Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 370

"What shall we do?"

"It's true, I'm pretending to be stupid, and what's going on, O'Neill." Zhen Zi said helplessly: "Super college-level lover, I met an old lover here. Could it be that Sincerely, doesn’t O'Neill want to do something? For example, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, and bang bang bang or something?"

Author's message:

Update la la la, it’s super easy to remember what to kill

? The so-called super high school level in Chapter 9 is actually funny

"No, not at all." Zhanchangyuan sincerely replied without hesitation: "It looks like that kind of guy is the most difficult to do. Their heads are broken. If possible, I don't want to get involved with her relationship."

"Eh... As a love saint at the super high school level, when you see a girl with a broken brain, the first thing you think of is not to go up to comfort, but to run away? Sincerely, you are not qualified. Oh."

Hearing this sincerely, Zhan Zhen Zi suddenly complained loudly.

"..." The battlefield was sincere and speechless.

"So say, so say."

"……so troublesome."

Enduring the discomfort of Zhen Zi constantly rubbing her tender feet in her arms. Zhanchangyuan complained sincerely.

"It's true, here again and again." Zhen Zi said: "If O'Neill is really not interested in someone at all, I'm afraid I won't say a word to her. It's completely ignored. . It's impossible to do this, right?"


"If you don't speak, just take it as a sincere Oonichan acquiesce."

"...Whatever you think, your head is yours anyway."

"That's why~"

In a smiling tone, such a pleasant and sincere dialogue with Battlefield Hara. The two walked all the way to the door of the dormitory.

how to say.

Although it is a super prestigious school like Hope Peak Academy. But it's too much.

Should it be luxury or something else?

Obviously there are only three grades, that is, three classes, with less than 50 students. However, two super luxurious male and female dormitories were built.

Originally, according to Zhanchangyuan’s sincere idea, there was only one dormitory, and then it’s not impossible for men and women to sleep together. It's not a big deal at all.

"Probably, only sincere O'Neill would think so. It's not a big deal at all."

Zhen Zi's ridicule, as always, was like a breeze. Zhanchangyuan walked into the school sincerely and happily-because of the "task world". So none of the numbers in the phone can be called. In the dormitory, there are no entertainment facilities other than ordinary daily necessities, and nothing to pass the time.

Does it mean that you should read high school textbooks sincerely?

This is not funny.

Thinking like this in my heart, I regretted sincerely. Just now, I should exchange phone numbers with Qihai.

But think about it again, that cute little angel should be addicted to the game and won't move after returning.

Obviously a super college level game player, should he stay up late often, forget to eat, and his schedule is unstable, right? But the face was clean, and there was no pimples at all. There are no dark circles, and the skin is smooth and fair. And there is no perfume, no trace of makeup. Su Yan is already pretty cute.

Come to think of it, it's really an incredible thing.

"So, what should I do next?" Sincerely lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, he thought so.

According to the sense of action of those guys, they should all be like Beiyayama Peizi. Let's train in a place where their talents can be used and enhanced. If you look for them according to their super-high-level XX title, you can probably find those guys. It’s not impossible to increase your feelings a little bit.

"But the problem is, I don't know what kind of talent those guys are." While sighing sincerely, there was a knock on the door.

"There is no lock, come in." Zhanchangyuan said in a sincere and weak response.

"Then—" The door opened, and a guy with a mess of hair, a guy in a green jacket walked in.

"That one……"

I just saw it in the auditorium, but I completely forgot what this guy was called.

"Komae Ravato." He smiled cheerfully, as if he was a nice person: "This is my name."

"Zhanchangyuan is sincere." Zhanchangyuan said: "Is there any problem, student Ragito Kojima?"

Although it was easy to pronounce words, but for a while, Zhanchangyuan genuinely couldn't figure out which word his name was.

But it doesn't matter.

For the love saint of super high school level, girls are worthy of attention, and all male compatriots can ignore it. So there is no need to remember the name.

"That is to say, I just cleaned up the dormitory, and then I had nothing to do." Keeping a cheerful smile, Rita Kazue said to sincerely: "So, I want to visit--oh, yes, I and you It's a neighbor, sincere classmate."

"Is it."

Feeling that it’s not very polite to talk to people in bed like this, and sit up sincerely: “All the daily necessities here are ready-made, and they are all high-end products.”

"Well, yes, I originally wanted to buy some daily necessities, but it was completely unnecessary... Sincere classmate." The other party smiled cheerfully: "If you have time, how about visiting other classmates with me?

After all, in the next three years, we have to spend it together, let us increase our relationship~"

Although being sincere, in fact, there is absolutely no meaning to enhance the relationship with male students. But since the other party said so.

"Well, okay, I'm fine anyway." Nodding sincerely, and thinking about how to get out.

Simply, wait until you have visited everyone and exchange the communication numbers, then go out and find another girl.

——I don't know if it is an illusion or something. After obtaining the super high school level love saint, sincere action ability-mainly the action ability to find girls has increased a lot. I don't know if it is a side effect of this title.

In this way, Zhanchang Yuanzheng and Komae Ragi went out together, and then in the corridor.


"Well, what's the matter, Kojie-huh?"

Seeing that he had just left the door, the white hair stopped and asked sincerely and somewhat curiously. At the same time, I walked out the door and saw... these guys.

They were also taken aback when the other party saw that they were sincere.

"Ah, what a coincidence, I'm going to visit a new classmate." After a daze, Komae Radoto showed a happy smile--but--

"Hey, hey, this is not funny." Sincerely spit out loudly in his heart. At the same time, the eyes looking at Komae Radoto were a little strange.

——These guys are not the male classmates I met in the auditorium before.

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