Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 371

Of course, this is not to say that they are strangers.

At least two of them are not.

"Is that right, this classmate." Opposite, the man with glasses who seemed to have a facial paralysis was shocked, then recovered, and then responded like this.

I don't know if I should thank him for being a facial paralysis. Otherwise, he would be embarrassed.

Contrary to the calm expression, the face of the paralyzed man with glasses can almost be said to be a huge wave.

The name is Jinfang, and his profession is the contractor of the great game. Once in the last mission world, I met with Zhan Yuan Yuan sincerely.


Not a memory fragment of the characters in the plot.

In the last mission world, the man with facial paralysis and spectacles watched the whole process when the battlefield was sincerely roaring and charging towards the chaos army.

Although he kept muttering: "It's really stupid, only an idiot will choose a head-on conflict." But the sour tone can be heard by an idiot.

"Insufficient participation in the plot." After comforting himself, he reviewed and said: "It seems that I still calculated something wrong. But... Since I can't calculate it, there can be no one else in this mission world. It's calculated."

He comforted himself a bit like this, and his mood improved a lot.

At the same time, the battle between Zhanchang Yuanzheng and "she" also began.

"As a result, it is these plot NPCs that ultimately determine the direction of the mission world. It's really—"

When talking to himself here, he choked.

It's unbelievable, unimaginable, unacceptable, hard to face, hard to admit--

In other words, he received a reminder from the main god he belongs to and the contract object.

"The Contractor Battlefield has sincerely started the final mission."

"Wait, it's obviously that there are two plot NPCs... The main god, is there something wrong? Hey hey hey! Something must be wrong, right?! Something must be wrong, right?!

Those who are fighting there are obviously two plot NPCs! Why is it said that the contractor started to perform the final task...Oh, yes, yes. "

He carefully observed the battlefield:

"It must be some smart contractor who sneaked out of the city and wanted to pick up the bargain? Huh, don't want to think about it, is the boss bargain so easy to pick up in the end? The result of speculation must be...not right...but... why……"

This guess, when the system kept giving prompts and the battlefield’s sincere strategy progress continued to increase, declared an error--but no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find the contractor who "lurked".

After being confused for a while, the man with facial glasses finally made a bold and basically impossible hypothesis——

"Could it be that the man is sincere in the battlefield?"

"Haha, stop kidding. The contractor? How could the contractor do this. It fits into the world plot so perfectly, and even kills with the final boss. It's impossible. It's impossible. Even me, I can't even think about it hahaha..."

Although I keep saying this, I keep denying this possibility. But deep down, the call for this "possibility" is getting louder and louder... Jin Fang can't help it.

So he took out a small prop-a precious prop that can clearly detect the attributes of a certain character. The clarity of the attributes depends on the opponent's strength. No more, no less, it is also an investment, and it is quite heartache to use it in this place.

"Even if you spend money to buy peace of mind." He thought in his heart.

Then used props.

Name: Battlefield Original Sincere (Great Game Contractor)


power? ? ?

agile? ? ?

endurance? ? ?


Said to be ntr Xueran teacher... how to say this, before the plot is scheduled to have n Peizi. Like this kind of stable relationship, love and death is not good in itself, and there will be two more... this is a bit... Anyway, let me work hard.

Author's message:

Update la la la, thanks to book guest 4025743830, Ashmita, Meng Qijun, King Kong Haruna, Yi XIX, who seems to have been rewarded; thanks to Ye Kong night sky, for learning a demon, Skoyolo, Ashmita, Existed, even salted fish have been raised, book guest 982451120, my original floating person, the eye of the sky, Leviathan's Jielot, a monthly ticket voted by everyone

?Chapter 10, let's make a game~

Since sincere strength is enough, most attributes are not displayed.

If it is normal, men with facial paralysis glasses will definitely be upset. I think the props are wasted.

But this time is different. Seeing the first line, he was in no mood to read it anymore.

He is indeed the original sincere battlefield, the roaring original sincere battlefield.

The battlefield that fell in love and killed with the final boss is original sincere.

In the mission world, the original sincerity of the battlefield shed a lot of color.

A hundred thousand people cheered for him, a million people shed tears for him, and ten million people will always remember his name.

The person standing in the center of the stage.

The battlefield was sincere.


Jin Fang watched this scene, biting his lip with his teeth, as if he was about to bite off that piece of meat. It would also be good for him to win the winning team on the battlefield. But at this moment, he extremely expected to fail sincerely. Even if he had to lose his life because of it, he would not hesitate.

But it makes no sense.

For the battlefield in the center of the stage, Yuan Chengxin, Jin Fang is not even a supporting role, and all his emotions are meaningless.

After watching sincerity hug "her" together, and finally die together, Jin Fang's strength disappeared. The whole person fell to the ground like no bones.

He once thought that he was different.

All the contractors around him are idiots. They don't even have the ability to keep up with their own thinking.

He must be the best person-although he is not the strongest, the fastest, and the best in spell ability, in the end, he must be the one who won the game.

However, Battlefield's sincere "performance" was like a two-hundred and fifty kilograms of cast iron slap, slammed on his face.

Hot pain.

More importantly, he didn't even know how to be sincere.

This is simply the greatest torture for him, who pretends to have no plans, even more torture than death.

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