pre-designed track of the shield.

"This is, the deepest and most annoying despair. Hehehehe, hehehehehehehahahahaha..."

Where no one else could see, Enoshima Junko let out a happy, hysterical laugh.


The memory ends here.


"Ouni-chan, don't be so stunned, just say something." By sincerely, Zhen Zi said somewhat boredly.

"...All of this is, really?"

"Ah, yes, yes, of course it's true. I've been through the mission world four times, O'Neill, I don't need to say more about this kind of thing."

"If these things are true, then..."

Zhanchangyuan sincerely recalled another world line, that is, the performance of the shield during the time when the blade was absent.

That guy was really excited to death. It is indeed more positive to ask for sincere troubles-huh? You say that is a sign of love? Is it because you like sincerity and want to be closer to sincerity, so you do this to sincerity?

Do not make jokes. No man in this world can bear the love of a shield——

If that really counts as love.

In short, on another world line, even if there is no Enoshima Blade, even if he has been alone with Dongzi for several years, he sincerely does not fall in love with her. On the contrary, he became more and more impatient, and even occasionally produced the feeling of "Just kill this guy."

If she is not Jianzi's sister, but Jianzi's favorite and beloved sister. Sincerely swear that he will do so.

However, after Jianzi returned to Japan, after a short period of confusion in sincerity, finally, I decided to "have a good talk" with Jianzi.

Although she exudes the feeling of not being near. Full of killing intent and sense of terror. It is prohibitive. But sincerely decided to approach her. Comfort her and like her.

"Because of this reason, that guy Dunzi would attack his mother, and then... did this series of things happen?"

"Eunichan has made a decision, do I need to explain it again?" She asked rhetorically.

Well, yes, it is really unnecessary. In this way, Zhanchangyuan sincerely entered the Peak of Hope Academy with inexplicable psychology.


On the world line marked as "correct".

After the battlefield Hara Shinji and Enoshima Blade return to Japan. Because the sincere disguise was in place, he and Jianzi went to the Fenrir mercenary group, and it was revealed. I saw the relationship between sincerity and blade. The topic of "who do you want to marry" seems to have an exact answer, and parents don't need to worry about it.

In this case, sincere and blade are ready to start a new life as a couple.

Fourteen, then graduated from junior high school, then graduated from high school. Get married while going to university and then rent out a house. With sincerity and skill, you can definitely find a good job, and it is best to have a few lovely children.

Of course, when Blade was thinking about such a thing and wanted to share it with his sister, Dunzi, what she really wanted was to avoid that guy far away.

Although in this time, sincerity and Shield have been less contacted on this world line, he can still feel the horror and craziness of Shield.

For a guy like this, it must be very difficult to have a relationship with her. Sincerely think so.

However, this illusion was not realized at all, and it proved to be an illusion.

After returning to Enoshima Dunzi's house.

Originally imagined that he wanted to share his happiness with his sister, after seeing the shield with a weird smile on his face, he instantly recovered to the state of an introverted, scared, shy and harmless idiot sister. . It's as if she hasn't been to any Fenrir mercenaries in recent years. It still remains the same as daily life.

"So, have you done it?" Dunzi said to his sister with a twisted smile.

"Then, that, you're talking about—"

"——So, did you do it?!" Dunzi interrupted her, shouting like this.


"Sure enough. I did it." Although Jianzi didn't answer, but Dongzi said the answer on his own: "Ah. Ah, it's no wonder that after all, he is a lone man and a child, and he is still a childhood sweetheart. , Two people get along in such a sinister environment together. They must have gained a deep bond, right? Maybe they were lucky to have been saved twice by sincere classmates. Perhaps in that situation, sincere classmates still said very irrationally Something like that.

I know this too, and I know it too. After all, sincere classmates are also boys. Since it's a boy, it's natural to think of that kind of thing in my mind. "As she said so, she pointed to her temples: "In this case, there happens to be a very useful R·B·Q beside her. So it is only natural to do it. "

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