Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 364

Sitting beside Qikai Qianqiu. Looking at the podium sincerely, as the head of the grade, he is also the head of the class. Of course, there is only one class in the whole grade, so they are all part-time Uncle Golden Retrievers.

Even at this important time, he continued to drink, if it weren't for the performance he found when he was sincere before, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a madao.

"So, that's it."

His name is Huang Ying Gongyi, and he is not married yet. He looked like a decadent uncle, he was a super college-level investigator--because he graduated, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a super investigator.

But from the position he holds, it is better to say that it is a super headhunter.

The task is to investigate everywhere, search for talented young people, and then ask them to apply for the Peak of Hope Academy. Maybe it was because too much energy was spent in this area, so I didn't get much better in other places.

Of course, it is also possible that it is simply because of the frivolous personality.

"Everyone, from today onwards are the seventy-seventh students of the Peak of Hope. The map of the college is sent to your e-mail, so you can read it yourself. From now on, everyone will work hard... because of hope Zhifeng’s teaching philosophy, so you don’t need to take classes. Spend more time on your own talents, then... ugh..."

Halfway through, this guy vomited shamelessly.

"Ah, haha, sorry, I drank a little bit yesterday... Then everyone can move freely."

"That, that. I have a cure for alcohol here—"

A girl with her hair cut in a mess, a lot of bandages still wrapped around her body, and a girl with band-aids hurriedly digging out her backpack. Take out a medicine bottle and ran over in a panic——



I was not careful when I was walking up the stairs, and I fell with my head upside down.

The next moment, sincerely rushed to her with quick eyesight and hands, and helped her up. Make sure this idiot will not get hurt.

"It doesn't matter. Sinmu classmate?"

Sincerely pull her up slowly, and then ask.

"No, it doesn't matter...."

I don't know if it was because of fear or because of the physical contact just now. The girl named Sinmu Mikan blushed slightly—the names had already been informed to each other before.

I patted my chest, and his quite plump chest jumped a bit: "I fell down accidentally."

"It's very dangerous. It's not a joke if you just met your head." Warned her sincerely.

"I'm sorry..." The other party's voice instantly brought a cry: "It's all my fault..."

Her emotions have changed so much, sincerely is a little surprised. Is this guy's mental quality too bad?

"Anyway, pay attention to it from now on, classmate Sinmu."

If you continue, the other party may really cry.

On the first day of school, she made her female classmate cry.

If this is the case, you don't need to be a super high school lover, just pack your luggage and go to the preparatory department. So it's hard to say anything sincerely.

"I'm sorry..." As a result, the crying became more serious.

"Ahaha, the relationship is really good. Sincere sauce and mandarin sauce." At this time, it was Duke Huang Yingyi who was the head teacher:

"But, sincere sauce, as the saying goes, rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests. I hope you—vomit—"

I just wanted to seriously warn my sincerity and don't act against my classmates. The head teacher was sick again.

Then it came out again.

Author's message:

It’s updated. Thank you for your deja vu, the mango has become weird, the soul of mercury, the eternal emptiness, and the god-like basic law rewards; thank you 4969354335, the dark bible, I am really blind, Ming Mingyu, mango has become better Weird, Northern Chengtaro, Shenxing Taibao·Cao Cao, Sister Mukuro, Bingyu? Madness, Mercury Soul, Ink-dyed Tsing Yi Yan, Xiao Lang Cui, You Ying, I Suo Luo's monthly pass

Chapter 6 A bunch of idiots

Koizumi Mahiru: "Is it really okay? This kind of class."

Xiyuanji Riyoko: "I'm not interested, and I don't want to be interested."

Sonia Nevaman: "Everyone is a good person."

Miota Yubuki: "Where did you see it?"

In short, other students also said something casually. The vast majority of people are pessimistic about the current class.

But it doesn't matter. Looking at these guys, it doesn’t seem to be the type that can get along well with other people. I just saw a big breasted girl with wheat skin and ran away on all fours like a beast. There is no intention to participate in any class activities. .

" here...ooh..."

I can't finish a whole sentence. The face of the head teacher is iron blue. And the only one who could help, the super-high school-level health committee member Sinmu Mikan, was finally bullied and cried. Apart from crying and saying: "I'm sorry", there is nothing else to do.

Sincere words of comfort were also regarded as a lesson by the other party, so no matter what they said, they cried harder.

The kimono loli next to her rolled her eyes and offered her sincere advice like this: "Hey, hey, that kind of guy can just leave her alone?"

But such a ruthless proposal was sincerely rejected from the beginning.

Seeing such a cute girl crying, there was no way to leave her alone.

——Unfortunately, the degree of goodwill is not high enough at this time. Otherwise, you can solve the problem by holding her in your arms and kissing.——No, no, although many people have left, there are still a few guys or because Curious, or stay here because they are too lazy to move, including Qi Hai Qianqiu.

While playing the game console, the girl who glanced over here, if she saw this scene, it would definitely have a violent impact on her heart.

So, sure enough...

"It's a puppet."

Zhanyuanyuan sincerely made a decisive decision, ripped off one of his sleeves as quickly as possible, used nails and teeth to make needles and scissors, and made a shoddy puppet in the shortest time, which covered his injuries.

"My name is Xiaocheng, why is this big sister crying? Who is bullying you?"

I haven't learned ventriloquism sincerely. Voice the puppets with funny sounds. Soon it attracted the attention of Sinmu Mikan.

"So, why should we cry, why should we cry? Isn't life very happy?"

This is the first time that Battlefield Yuancheng has done this kind of thing.

It's not what he is best at, so it seems very clumsy. However, perhaps because of this clumsiness. Watching sincere and sweaty performances. The cute girl with messy hair found it funny, and soon burst into laughter.

"Huh." Sincere also breathed a sigh of relief. Things seem to be resolved. But what is going on with this kid? I care a little bit.

She looked at her mixed with curiosity, fear and shyness. Sincerity can hardly help, wanting to reach out and touch her head.

But in the end he held back.

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