Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 377

What is the opponent?

Super high school gorilla, super high school facial paralysis, super high school bad face, super high school girl?

It doesn't matter what they are, it has nothing to do with sincerity.

In comparison, the cute girls around me are more cute, although the Japanese is a little messy. But as long as it is cute—of course, not so much cute, it is better to be educated, gentle, and generous, just like a professionally trained eldest lady.

"And it feels very familiar to me" sincerely thought so.

"Sincere classmate."


"Don't stare at me like that..." The other person blushed slightly-even this expression looked cute.

at the same time.

"Mahiro Koizumi, a super college photographer", a girl with short red hair and a convenient skirt, introduced herself in a slightly hoarse, magnetic voice.

"Oh, oh oh. Is this the goal?" The super high school-level gorilla was a little excited: "And... the opponent was inexplicably entangled by other girls. In this way, maybe I can win... …Although I am a little envious..."

Seeing the sincerity of talking to Sonya so happily, he thought so in his heart.

"Oh, oh. Isn't it photography? I just happen to be interested in this too, Koizumi-san!"

As he said this, he walked over to her position: "Can you tell me something about you?"

"Ah, uh, how do you put it..."

Seeing the gorilla weighing more than two hundred kilograms walking towards him with pressure, Koizumi shrank subconsciously: "Photography or something..."

His eyes floated to the side.

Poor sister Mazu was harassed all the way by the terrible gorilla...

The poor battlefield was sincere, and was harassed all the way by the lovely princess.

All in all, in the first round, the four-man team completely failed.

"That idiot..."

"But even if you want to change now, it's too late..."

"Now I can only pray that the other party is also wrong."

"Huh." The glasses flickered: "There is no desire to complete the task at all. What is this? Do you look down on people?-Asshole, actually set up a drawing board to sketch?! Do you look down on people?!

Although that gorilla is very unreliable, at least people are trying very hard to complete the task! Where's that bastard! ? Along the way, I was completely chatting with cute girls, and I didn't even mean to take care of the target, bastard! Do you look down on people? ! "

Of course, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely couldn't hear him. Even if I heard it, I would probably laugh.

From the perspective of "obedient", Zhan Tian Yuan is undoubtedly the most obedient student. When other people yelled "It's so boring, so boring", and they have everything they can do, sincerely they really obediently picked up the drawing board and started sketching.

"Hey, the paintings are very good, sincere classmates." The pretty blonde said with a smile.

"Well, I have been trained before." Sincerely said: "I haven't practiced for a period of time, and I've got a little bit of hands."

"No, I think it's good." Sonia smiled, "It looks like it's real."

"...Is it true?" Sincere and thoughtful--then discarded the sketch casually--

"Huh?, sincere classmate?"

"Compared to'real', I think painting should have a higher artistic conception." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "A painting that is higher than life, higher than reality, higher than reality, and even only has artistic conception, which is completely different from the original scene. ...Well, if I say that, my artistic aesthetic should be biased towards the obscure school, right?"

"...Ah, oh." Sonia thoughtfully: "In other words, did what I just said upset sincere?"

"No, on the contrary, what you said reminded me that I should thank you."

"Really... sincere classmate..."

Looking at Zhanchang Yuanzheng and Sonya, it was like a flirtatious interaction, facial paralyzed glasses snorted coldly: "Huh, did you just give up this round? But no matter what tricks you have—"

"——I think what a sincere classmate said is wrong!"

At this time, the red-haired Koizumi Mahiro came over and said aggressively, "If'the real thing' is of no value, then what is my photography?! Sincere classmates?!"

"Huh?" Looking at her sincerely in surprise, as if she didn't know someone would stand up to refute her——

"This, this, I don't think that the sincere classmates meant this--"

"——Photos must be artistically processed?" Said sincerely and calmly, completely ignoring Sonya’s persuasion, as if deliberately annoying her: "More importantly, from an artistic point of view, Painting is much more valuable than photos. This is also an indisputable fact."

"The photos I took do not have any PS at all! And I don't think, from an artistic point of view, photos are worse than paintings!"

As if he was sincerely thinking, Koizumi was frustrated.

Sonia: "Sincerely classmate, I think..."

", you really don't understand it." Sincerely shook his fingers: "The handed-down works drawn by meticulously spent months, even years, and things that can be obtained with a little click of the shutter In comparison, it is self-evident which is more valuable. After all, taking pictures is just for convenience."

"That's not the case! It is also very difficult to get a photo with the right angle! Because the wonderful scenery does not appear every day, sometimes it takes months to take a good photo!"

"This is the difference between a painter and a videographer" sincerely chuckles: "The latter needs to be in a state of tension all the time, and also needs to bring equipment, while the former only needs to keep in mind the stunning scenery that he has seen and draw it with impressions. ."

Author's message:

Update la la la, thanks to the infinite magician, Xiao Dahuahua, you are not poof! , Ben Duozhi's reward; thanks to Ye sama, Asathos, book guest 5318251960, infinite magician, moon wing angel, half a summer, purify everything, oh I can change the name, []Xinggong Liugong, gaochao, book guest 4768119367, lolicon +1, little big flower, back to the stars, the forerunner, time and space 4658, Sasaki Akimori, the sleepy cat, the cat who does not laugh, Zhu Jun , I like drills, fighting for girls’ panties, the emperor of Shenluo, the god-like basic law, Jinghong Yiyan, book guest 5415181140, Yuxiang, and the monthly ticket voted by the brain burst

Chapter 14 Noisy Attracting Attention

Battlefield Hara was so relaxed and happy, arguing with Koizumi Mahiro... or arguing. The voice is getting louder and more angry. More and more attention.

Although Sonya wanted to mediate, neither of them had any intention of accepting it.

"——This is related to my honour as a photographer! Only this matter, I can never step back!"

"Educating fools about common sense in society is also one of the duties of smart people."


What are those two guys arguing about?

I don’t know, it seems to be a photo or a painting which is better.

Such a painful topic? What's the point?

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