Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 365

"Oh, what can I do. It's a super high school level--"

The teacher Huang Yinggong who barely stopped vomiting just wanted to say the title of sincerity, when he was stared back by sincerity with threatening eyes.

"Oh? Hahahahaha...ooh..."

Sure enough, compared to the uncle who seemed to know a lot of things, a lot of secrets and had no good intentions, this messy fool looked more pleasing to the eye.

"Then, this puppet will be given to you." Seeing Sinmu Tangan staring at the crude puppet in his hand, he sincerely passed it without hesitation.

"What, who would want this kind of garbage?" The poisonous tongue loli next to her spit out as always.

But it is completely wrong.

"This, this, is it for me?!" The health committee member with a super plump chest and his eyes gleamed: "Really? Is it really possible?"

"Yeah. Yes, it is. Although it's just my shoddy doll."

"I will cherish it." It was like a baby. The super plump health committee held it tightly in his arms. Looking at the sincere eyes also became very grateful.

"Did you do a good job, you guy. It looks like I underestimated you."

Just when I sincerely wanted to say something to her, the silver-haired and red-eyed spectacles girl came over and calmly said beside sincere, "I'm waiting for you in the kendo training ground.

After saying this, she turned and left, disappearing in a relaxed pace.



Looking at the side sincerely, it seems that Qikai Qianqi has been playing games, and there is also a foolish health care committee holding a shoddy puppet and laughing. Hesitated a little.

There is still enough time. Which guy should you choose to be with?

Also, the silver-haired and red-eyed spectacle lady was also waiting for herself. Otherwise, go to the Kendo Department first?

"It deserves to be a super high school level...," the head teacher didn't know why, as if staring at it sincerely: "I just got so many girls like it when I first came here. Young is really-ugh..."


In this way, even if he is sincere, he can't figure out whether this guy is a genius or an idiot.


"Ah, sincere classmate? Don't care about me at all, don't need it at all. I will leave here immediately, and it won't cause you trouble."

After focusing with sincere eyes, the bandage girl with a plump chest immediately waved her hands in a panic. Then ran away in a panic-

Naturally when running, he fell to the ground clumsily.

"Ah, I fell down..."

Say this in a tone that seems to be crying again. At the same time, the underwear is exposed because of the angle.

Welfare Welfare Welfare-I don't know why, the size of the underwear seems a bit wrong, and it feels too tight, exposing the other's plump thigh roots.

I couldn't help but whistle.

"So stupid. I can't stand it." Poison Tongue Lori said as she walked away. At the same time, there were a few other classmates who were bored.

So, in the end, only sincere and Qi Hai Qianqi are left.

"So, sincere classmate?"

Was it because of shyness that I did not speak when there were too many people?

However, in any case, after everyone was gone, she still looked at sincerity with eager eyes. It seems to be thinking about playing games with sincerity.

"Let's go then. I want to see it too. Qihai-san must have a lot of collections, right?"


The lovely girl who got the response showed a lovely smile.

"So I said—rabbit—vomit—"

Halfway through the conversation, the head teacher vomited up again.

The cute cat girl turned around and glanced at him curiously. But immediately focused on sincerity.

"Teacher Huang Ying..."

"Just leave that guy there." Sincerely said without hesitation: "Looking at him like that, it should be common for him to vomit after a hangover. He should get used to it."

"Yeah. Then let's go."

Unconsciously pulled a sincere hand. With the thought of "I found a good playmate," the girl left happily.

"Slightly, wait a minute-- vomit--"

Although I want to stop sincerity. However, the uncle who had no power, struggled twice, and was completely unable to rush to the street.


"If you talk about the games that were released recently, it really is—"

"But the charm of those old games will not diminish due to the loss of time--"

"Compared to a computer, it is really better to use a professional game console. The feel of the mouse and keyboard is completely different from the feel of the gamepad—"

Talking about the game-related things happily. And always get a sincere and just right response. The girl looked brighter than before.

But midway--

"Ah, that's right—" at the door of the dormitory.

"This is the female dormitory. Sincere students shouldn't be able to enter, right?" Little Angel Qihai said disappointedly: "I'm sorry. But... I'll go back and organize it first. Tomorrow, can you wait until tomorrow?"

"No problem, no matter what time." He responded with a sincere smile.

Slightly miscalculated. Enter the boudoir of the girl I met for the first time. Sure enough, is it still a bit difficult.

Forgave her generously. Then left with a little regret.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all. Isn't there any other girls who can go there?

"Of course, this is all forced by the system." Sincerely, I thought so, and did not hesitate to throw the pot to the system: "I never thought of doing this in my heart. But in order to do the task, maintain the super-high school level feelings. The title of saint, so I have to have a good relationship with the girls... At present, the number of girls in the class is eight. But having a good relationship with eight girls at the same time is a bit scumbag. , So the next best thing is, as long as four are enough.

Er er er, really really, I'm a genius ah. "

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