Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 372


fortunately. The original sincerity of the battlefield is dead. He died in love with the final boss, died together, completely died, and even the corpse was taken by the monsters in the Chaos Army to make soup.

After experiencing infinite loss, anger and fear, the man with facial glasses can only use this method to numb himself.

If he is more shameless, he can even develop some sense of superiority because of this——

No matter how powerful it is, it is useless if you die. Therefore, victory belongs to the living.

Of course he can be so complacent.

Until the battlefield Yuanzheng appeared in front of him unscathed.


"No, it's not right."

When everyone looked at him curiously, the gorilla-like guy next to him, and even asked him caringly: "What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" The man with facial glasses thought so in his heart.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. It's just a guy who looks very similar. It's not necessarily, um, yes, not necessarily."

"My name is Zhanchang Yuancheng, a freshman who just entered school this year."

Until he smiled sincerely and said something like this: "So, are you guys...well, seniors?"

Well, at this point, he finally realized that the war had begun.

"It's not like that." The gorilla beside Jinfang said with a simple and honest voice: "We are also new students."


Sincerely showed just the right amount of confusion, just like Komaji Naidoo beside him.

"Preparatory department?" Komae Naidoo murmured.

"Ah, it's a pilot project... Originally, we were indeed students in the preparatory department. We were promoted to undergraduate for some reason, so we haven't met before."

"Oh, that's the way it is." Koji Rado was thoughtful, and then showed a happy smile: "Then we are classmates. In the next three years, please give me more advice."

"Please advise—"

The gorilla was a little uncomfortable and shook hands with Komae Ragi.

"My former classmate on the battlefield and I are going to greet others, are you coming too?"

"of course--"

"—No, we need to take a break first."

Before the gorilla wanted to agree, the man in glasses with facial paralysis responded first.

"Ah, oh." Komae Rado looked at him, then at the gorilla. Some do not understand, nodded: "Then see you later."

Saying this, he took a brisk pace and left.

"Former classmate on the battlefield?"

After walking two steps, finding that sincerity hadn't followed, the white-haired Komachi Naido turned his head and screamed.


Nodded to the five of them. After that, sincere chased after him, and then disappeared at the corner of the corridor.


"Jin Fang, why did you stop me just now?"

That burly guy like a gorilla complained loudly after they walked away sincerely: "Don't you always say that it is necessary to have a good relationship with the plot characters? Why did you give up this opportunity this time?"

The other two people, like the gorilla, looked at the man with facial paralysis glasses with puzzled eyes. Only a young girl who was less than half the height of a gorilla seemed to agree.

If it weren't for Jinfang's outstanding performance, and several suggestions and suggestions have brought a lot of benefits to the team, at this moment, most of them will be together with the gorilla and complain to him.

"...Huh, mortal wisdom."

I have said my favorite famous lines and watched the virtues of a few guys who dared not speak. The glasses of the man with facial paralysis flashed:

"I said something like that... The question is, are they really the characters in the plot?" the guy who pretended to shit like a gorilla asked somewhat incomprehensibly.

"They are not characters in the plot." At this time, the legal young girl next to her spoke violently.

After others cast curious glances at her, the legitimate young girl repeated the words in a frantic tone: "Betty said, they are not plot characters... well..." Maybe she thought that was not too strict, she said. He added: "At least the guy called Zhanchangyuanzheng is not a plot character."

"...That's right." Hearing the young girl's words, the facially paralyzed man with glasses flickered: "I saw that guy in the last mission world... It's... um..."

"A messy bastard." Betty Knight said angrily.

"...A messy bastard."

Although the glasses man with facial paralysis felt that there should be more appropriate and more faithful adjectives to describe. But it was unexpected for a while. On the contrary, the words that only half of his legal young girl blurted out caught my heart.

"That's a pretty good guy."

"Oh, even you said the same? I thought there was no contractor that you could see." At this time, a dry and thin guy beside them sneered and said.

Just like a poisonous snake, after this guy spoke, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

"Anyway, let's find a place first... Wait, what is this?!"

When the gorilla wanted to open the mouth to make a round, the expressions of several contractors changed in unison.

At the same time, they received a mission notification from their main god.

"Dear contractors, you must be in a very harmonious and peaceful everyday world.

For everyone who is accustomed to hacking and slashing on the battlefield, presumably, this world is very unaccustomed (laugh).

Of course, the more important thing is that this world cannot get points and redemption vouchers, so it is very unhappy, right?

So-Qiang Qiang Qiang, in order to satisfy everyone, a new round of confrontation has begun! Let's start team battle, let's start team battle!

Because this is a peaceful world, everyone must not use any force, and offenders will be obliterated~

Because this is a peaceful world, everyone cannot use any abilities beyond the scope. At present, all the basic attributes and special skills obtained from the great game, including but not limited to magic, spells and superpowers, are all sealed and cannot be used~

Because this is a peaceful world, both parties in the team battle cannot harm their opponents in any way~

So, let’s enjoy a peaceful and peaceful daily life, and suddenly become a mortal, a happy life without any superpowers, everyone~"

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