Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 374

"??" Zhanchangyuan sincerely continued to look at this white hair with "what on earth is this guy talking about?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You have said strange things, please forget all these things, sincere classmates. As for visiting other classmates, let's stop here. Thank you for staying with me for so long. Goodbye."

After saying this, the white hair turned around and left happily.

"It's weird, this guy." Sincerely thought so.

Even if it's not gay, it must be a pervert.

Thinking of this, I was sincerely relieved. Fortunately, he has already got this point. Try to deal with this guy as little as possible in the future.

Thinking like this in my heart, I sincerely walked towards my room with the same relaxed and happy steps, with a little regret and discomfort at the same time.

Ah, ah. This is a bit boring.

Looking at the sunset outside the window, I thought so sincerely.

Although today's day is over. However, there were still several hours before bedtime. It would be a waste to do nothing during this time. But if there is something to be done, it seems a little insufficient...

"I knew I had collected the girls' numbers before." I thought so sincerely.

I didn't remember when I was in the auditorium before, so it was a waste. But there are all male classmates—the question is who will chat with those male compatriots until late at night.

Zhanchangyuan thought this in his sincere heart, thinking for a moment, should he sneak into the girls' dormitory at night? I have made an appointment to play a game with Little Angel of Seven Seas, it should be fine.

Although it may be regarded as abnormal by others.

Otherwise, you can go to the Kendo Department.

Based on previous experience, Peizi should still be training hard in the Kendo Department to relieve the depression in his chest. Maybe you can go there for a bit?

But if you think about it, you will definitely be suspected by the other person when you go there: "You said that you dismissed me, but you are so deliberately close to me, do you want to tease me?" This is not good.

Of course, it might be okay to take a gentle path in transition now... but... it is still too difficult and time is not enough.

"If you wander around in the academy again, see if you can meet cute girls?" Sincerely thought so.

"But, wouldn’t it be too idiotic if you can’t meet a girl? And the head teacher, the uncle named Huang Ying Gongyi, look at me with a look of caution... Well, after all, I am a super high school lover. Now. Is this guy afraid of me ruining the style? But it's not my fault. The rules of the game are like that, bastard..."

The battlefield was sincerely concerned about gains and losses in this way: "If I had known that such a nonsense competition would begin, I would work harder... Ah, now there is only one memory fragment left, and the previous flags are not too many. Fight. There is no advantage at all."


"Although the four of us can't play together in the same game. However, the number of people is still our advantage. The guys who can't play should take the opportunity to have a good relationship with other targets that are not in the mission. Then, in the next Is invincible in the game."

While Zhanchangyuan was sincere, complaining so in his heart, in another part of the dormitory, the group of four was also analyzing the matter.

The spectacle man named Jin Fang, although occasionally a little unreliable, his brain is indeed better than the average contractor. The gorilla named Song Cha and Betty, the legal young knight, kept nodding their heads. The same is true for Tsundere's blond murderer, although he says "boring" but he is very careful--

After all, there is no fool who can survive so many missions in the world.

Seeing the morale of his teammates stirred up, the man with facial paralyzed glasses hit the iron while it was hot, and then said...

Author's message:

Update la la la, thanks to Mimi Mo, Dongfeng is not broken, book guest 1550138377, the devil of glasses, Ajiao for their rewards; thanks to Zoke, Feilu♂ novel, Kim Il Sung, Liang Yixi, the bald head shining in the sky , Under the sell cute, Wang Zuo, the black beast of the shovel, the cloud of the sky, Onoban, Dongfang Chen, the book guest 7239530521, the big devil of glasses, black humor, Penglai Mountain Huiye, me of endless desire, young master, book guest 7838490655, Miyawaki Sakura, a monthly pass voted by the king

? Chapter 12, the first round (actually the second round), outdoor sketching


The night is getting darker.

In the female dormitory, there is a soft bandage girl with a very plump breasts. The super college-level health worker Sinmu Mikan holds a puppet made of sincere cuffs and smiles "hehehehe" on the bed, constantly rolling.

In the kendo club, the silver-haired and red-eyed spectacles girl, super-high school-level kendoist Anguyama Peizi, while sweating like rain, gritted her teeth tightly, muttering the name of the person: "Zhanchangyuan is sincere..."

A mess of packaging boxes, game consoles, cassettes and game manuals, a little angel in cat pajamas, super college-level game player Qikai Qianqiu mumbled: "Tomorrow, we can play games together..." Then he smiled. .

"Zhanchangyuan is sincere..." While sipping the wine in the portable hip flask, he looked at the sincere photos and resume. The 77th class teacher Huang Yinggong couldn't help complaining: "This guy is very troublesome, must be troublesome... troublesome in every sense... Really, if someone can help, it would be nice to share the pressure for me. Now. Really..."

In another city far away, Enoshima Blade looked up at the moon with a melancholy expression. Her sister Dunzi patted her shoulder rudely: "Ha, sister, don't you think of sincere classmates again?"

Jianzi subconsciously wanted to say: "Nothing." But when it comes to sincerity, I feel heartache, and I can't say anything for a while.

"It’s okay, it’s okay~ Only this time, I choose to forgive you, sister-as long as one year, as long as there is another year, we can go to meet our sincere classmates~ I must give him a big surprise at that time "

Speaking of this, Dunzi couldn't help feeling very happy. "Puffpuffpuffpuff~" smiled very happily.


"He is a bit ahead of us, but it's not too bad. It's only half a day, you say, how much can he do?"

This was unanimously praised by his teammates. Everyone nodded together, thinking that what the man with facial paralysis and glasses said was justified for only half a day, how many advantages could he have, bastard.

"Since you are so confident, why don't you play all 20 games?" Edward the blond viper looked down on the most, because this guy was so confident that he couldn't help but stab him.


If someone like Jin Fang who has a high self-esteem is said to him before seeing sincerity, he will just follow it. But now it is different.

"I need more information." Jin Fang said calmly.


Edward snorted softly, trying to say something awkward, but before that, the gorilla came out again to complete the game: "Okay, okay. Let's just say a few words, and Jinfang's facial paralysis is not suitable. Do this kind of thing."

Of course, he still didn't say a word, even in his opinion, Edward was not suitable.

"So, the first game is up to you, Song Cha?"

"Well, no problem, no problem, just leave it to me, hahahahaha..."

Looking at the gorilla smiling happily. The man with facial paralysis and glasses calculated in his heart: "Even if another one is done... the key is to collect information. Not only the information of those NPCs is more important, but also the information of the guy, the sincere contractor called Battlefield. How did it do it? But..."

The gorilla smiled pretentiously, while Edward looked at the crowd with a sneer, his face paralyzed and thought carefully, and occasionally he looked at them with disdain implicit in his eyes.

"Is it really okay, these guys..." Seeing this scene, the legitimate young girl Betty Knight secretly worried.

Even if she was a naive idiot, she could see it now. The team that I joined seems to have no future.


That's it, the next day.

"Yeah, sincere classmate."

When I went out sincerely, I saw the door of the opposite room open at the same time. The white hair that made him make up his mind, and he would not touch him later, smiled abnormally and walked out.

"Did this guy come out with me with a pinch?" Sincerely couldn't help thinking like this.

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