Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 375

"Sincere students are going to do something?"

"...Well, first of all, it really is breakfast." Sincere and thoughtful.

"The campus meals at Hope Peak College are the best in the world. Of course, more importantly, among the students in this class is Hanamura who is known as a super university chef. He volunteered before and said that he would take care of all the meals in the cafeteria. "White Mao looked very happy: "Then, sincere classmates, do you want to have breakfast together?"

"If a cute girl asks me to join me..."

"Well, what's the matter, sincere classmate?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing."

As they walked towards the restaurant, they chatted casually: "Where are the sincere students going after breakfast?"

"I don't know." Sincerely shrugged: "How about you?"

"Generally speaking, classmates will work hard to exercise their talents. However, a guy like me who just depends on luck can only choose to be idle, ah ha ha ha ha ha..." Still a very cheerful smile. It gives people a feeling of "Although this guy is a pervert, but it makes people hate it".

Of course, there is still a feeling that I want to punch him inexplicably.

——Speaking of not knowing is of course nonsense, in fact, I have already thought about it sincerely. I've completely thought about it.

That is, Qianqiu Qikai, that little cat girl angel. Yesterday I had an appointment to play the game together, how could I miss the appointment.

Speaking of which, some places specialize in the business of renting out girls to accompany otaku to play games, and the charges are high.

But sincerely believe that those girls who provide services are definitely not as cute as Nanami. The level of the game must be heaven and earth.

More importantly, I don't need a dime.

——It's just a pity.

"But... the plan can't keep up with the change... The goal of this round is, is Koizumi Mahiru?"

Seeing that she was floating beside her, she seemed to be full of joyful purple. I recalled a little sincerely.

It's the girl with short red hair that looks a bit like the sister next door. It feels like a big temper.

"——Of course, this goal is not just given randomly. There will be different events to match up~ What is the specific, please take care of yourself~"

After saying this, Zhen Zi disappeared.

"What? The incident?" Sincerely, he was thinking.

At breakfast time, after greeted casually with a few classmates, I sincerely listened to the suggestions of super-high school chef Teruki Hanamura and made a nutritious meal.

I have to say that although this guy looks funny and his hair is as funny as a croissant, his craftsmanship is the same as the title.

"I think it's very ordinary." Opposite Sincerely, Nanami cat said calmly.

"——What! I was very moved when I ate it just now!"

Regarding Hanamura Teruki's complaints, sincere and Nanami pretended not to hear them, and completely ignored them.

"Ah, ah. It's really true." At the dining table not far from Zhenzhen, the white-haired Moji Rindo expressed emotion-after seeing the little angel of Seven Seas again in the restaurant, Zhenzhen abandoned him without hesitation and sat down. Go to Qihai.

Although this guy is very broad-minded, he still feels a little emotional when he sees this scene.

"Do you want me to sit with you?" Hanamura Teruki happily held the dinner plate and sat opposite him.

"Ah, welcome."

"Even though I have been abandoned by my sincere classmates, don't worry too much. Komae-san is the type I like." The Fatty Chef said shamelessly.

"Ah...hehe...this..." Komae Rindo was a little embarrassed.

By the way, this fat man chef is a man.


At the same time, other students, including the contractor group of four, also came here for breakfast one after another.

"First of all, who is Koizumi Mahiru? I want to find that guy casually, and then get close to her... By the way, the starting member is Song Sa. Everyone agrees, there is no problem, right?"

The man in glasses with facial paralysis looked around with a sharp gaze while looking at several of his companions, and asked.

The answer is of course not to speak by default.

Other contractors who understand the strength of sincerity know that the first round—oh, now it’s the second round, and the second round will probably lose to sincerity. They can only work hard to gather intelligence and make plans for the next period of time before they can get the situation back.

Therefore, the guys sent up this round will become cannon fodder in all likelihood.

Although the rules stipulate, such competition will not kill people. But face must be lost. Except for Song Cha, a good old gorilla who is two meters away, even a naive, lively and cute little guy like Betty, the young girl, doesn't want to take responsibility.

"Anyway, I have to find that guy next, and get close to her, right?" The gorilla said nonchalantly, "It doesn't sound too difficult."

"...That guy had attended the previous school opening ceremony, he should know who Koizumi Mahiru is." Edward glanced sincerely, then said softly.

"Then, the girl sitting with him is the target? It's really fast to start." The gorilla sighed a little unhappy.

"Now...can't confirm yet."

Although logically speaking, this is true, but before a man with facial paralysis and glasses, he was too cruel to eat sincerely, and now he will feel tightness in his chest when he thinks about it.

As a result of being very jealous, he didn't dare to act easily, and was a little tied.

At least in the face of sincerity, he dared not say the famous line: "Mortal Wisdom".

"The right tactics...oh, it really is." Edward looked at the class teacher who looked nauseous: "Should not all freshmen join the class introduce themselves? Go talk to the teacher. Be more cheerful. , And then we can do something next."

"Oh, there is this kind of trick." The gorilla slapped his face and almost spit out blood from his facial paralyzed eyes: "Good way, so be it-teacher!"

While shouting, he walked in the direction of the head teacher.

However, at the same time, the teacher Huang Yinggongyi, the head teacher, is staring at sincerity, and Qihai Qianqiu who seems to have a good talk with sincerity:

"So, is Qihai the first goal of this guy? Huh..." On the other side, the head teacher Huang Yinggong snorted, thinking that he had seen through the sincere routine.

——As a teacher in charge of the class, he is also an investigator from the "right world line" who will be sincere to the Peak of Hope Academy. He has a good understanding of sincere "ability" and "strength".

"This guy, most likely wants to turn the entire Hope Peak Academy into his galloping harem? But as long as I am here, he won't let him succeed!"

Thinking of this in my heart, the head teacher developed a strong sense of responsibility. This enthusiasm continued to expand, boil, surge, and then—


Spit it out again.

"No problem, Teacher Huang Ying?"

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