Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 378

The other classmates—I mean the other classmates who didn't go far, they all looked at the two of them sincerely with eyes that looked like fools. At the same time, the gorilla, who was thrown to the side and couldn't speak, also walked back in a daze.

"Thanks for Song Cha."

"Ah, I wanted to find topics through common interests. But I didn't expect to fail."

"It's okay." The facial paralysis glasses said calmly, and at the same time said the next half sentence: "Anyway, I don't have any expectations of you. I swallow it back into my stomach."

"It's just right, let's observe a little bit how that guy does it. Reconnaissance of the enemy, and... for reference." He said this, looking at the battlefield with Koizumi Mahiro, the more noisy and fierce Battlefield Hara is sincere, thinking in his heart.

at the same time.

"Okay, then let's compete!" The red-haired girl was frustrated: "Compare it, it just happens that this is a sketching class, right? Just compare your work with mine! Take a look at the comparison between painting and photography it is good!"

"The referee's words are up to the rest of the class. Although there is no guarantee of absolute fairness, there is only this."

"no problem!"

"How about adding a bet?" Sincerely chuckles: "The loser must promise the winner one thing."

"Huh... are you thinking about something trivial? But it doesn't matter, because I will never lose!"

The two of them were full of enthusiasm in an instant, to the point where the others couldn't get in anyway.

——Soft hat, mosaic scarf, beautiful mustache, paintbrush, color palette and good scenery——Although it is just ordinary woods, it is ok to add the stream and sunlight, using the light and shade changes, and colors Blended to create a hazy dreamy

Battlefield Hara, who was disguised in an instant, thought about it a little bit, and always felt that there was still something wrong...

"That's right! It's a model! You need a cute, weak model who can blend in with the scenery perfectly—"

Sonia: "If it's a model, then I..."

"—No, no, no, although noble ladies or something are good, they are more suitable for manors, or more expensive places. This kind of performance of wild and rural life is really better. It is better to be a bit stupid. A silly village girl...well, where is it..."

Suddenly, he walked around the crowd with flashing eyes——


"Too young girl!"

"Too savage!"

"Too dignified!"

"The eyes are too sharp!"

After eliminating all the wrong options,

Sure enough, I still chose the one with the largest chest--

"Xinmu-student, come here, do me a favor, it should be fine~"

"Eh, eh eh eh eh?????"

——Although I don't know what it is, it will not be a good thing anyway. The problem is that there is no strength to resist. Poor Sin Wood Tangerine was taken away sincerely.

"Really, sincere student, what are you going to do to me?!"

"Don't worry~ It's a good thing, Sinmu-san will be very happy~ Believe me."

His back is almost like a big bad wolf. The sin wood mandarin orange is a little white rabbit with no resistance at all.

"So, what are you going to do to me? Do you want to bully me?! No, no~"

"I will treat you very tenderly, so I said~" Sticking to her ear, Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and softly: "Don't worry, everything is left to me~"


The irritated sin wood mandarin raised his head, his hair dangled, and he let out a pleasant moan.

After five minutes, the change is complete.

"This, this is..."

"The costumes of European civilian women in the 17th century—aprons, hats, and baskets, um, um, it’s perfect—how about going there to pose for two, classmate Sinmu Mikan?"

Sincerely greet the dressed-up Sinmu Mikan: "Lie down there first, and then watch the bright sky forty-five degrees."

"Huh? Is that so?"

"Well, it's not bad, but try to lift the sleeves up a little bit to expose a little arm..."

"Yes, is that right?"

"That's not bad... if you have thighs or something—"

The battlefield of the inch was sincere, and his head was knocked with carelessness.

He turned his head sharply. But all she saw was Sonia's perfect smile.

No matter how you look at it, she's an educated eldest lady, she doesn't look like it no matter how she looks, she will knock others on the head or something.

"Just now, did Sonia see anything? For example, someone knocked me on the head rudely?"

"What are you talking about, sincere classmate?"

"...Oh, oh..."

Looking at the opponent's perfect smile, the battlefield was inexplicably sincere. After two clicks, I turned it around and continued to tune and teach the weak feelings of bullying—of course, in the name of art.

——To get rid of a little bit of selfishness, the original painting skills of the battlefield are still enough...Although oil painting is not like a sketch, it can be completed in a short time, but it integrates swordsmanship and calculation power into the creation, and strives to speed up 50 Times are still okay.

The original sincerity of the battlefield can at least guarantee that this painting can be completed before going back today.


Although cos has become the sin tree of European women in the Renaissance era and is a pretty good model, sincerely, I still feel that there are some shortcomings.

"Sure enough, I still want to paint something more exciting." I sincerely thought, "After all, the so-called Renaissance is painting yellow pictures-the so-called Renaissance artists are all because they want to paint. It’s only when you are naked. Since those seniors are like that, it’s okay for me to learn a little bit?! It’s okay!"

Thinking so in my heart, I sincerely lowered my voice and said to her:

"All in all, think of a way to make yourself a little more sexy, classmate Sinmu."

"Yes, even if you say so..."

"It's that natural and tempting criminal state, classmate Sinmu."

"I don't know what you are talking about, sincere classmate."

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