Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 367

Anger, coupled with unwillingness, made Negya Shan Peizi break the limit in an instant——

Bottom-up, with at least nine tricks mixed in. If you use a real knife, you may even cut a main battle tank in one go.——————————

The original sincere bamboo sword on the battlefield, this is the first time that he has encountered Peizi Beiya.

After a "pop", the two bamboo swords broke apart from the middle together—but—


After the bamboo sword outside was broken, the weapon in the hands of Beiya Shan Peizi showed his true body-it was a sharp, sharp, and could easily cut a person, a cow, or a main battle tank. The sharp sword!

"--In this case--"

Although Peizi wanted to recruit, it was too late. The result of desperately adjusting the posture was to replace the top-down chop with a diagonal cut, which turned the 100% mortality rate into 80%.

--of course.

This is just the wishful thinking of Beiya Shan Peizi.

Zhanchang Yuanzheng lost only half of the bamboo sword, and then moved forward, clamped the opponent's blade with the backs of both hands and hands, and then pushed upwards to let the opponent's Taishou get rid of——

After a clang, the sword of Negya Shan Peizi flew into the air, drew two circles, and then plunged into the floor without making a sound until it reached the hilt.

After taking a big breath, and then regaining her senses, Negya Shan Peizi looked at sincere with complicated eyes.

After watching this for a while, he continued: " swords."

"Well, you can say the same, or it can be said to be an accidental brainstorm." Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely and calmly: "After all, no teacher has taught me that kind of thing."

"Really, that's it, I lost it."

It looks a bit lonely, but it's simply. He didn't get angry or said anything unpleasant. Negiya Shan Peizi simply admitted his failure.

"It seems that I underestimated you, the former classmate of the, his highness the former battlefield. What you just said, even a super-high school-level kendoist is not your opponent is not an exaggeration, but appropriate."

"Ah... I'm a little embarrassed to ask Mr. Nagani-san to say that." Sincerely haha for a while, then calmed down and looked at Peizi seriously: "But, Mr. Nautani. Hid it in the bamboo knife A real sword or something. What do you think?

If your opponent this time is not me, but someone else, you may be killed. "

"This, this..." Begu Shan Peizi hesitated a little, and then saluted sincerely again: "I'm very sorry."

Let the arrogant silver-haired spectacles continue to apologize. Sincerely feel that this can already be counted as a life achievement.

"Although it is shameless to say that, but, His Royal Highness Battlefield, can you please forgive me? And, if you can, can you tell the school about this matter? Please!"

"Even if you say so..."


"At least, let me know the reason, Peizi." Sincerely continue to offer calmly.

"The reason..." Beiya Shan Peizi hesitated a little: "I have my own difficulties in the next."

"However, I was the one who was almost hacked to death just now, classmate Naguyama." Sincerely pretended to be a little angry and said.

"If...His Royal Highness Battlefield can't calm down, then...just cut it down. You will never resist, and you will never tell others that His Highness Battlefield did it."

"Is that so?" He sighed sincerely—then he drew his sword out of its sheath—Kotatoo Ozanoyama Peizi quietly stroked his cheek. Take away a trace of hair.

Before it falls, catch it sincerely, and then take out a handkerchief and wrap it.

"Then, that's it." He walked out of the dojo with a little bit of excitement, and then stopped at the door.

"Still, it's the same as before, Peizi. No, or rather stupid than before."

After saying this, sincerely left without looking back.

"... Pei Zi?"

After a moment of stunned, Begushan Peizi realized that something was wrong with what he said before being sincere.

No matter the address, the way of speaking, the attack just now, and the things that happened.

Too close, and too much sense of sight. It's as if something similar happened before.

"Wait—he just said that he called Zhanchangyuan sincere—Zhanchangyuan?!"

As if struck by lightning, the memory of Negiya Shan Peizi suddenly recovered.


Memory fragments.

The battlefield was originally sincere after hours.

Swordsman who works very hard. Begushan Peizi.

He had no father and no mother since he was a child, and was adopted by the Nine Head Dragon Group of the underworld organization and then trained.

Or want to train a killer? Or maybe you want to train a female spy or something. But in the end, the leader of the nine-headed dragon group realized that this girl has a very good talent for kendo.

Give it a try, if it succeeds, it will be great. Even if he failed, he didn't feel any loss, and he handed over to the largest kendo gym in the area for training.

Because of her outstanding talent, coupled with the underworld-style brainwashing education, let her understand what "gratefulness" and what is "loyalty", so she worked very hard.

So soon, Beiya Shan Peizi became a well-known swordsman genius, even an adult, even a long-established swordsmanship master, is not her opponent.

Enjoy the honor, blessings, and at the same time strengthen the loyalty to the nine-headed dragon group. Everything looks pretty good.

Until that day.

Dressed in a kimono and slightly flirty, a young man with a gold chain appeared.

Zhanchangyuan is sincere. At the age of fourteen, he has just experienced family failures and love failures. He is currently dropping out of school and working as the head of the cowboy shop called Gao Tianyuan.

When I'm bored, I like to play tricks, and when I'm more bored, I like to carry a wooden knife and kick around.

Except for the few dojos where they have been trained, all the dojos are not immune.

It seems to be here now.

"Have you heard, it's that guy called Zhanchangyuan sincerely."

"I've heard of it. It is said that he is the scariest kendo genius in the world. Although he is only fourteen years old, he is already unimaginable."

"However, even if this is the case, it should be okay?" The disciples of the gymnasium discussed in a low voice: "We have Peizi Beitani here. She is also an outrageous kendo genius. She should not lose, right? ?"

"It's hard to tell."

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