Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 368

Although I have certain expectations for Beiyayama Peizi. But how should I put it... Sure enough, in addition to the bonus of "She is her own and don't want her to lose", more people still don't like her.

"So, the strongest in your place is such a little girl. Do you look down on people? What about those teachers? Are they all dead?"

Right in the center of the gymnasium, I just drank a lot of wine, and it seemed that I might fall down at any time with a frivolous pace. Zhanchang Yuan sincerely watched the movie with the silver-haired red pupil on the opposite side, muttering dissatisfiedly.

"After you beat me, let's talk about other things."

After receiving kendo training, he has never been so underestimated. Begushan Peizi said that it must be false not to be angry.

"So... forget it." Sincerely shook his head: "Over there, over there, give me a bamboo knife. I don't want to bully girls."

As he said that, he threw the wooden knife aside.

"No need-I'd better change a wooden knife instead of changing a bamboo knife or something!"


Zhanchangyuan was sincere and raised a little interest: "It would be very dangerous in this way, girl. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"of course!"

I don't think I will lose at all. Begushan Peizi answered without hesitation.

"Then do it whatever." Sincerely, she spread her hands and looked at the opposite. The silver-haired and red-eyed glasses girl changed her weapon.

Empty hands.

"Hey, what do you mean?!"

"It's not interesting." Answered sincerely: "Since you used a wooden knife, I'll just use it empty-handed. That's fairer."

No matter how good-tempered people are, they can't stand the repeated and repeated provocations of sincerity. As a matter of course, Beguyama Peizi became angry. Regardless of waving the knife, rushing towards sincerity——

Unlike before, the sincere talent and strength of this world line have been greatly revised. If he wanted to, he could completely replace Beiya Shan Peizi and become a super high school level kendoist.

Battlefield Yuanzheng threw forward, clamped the opponent's blade with the backs of both hands, and then pushed upwards to let the opponent's Tachi out of his hand.

It's just like what I did to Beiya Shan Peizi when I met again two years later.

No knife to take.

Then he hooked up the wooden knife on the ground with his feet and held it against the opponent's neck.

After everyone in the dojo was silently silent for a long time, the referee announced in a dreamlike tone:

"War, the battlefield is sincere, win!"


In this way, only the last memory fragment is left. Who do you think should be used for

Author's message:

Four thousand words chapter~Thank you for the stupid rabbit, teppanyaki eggplant, please call me Ouni sauce, Broken Dawn, Achin, Penglai Mountain·Huiye, Blindfold for the rewards; thanks to the battlecruiser Lem, Misery That blowing, red Zhu Chiji, Gu Yuechuan page, hh10256, explosive quicksand bag, Se Mimi's pig, book guest 6446360932, Safi Jiusi, Aqin, torch boss, Penglai Mountain Huiye, Marshal, TTCCT, Xipu Monthly pass

Chapter 8 This is Everyday

"Asshole... asshole..."

Even after two years, I recalled the embarrassment, unwillingness, anger and unhappiness at that time. It's still like what happened yesterday. Negya Shan Peizi only felt her chest tighten. It's like the bra chosen is one size smaller than the actual one, and I can't breathe.


Compared to what happened next, the humiliation that Negiya Shan Peizi had just encountered was nothing at all.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!!!"

After everyone had left that night, Beiya Shan Peizi remained in the gym.

From the prestigious genius young swordsman, to the useless guy no one cares about. Only half a day passed, the life of Begushan Peizi was like a roller coaster.

Training desperately at this time. If you don't consume a lot of physical energy and make your body unable to withstand the kind of training, Negiya Shan Peizi feels that she will definitely be unable to sustain it.

Only by emptying the brain in this way, without thinking, can I barely maintain it and not collapse.


At this moment, an impatient voice came from her side:

"I say--"

There was almost no hesitation, Ren Gu Shan Peizi subconsciously turned around and swung his sword, and slashed over. But he was easily avoided by the other party.

"If it's not me, but an ordinary person, then at least two or three ribs must be broken this time, Gushan."

The battlefield said to her sincerely and dissatisfied.

"..." The other party didn't mean to talk to sincerity, but looked at sincerity stubbornly, as if sincerity had a deep hatred with her.

"You... guy."

"Because I defeated you, do you hate me like this?" asked sincerely and calmly: "This is so narrow-minded, but there is no way to become a good swordsman."

"What do you guys know, you don't know anything!" The other party's voice was a little louder, and sincere couldn't help but dig his ears.

"Why do you think I don't know anything?" Looking at her sincerely, "Or, do you feel wronged?"

The other party did not answer, but continued to look sincerely. Sincerely feel that if it weren't for what she thought could not be beaten, then she must have launched an attack at this moment.

The two people looked at each other like this for a while, and in the end, Begu Shan Peizi retreated first, becoming depressed, and at the same time sat softly on the ground.

The original sincerity of the battlefield is the same.

"I've heard something about you before, and I heard it later." Zhanchang Yuanzheng also sat down cross-legged, and said:

"Adopted by the nine-headed dragon team, and then trained as, uh, as a killer, or as a bodyguard. Well, it seems to be for the son of the nine-headed dragon team leader, the next generation leader of the nine-headed dragon team?" Sincerely paused. pause. After waiting for a while, she answered:

"Yes, that's right."

Said in a somewhat disappointing tone: "For me, the Nine-Headed Dragon Group is my benefactor. It was the group leader who rescued me from that kind of ghost place. So my mission is to protect the young master." She looked at it. The battlefield was sincere, saying so.

"In order to repay my gratitude, I have to work hard?" Sincerely asked, "Because it was the request of the benefactor, so I practiced swordsmanship desperately. I want to be a useful person and then protect the benefactor's son. That means that, right?"


"Want to become the world's number one kendoist?


"Probably, there is something else besides that." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "If you are a'kendoist' alone, you can't become the bodyguard needed by the underworld organization. And the nine-headed dragon team needs it. , Not just a bodyguard, is it??"

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